
Воспитание и обучение.

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-04-09 06:37:02
Воспитание и обучение.
      The intellectual game “Zerek bala” for children of senior preschool age with the Kazakh and the Russian language of teaching was conducted on the base of PO “Aigolek”, “Zhuldyz” of brunch of PE “Doshkolnik BMMC” on 27-28.03.2013.The aim is an improvement of work with talented children, development of their intell...
Author: Department

Theatre for children.

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-04-05 09:15:29
Theatre for children.
In  kindergarten « Kunshuak»  showed a puppet show « Like a cat  Kotofeich offended bunny ».  Children emotionally worried about heroes  of tales, actively involved in the play, answered questions puppets perform their assignments. Children correctly understood the content of the play, " for the good you have to pay good ", you can not...
Author: Department

Болашақ осы сәттен басталады!

Date: 2013-04-04 08:35:46
 Болашақ осы сәттен басталады!
                                         Болашақ осы сәттен басталады!   Ұлыстың ұлы күні қарсаңында 19-наурызда қалалық гимназияда «Мектеп күні» мерекесі аталып өтілді. Мектеп қарсаңындағы бұл күннің мектеп ішінде тойлануы тегін емес. Наурыз – жыл басы, жаңа жылдың...

Literature room invites… «Candle was burning…»

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-04-04 04:00:25
Literature room invites…  «Candle was burning…»
On the 1 of April Balkhash Gymnasium held the literature reception named “The candle was burning” on the short story by contemporary American author Michael Halperin. The audience were representatives of the town department of education, physical culture and sports, teachers philologists of town schools, journalists, high school students, parents - all those who care about literature...
Author: Department

“Spring fun” sport competitions

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-04-03 04:45:01
“Spring fun” sport competitions
The sport competitions “Spring fun”, in which took part children of the circle “Shapagat” was held in the Pupils’ Palace on 31.03.2013. The competition “Faster than wind”      The game “”A funny hoop”     The game “Birds in cabins” Performance of dance circle of the Pupils&rsq...
Author: Department

Star victory

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-04-03 03:44:24
Star victory
The Republic competition of childishcreative “Anshi balapan” was held in Taldykorgan city of Almaty region from 25 till 29.03.2013. In following membership the dance collective of Pupils’ Palace “Tomiris” presented Balkhash town: Zhappariva Nazerke, Musilim Akgul, Zhantemirova Kalamkas, Zhantemirova Aigerim, Maulitova Balausa, Ualikhanova Diana – pupils of sch...
Author: Department

The truth come into being in argument

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-04-03 03:27:01
The truth come into being in argument
The town debate tournament, resolution of the debate tournament: “Future development of monotowns in Kazakhstan” was conducted by initiative of the Children maslikhat and together with NGO “Alash azamattary” on 30.03.2013. The tournament was passed on two format: American parliamentary format and new Lincoln-Douglas. Debaters and managers of student league of the debate c...
Author: Department

The open lesson…

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-04-02 08:19:45
The open lesson…
   The open lesson in the 5th grade “Full and short adjectives” was given by Aekina L.V., Russian and Literature teacher of school N17. The aim of the lesson was to deep and broad the students’ knowledge about adjectives, to meet with the full and short forms of adjectives.   During the lesson, students learned and reinforced their knowledge of the full an...
Author: Department

Literature Club invites… «No day without Chekhov!»

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-04-02 08:14:45
Literature Club invites… «No day without Chekhov!»
   The theatrical salon with the motto “No day without Chekhov!”   took place at school N17 on the eve of Nauryz. Such events became traditional in all schools. During the meetings you can  plunge into the world of Pushkin, Lermontov, Ostrovskiy, Vampilov, Chekhov …Our artists played characters of Chekhov’s works with great pleasure.  &nbs...
Author: Department


Date: 2013-04-01 11:49:48
         Жалпы білім беретін 18 орта мектебінде 20 наурыз күні мектепішілік Наурыз думан атты мерекелік іс-шара өтті.Мектеп оқушылары 4 ауылға бөлініп жеке жеке үй тікті.5-6 сынып оқушылары «Бірлік ауылы»,7-8 сыныптар «Ізгілік ауылы»,9 сыныптар «Ынтымақ» ауылы,10 сынып «Бақ-дәулет» ауылы болып Наурыз мейрамын ай...

The holiday of Nauryz

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-03-20 04:04:27
The holiday of Nauryz
The 19 of March in the kindergarten «Ер Төстік»on the junior group №1 conducted holiday «Nauryz».The children sing songs, dancing, play difference national games.
Author: Department

The holiday of Nauryz

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-03-20 04:01:08
The holiday of Nauryz
The 19 of March in the kindergarten «Ер Төстік»on №2, №3 groups conducted holidays on the theme ‘’Nauryz’’. On the holiday come grandmother  held Kazakh customs. Was carried out from a fainy tale  “Aldar Kose”. The children sings song, dancing, plays difference national game. At the end of the holiday grandfather blessed children.
Author: Department

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