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Date: 2013-04-15 06:11:53
  Сәуір айының 6 жұлдызында «Таза және әдемі аула» атты қалалық сенбілік өтті.Сенбілікке қалалық мектептер қатысты.Әр мектеп өздеріне тиісті бөлінген  Батыр жерлестеріміздің құрметіне арнайы орнатылған ескерткішетр маңында және батыр жерлестеріміздің есімдерімен аталған Әлия Молдагулова көшесіне   сенбілік акциясын жүргізді. Акцияға мектеп оқушылары  мен ұстаз...

“We grow with a book!”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-04-12 08:51:43
“We grow with a book!”
On the 11th of April there was a city holiday “We grow with a book!” at school №4. It was with the theme of “I am a beautiful bookmark. You need me for an order. Don’t turn the pages for nothing. You’d read where’s a bookmark!” The school librarians announced a competition for the best bookmark, made with the own hands. Children have brought many beaut...
Author: Department

Holiday of child's book.

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-04-12 08:47:28
Holiday of child's book.
On  April, 10, 2013 on the base of general high schools of  N1, 15 in honour  the 70year of international day of child's book holidays took place for reading lovers. All schools of city accepted active voice in events. Reading guys were the recipients of an award diplomas the "Best reader" and by the valuable prizes of municipal department of education. Events show...
Author: Department

Literature room invites… "Fables from Aesop up to now"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-04-12 08:42:28
Literature room invites…
On April 9, 2013 in comprehensive high school № 8  took place literatureart composition "Fables from Aesop up to now". Purpose of a literary drawing room: to promote formation of interest to world history and literature; to broaden horizons of children, to develop competent speech, skill of expressive reading, ability solid to work in team; formation of representations about mor...
Author: Department

Achievements of pupils in naturally-scientific direction

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-04-10 08:32:38
Achievements of pupils in naturally-scientific direction
The scientific-practical conference “Steps to the world of science” among pupils of 9-11 forms was conducted on the base of the Karaganda state university after E.A.Buketov of biology-geography faculty on 04.04.2013. Pupils of school№15,16,18 and lyceum №2 took part on the conference in 3 sections.  Results of the conference: The 2nd place – pupil of boarding –...
Author: Department

Internet –Olympiad-2013

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-04-10 08:28:28
Internet –Olympiad-2013
         The regional Internet –Olympiad on discipline the “geography” among pupils of 11 form was conducted on the base of the Karaganda state Technique university on 04.04.2013. The team of Balkhash town presented schools №1.15.16. school-gymnasium №7 to the Internet –Olympiad.      By the results of the round:&...
Author: Department

Talented from childhood!

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-04-09 06:42:26
Talented from childhood!
The 8th Regional competition of children creative “Small country”, in which took part four kindergartens (“Aigolek”, “Alpamys”, “Bobek”, “Zhuldyz”) of the brunch PE “Doshkolnik BMMC” was held in Karaganda city under the patronage of the Regional Management of education on 06.04.2013. Thirty three participants from six towns...
Author: Department

Воспитание и обучение.

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-04-09 06:37:02
Воспитание и обучение.
      The intellectual game “Zerek bala” for children of senior preschool age with the Kazakh and the Russian language of teaching was conducted on the base of PO “Aigolek”, “Zhuldyz” of brunch of PE “Doshkolnik BMMC” on 27-28.03.2013.The aim is an improvement of work with talented children, development of their intell...
Author: Department

Theatre for children.

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-04-05 09:15:29
Theatre for children.
In  kindergarten « Kunshuak»  showed a puppet show « Like a cat  Kotofeich offended bunny ».  Children emotionally worried about heroes  of tales, actively involved in the play, answered questions puppets perform their assignments. Children correctly understood the content of the play, " for the good you have to pay good ", you can not...
Author: Department

Болашақ осы сәттен басталады!

Date: 2013-04-04 08:35:46
 Болашақ осы сәттен басталады!
                                         Болашақ осы сәттен басталады!   Ұлыстың ұлы күні қарсаңында 19-наурызда қалалық гимназияда «Мектеп күні» мерекесі аталып өтілді. Мектеп қарсаңындағы бұл күннің мектеп ішінде тойлануы тегін емес. Наурыз – жыл басы, жаңа жылдың...

Literature room invites… «Candle was burning…»

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-04-04 04:00:25
Literature room invites…  «Candle was burning…»
On the 1 of April Balkhash Gymnasium held the literature reception named “The candle was burning” on the short story by contemporary American author Michael Halperin. The audience were representatives of the town department of education, physical culture and sports, teachers philologists of town schools, journalists, high school students, parents - all those who care about literature...
Author: Department

“Spring fun” sport competitions

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-04-03 04:45:01
“Spring fun” sport competitions
The sport competitions “Spring fun”, in which took part children of the circle “Shapagat” was held in the Pupils’ Palace on 31.03.2013. The competition “Faster than wind”      The game “”A funny hoop”     The game “Birds in cabins” Performance of dance circle of the Pupils&rsq...
Author: Department

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