
"Nur Otan. While Creating the Future "

Category: News
Date: 2013-11-21 09:05:05
Discussion of the political doctrine of "Nur Otan. While Creating the Future "adopted at the extraordinary XV Congress of the Party" Nur Otan ". In grammar school was discussed adopted at the XV Congress of "Nur Otan" Doctrine of "Nur Otan. While Creating the Future. "The discussion was attended by teachers and students of 10 and 11 classes. Acting Di...


Category: New
Date: 2013-11-16 04:27:11
01.11.2013 at school №24 was held meeting with director of school. At the meeting discussed the political doctrine of the People's Democratic Party Nur Otan. The member and a representative of the party Nur Otan party at this school B.E. Saduov discussed each part of the doctrine.
Author: School №24

Meeting of young regional specialists with the veteran of culture Kulyash Sardarbek

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-11-14 10:06:09
Meeting of young regional specialists with the veteran of culture Kulyash Sardarbek
At comprehensive high school No. 10 the meeting of young regional specialists with the veteran of culture Kulyash Sardarbek, to the devoted 75th lithium of delivery of the first Balkhash copper took place. At a meeting there were representatives of all schools, the representative of  department of education Asemkhanova G.B.  The responsible  for carrying out action there were pupi...
Author: Department

Сoaching session on the topic: “What is the impact of critical thinking on the activation of cognitive activity of students?”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-11-14 09:48:59
Сoaching session on the topic: “What is the impact of critical thinking on the activation of cognitive activity of students?”
In school number 3 microdistrict Konyrat the teacher of history Asemhanoboi G.B was conducted coaching session on the topic: “What is the impact of critical thinking on the activation of cognitive activity of students?” In the course of occupation took active part the teachers of history of the city of Balkhash. Participants of coaching received knowledge of application of receptio...
Author: Department

We are for healthy life-style

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-11-13 11:20:57
We are for healthy life-style
Sport competitions “We are for healthy life-style” was held on 08.11.2013 at Pupils’ Palace in order to propaganda healthy life-style of teenagers, involving of children to systematically going in for sport. Winners of the competition:          The 1st place –  the team “Sunkar”, boarding-school № 2; The second...
Author: Department


Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-11-13 11:18:36
Brain-ring “Atameken” was conducted at Pupils’ Palace on 08.11.2013. Pupils of the town schools took part in 3 tournaments: quiz “Kiiz ui”, proverbs and sayings, creative competition. Teams of school №5, 25 were occurred in nomination “Ushkyr oi”. Teams of school №9, 24 were occurred in nomination “Ata-baba dasturli ulgisi”.  
Author: Department

In the world of pedestrian sciences

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-11-13 11:16:05
In the world of pedestrian sciences
Cognitive programs “Pedestrian sciences” were conducted at Pupils’ palace among schoolchildren of young inspectors groups of movement on 05-06.11.2013, where all town schools took part in. Aim of the action is prophylaxis of children road-transport traumatism, consolidating of skills, joined with safety action in streets and roads, children’s and teenagers’ adaptati...
Author: Department

Leaders league!

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-11-13 11:13:56
Leaders league!
Competition “Leaders league” was conducted at Pupils’ Palace on 08.11.2013 in order to create necessary conditions for developing of leaders’ quality, children’s and teenagers’ talent for organizing, directed to forming of active civil-patriotic position. Teams of the town schools № 5, 9, 15, 16,gymnasium, lyceum № 2, school-gymnasium № 7took part in the compe...
Author: Department

Autumn Entertainment

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-11-13 05:44:05
Autumn Entertainment
    In the younger group , Karkusha FLEW TO the children on holiday. The CHILDREN showed her how much they love fall, AND not afraid of rain. Children presented Karkusha THE umbrella, so IT  hid HIM from the autumn rains and winds, and Karkusha thanked the  children and treated them with candy - drops      The CHILDREN TOLD THE  Autum...
Author: Department

Innovative technologies of XXI century

Date: 2013-11-06 11:24:13
         30 August 2013 in Astana contest on the theme "innovative technologies of XXI century" organized by the Centre for learning and development of Astana City. On this competition were actively diretkor general school No. 9 Abi Kenbajkyzy Gulden and the Methodist Centre Abenova Aselâ mini Ormanovna. As a result of competition Abenov...
Author: School №9

Балқаш қаласы жалпы білім беретін № 9 орта мектебі 11 сынып оқушыларының І тоқсан бойынша байқау сынақтарының қорытындысы

Category: United National Testing
Date: 2013-11-06 10:05:36
№ Аты-жөні Туған жылы Таңдау пәндері І тоқсан Телефоны   1 Алмұхамбетова Аяулым 07.03.1997 география 71 72392   2...
Author: School №9

Chess tournaments

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-11-06 04:17:26
Chess tournaments
Chess tournaments “Young stars” will be conducted at the club of Children’s Palace from 05-12.11.2013 in order to reveal the best chess players, to popularize intellectual chess theory. In it above 30 young chess players of the Pupils’ Palace will take part. Wewishvictorytoeverybody.
Author: Department

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