
Open lesson "denominative offers»

Category: News
Date: 2013-12-06 08:31:05
Open lesson "denominative offers» 5 December 2013, a teacher of Russian language and literature Ahmetzhanova Alois Sanakbaevna held an open lesson in class 8A on "denominative proposals." In order to enhance students' cognitive activity teacher used information technology, using flipcharts. School administration to send a recommendation to develop a lesson for publi...

collection of poems Fariza Ongarsynovoy

Category: school news
Date: 2013-12-06 05:28:57
collection of poems Fariza Ongarsynovoy
December 3, 2013 the school librarian - Kalkeeva Love Esenovna held circle dedicated to the collection of verses Fariza Ongarsynovoy. By 2014, all the people of Kazakhstan should read her book "Dawa" and familiar with her ​​work.

Urban Competition Cheerleaders

Category: school news
Date: 2013-12-05 02:21:02
Urban Competition Cheerleaders
Urban Competition Cheerleaders   November 15 at the Palace of schoolchildren held city of Balkhash town cheerleading competition. The team has taken a worthy IImesto gymnasium and was awarded a diploma and a cup.

2013-2014 оқу жылындағы қарашаның 18-і мен 25 арлығында өткізілген «Бастауыш сыныптар ӘБ-нің апталығы»

Category: school news
Date: 2013-12-04 04:03:48
2013-2014 оқу жылындағы қарашаның 18-і мен 25 арлығында өткізілген «Бастауыш сыныптар ӘБ-нің апталығы»
2013-2014 оқу жылындағы қарашаның 18-і мен 25 арлығында өткізілген «Бастауыш сыныптар ӘБ-нің апталығы»         Қазақ бастауыш кафедрасының он күндік апталықтың жоспары құрылып, ашық сабақтар мен сыныптан тыс тәрбие сағаттары, ашық іс-шаралар өтті.Бірінші апталықтың ашылуынан басталды. Сонан соң жоспар бойынша ашық сабақтар өткізілді. ӘБ-тегі 5 ұст...

Otкryty lesson "2-ні қосу және азайтуды қайталау "

Category: News
Date: 2013-12-04 03:51:29
Otкryty lesson"2-ні қосу және азайтуды қайталау" 30.11.2013at1Bclasswas openmathlessonon "2-ні қосу және азайтуды қайталау " Lessonconductedprimary school teacher Tuleubekova Tolkyn Magauiyaevna. The lesson wasunusual.It was a lessonon city-puteshevtvie Astana.Uchaschiesyagained immenseinformationon the first presidentof Kazakhstan.We wishcontinued successto the teacher!...

"Жырым сенсің, Қазақстан"

Category: News
Date: 2013-12-04 03:45:00
"Жырым сенсің, Қазақстан" At the citycompetition for young poets "Жырым сенсің, Қазақстан", devoted to the Day of the President, a student of class 7B our grammar school № 7 Kadyrali Madiyar Prevost took place.

Open homeroom " Ұлтын ұлықтаған ұлы тұлға "

Category: News
Date: 2013-12-04 03:42:51
Open homeroom "Ұлтын ұлықтаған ұлы тұлға" November 29, 2013 passed the open class 5Ә homeroom on  «Ұлтын ұлықтаған ұлы тұлға»purpose of homeroom was civic education of patriotism, respect for the country's first president. Organized the event classy rukovaditel 5Ә class Satybaldina Perizat Alimhanovna.

Awards for sochenenie

Category: News
Date: 2013-12-04 03:40:26
Awards for sochenenie At city competition sochenenii and First President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev students of our school won prizes. Schoolgirl 10Ә class I. Toleukul Aizat took place, a student of class 9A Kamelova Janelle took the third place.

Festive concert program “Khalkymnyn Uly Perzenti”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-12-03 11:47:28
Festive concert program “Khalkymnyn Uly Perzenti”
A gala concert "Khalkymnyn Uly Perzenti", devoted to the Day of the First President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, which was attended by zhasulanians schools in the town, guests of honor, veterans education was held on 01.12.2013 at the Pupil’s Palace.          The concert program included : theatrical-musical composition " Ush...
Author: Department

The town review of echoes group “Ulanymyz – Uly eldin”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-12-03 11:45:41
The town review of echoes group “Ulanymyz – Uly eldin”
The competition of echoes group “Ulanymyz – Uly eldin” among pupils of 8-9 forms of town was held on 29.11.2013 in the Pupil’s Palace in order to forming of active citizen positions, feeling of patriotism, respect for symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan, development of realization of essence and meaning of state symbolism. 1st place – took echoes group of school...
Author: Department

The musical- literary composition “ Our President” was held in the kindergarden “ Kunshauk” in 2 languages.

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-12-03 10:29:55
The musical- literary composition “ Our President” was held  in the kindergarden  “ Kunshauk” in 2 languages.
The meeting  was opened with the words about our Mother land Kazakhstan, about our President NursultanNazarbayev. The children have seen a short film about the childhood and youth  of our President, his family, about the importance of  our Presidence’s activity in the life of Kazakhstan. The children recited poems about our Motherland, friendship, sang songs about Kazakh...
Author: Department

Professional development of teachers gymnasium

Category: school news
Date: 2013-12-03 08:11:07
Professional development of teachers gymnasium
Professional development of teachers gymnasium   In high school formed a system of training , self-education teaching personnel.   Purpose : implementation of multi-level , differentiated teacher training through various forms of training. objectives: 1. Formation of teachers innovative type , the development of a research culture through broadcasting experience gymnasium a...

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