
Балқашым – кен қазып, мыс сапырған ырысты өлкем

Category: News
Date: 2013-09-20 11:07:13
Ingrammar school № 7 Sh. S.Seifullin September 18 held a solemn line on "Balқashym - ken қazyp, Cape sapyrғan yrysty өlkem" Dedicated to the city for the day. A congratulatory speech Acting Director of grammar school number 7 Almuhanova Z.Sh., and in the performance of students 4A 6Ә classes were poems and songs about his hometown.

"E-School Bіlіmal"

Category: News
Date: 2013-09-20 11:05:38
High schoolnumber 7 KSU S.Seyfullin awarded commendation head of education Karaganda region E.Imangalieva for active work in the implementation of the automated control system Bіlіmal. E-school-based automation of the educational process.

parent Meeting

Category: News
Date: 2013-09-18 10:29:12
12.09.2013 years have passed parent meeting. Acting Director Almuhanova Z.Sh. parents introduced with the aims and objectives of the 2013-2014 academic school year. Social school teacher Tleubekova M.Қ. offered information on universal education. School Psychologist Yerubayev RB spoke about the relationship between parents and students, and paramedic Saduakas GA gave information about the person...

Правила проведения ЕНТ

Category: United National Testing
Date: 2013-09-18 09:40:21
Правила проведения ЕНТ
1. Общие положения 1. Настоящие Правила проведения единого национального тестирования (далее - Правила) разработаны в соответствии с подпунктом 12) статьи 5 Закона Республики Казахстан от 27 июля 2007 года «Об образовании» и устанавливают порядок проведения единого национального тестирования обучающихся организаций образования, освоивших образовательную программу общего среднего об...
Author: School №9

30 августа –День Конституции РК

Category: August 30 - "Constitution Day"
Date: 2013-09-17 05:47:51
30 августа –День Конституции РК  30 августа  педагогический и ученический коллектив гимназии активно  принимала участие в мероприятии посвященной к Дню Конституции, по улице Караменде би от Школы искусства до площади выстроились учащиеся 8 Б класса под руководством  Гамзы Юлии Александровны и Касымовой НазимыУмырзаковны.  На площади «Независимости» уч...

Сценарий проведения праздника 1 сентября 2013 года, посвященного Дню Знаний

Category: Traditional holiday school "1 september"
Date: 2013-09-17 05:47:04
Сценарий проведения праздника 1 сентября 2013 года, посвященного Дню Знаний   гимназия г. Балхаш                                                &nb...

Information on events conducted to the day of family in high school №24

Category: New
Date: 2013-09-14 09:52:07
Information on events conducted to the day of family in high school №24
    Information on events conducted to the day of family in high school №24   Aims: forming of social role of child in family and values of family Conversation passed with the parents of 5Бand 6Бon a theme "Tradition of our family" 7 Children and parents told as they organize and celebrate holidays at home. Parents openly offered an opinion and divided by advic...
Author: School №24

information about the events conducted to the day of health at high school №24

Category: New
Date: 2013-09-14 08:33:18
information about the events conducted to the day of health at high school №24
  information about the events conducted to the day of health at high school №24 02.09.2013году  was conducted a solemn line "In a healthy body is a healthy spirit" 6 where the team of agitators accepted "Salamat" active voice. Schools of students were acquainted with the plan  of events for a week. on Septembers, 3 among 5-11 classes of students wall new...
Author: School №24

“Zhuirikten zhuirik ozar zharyskanda”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-09-11 10:21:28
“Zhuirikten zhuirik ozar zharyskanda”
The 14th republican Abai’s reading was conducted on 05-07.09.2013 in East Kazakhstan region, Abai district, at Zhidebai mausoleum. A pupil of the 9th form of Balkhash town school №25 after Y.Altynsarin Shesh Mukhamedali was rewarded with the 2nd degree diploma by the 3rd nomination “Zhuirikten zhuirik ozar zharyskanda”.
Author: Department

Отбасы күні

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-09-11 05:28:09
                                                   Отбасы күні
Балдырған балабақшасында қыркүйек айының 5мен 7аралығында отбасы күні аталып өтілді.Бұл күндері балабақшамызда «Менің үйім,менің отбасым» Атты естиярлар мен ересек топтар арасында суреттен жарыс болды.Онда балалардың суреттерінен-ақ ата-аналарына деген ыстық махаббаты,олардың білімі тұрды. Сонымен қатар «бақытты балалық шақ» атты фото көрме де болды.Суретте кішкентай...
Author: Department

«Family day»

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-09-10 09:11:01
  «Family day»
Kindergarten acts as a socio-pedagogical environment integrating the interests of the family, the school and the child. And problems are solved important: to promote mutual emotional location between the parties, the emergence of a trust; give parents and teachers experience of interaction with each other, improve parenting skills. 6 September 2013  in the kindergarten «Er -Tostik&raq...
Author: Department

Good luck, child!

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-09-04 10:43:34
Good luck, child!
The solemn meeting which devoted to the holiday “The Day of knowledge” was held in the preschool group of school №15 on 03.09.2013. The first day of children, who, for the first time entered school gates began with greetings and singing the anthem of the country. The solemn meeting was continued by saying congratulations to the school principal K.Dubirbekova who wished to childre...
Author: Department

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