
Leaders league!

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-11-13 11:13:56
Leaders league!
Competition “Leaders league” was conducted at Pupils’ Palace on 08.11.2013 in order to create necessary conditions for developing of leaders’ quality, children’s and teenagers’ talent for organizing, directed to forming of active civil-patriotic position. Teams of the town schools № 5, 9, 15, 16,gymnasium, lyceum № 2, school-gymnasium № 7took part in the compe...
Author: Department

Autumn Entertainment

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-11-13 05:44:05
Autumn Entertainment
    In the younger group , Karkusha FLEW TO the children on holiday. The CHILDREN showed her how much they love fall, AND not afraid of rain. Children presented Karkusha THE umbrella, so IT  hid HIM from the autumn rains and winds, and Karkusha thanked the  children and treated them with candy - drops      The CHILDREN TOLD THE  Autum...
Author: Department

Innovative technologies of XXI century

Date: 2013-11-06 11:24:13
         30 August 2013 in Astana contest on the theme "innovative technologies of XXI century" organized by the Centre for learning and development of Astana City. On this competition were actively diretkor general school No. 9 Abi Kenbajkyzy Gulden and the Methodist Centre Abenova Aselâ mini Ormanovna. As a result of competition Abenov...
Author: School №9

Балқаш қаласы жалпы білім беретін № 9 орта мектебі 11 сынып оқушыларының І тоқсан бойынша байқау сынақтарының қорытындысы

Category: United National Testing
Date: 2013-11-06 10:05:36
№ Аты-жөні Туған жылы Таңдау пәндері І тоқсан Телефоны   1 Алмұхамбетова Аяулым 07.03.1997 география 71 72392   2...
Author: School №9

Chess tournaments

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-11-06 04:17:26
Chess tournaments
Chess tournaments “Young stars” will be conducted at the club of Children’s Palace from 05-12.11.2013 in order to reveal the best chess players, to popularize intellectual chess theory. In it above 30 young chess players of the Pupils’ Palace will take part. Wewishvictorytoeverybody.
Author: Department

В помощь молодому учителю

Date: 2013-11-05 06:43:58
СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТРЕБОВАНИЯ К УРОКУ  К современному уроку выдвигается ряд общих требований, выполнение которых повышает эффективность уроков, а значит и качество образования. В педагогической литературе число таких требований колеблется от 6 до 18 и более. Рассмотрим систему требований к современному уроку, которую предлагает Ю.Б. Зотов:  Требования к структуре говорят о необходимости:&n...
Author: School №9

Information about prevention of infringement of the law among minors

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-11-04 08:18:38
Information about prevention of infringement of the law among minors
To execute of protocol order of the regional commission on affairs of minors and protection their rights for №3 from 12, September,2013, also for adoption of new forms and methods on prevention of infringement of the law among minors planned in vacation period  of 2013-2014 educational year conducting of sport actions with pupils, who are registered in group on affairs of minors of the depa...
Author: Department

«Autumnal vernisage»!

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-11-04 04:01:01
 «Autumnal vernisage»!
The town competition “Autumnal vernisage!” was held in order to create of conditions for supporting of talented children and development of cultural leisure activity in the Pupil’s Palace on 31.10.2013. 14 couples from all schools of town took part in the competition. 1st place – Magrup Murager and Zheksembai Aikhanum  (school № 8) 2nd place– Shakimurat Asy...
Author: Department

Conversation pets

Category: News
Date: 2013-11-01 09:12:14
                                     Conversationpets     On October 26,2 B class on the subject of native speech went public lecture on the topic "Төрт түліктің кеңесі" Lesson Objectiv...

Information on activities with the organization of the teachers of physical education in secondary school 24

Category: New
Date: 2013-10-31 04:28:21
Information on activities with the organization of the teachers of physical education in secondary school 24   26.10.2013 in the secondary school 24 was sport competition Tolagai by the Day of Guardian. There were participated teachers, pupils and their parents. The competition gone by the teacher of Physical Education Abdil`din O.S.  During the competition each teams showed the...
Author: School №24

Proper nutrition - health pledge

Category: New
Date: 2013-10-30 12:48:48
from 14 - 23 October at our school have been organized meroppiyatiya on proper nutrition - the guarantee of health
Author: School №24

The Republic seminar of coordinators of UCYO “Zhas Ulan”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-10-30 11:44:13
The Republic seminar of coordinators of UCYO “Zhas Ulan”
The seminar of Association of elder guide of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held within the framework of the program of United children-youth organization “Zhas Ulan” in Astana city from 23 till 25.10.2013. Coordinator of UCYO “Zhas Ulan” of Pupil’s Palace Altynova Aliya Kabdrakhmanovna presented our town. Meetings with teachers-innovators, psychological training, m...
Author: Department

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