
Among 9 classes was held of a round table on the theme "Time and the law."

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-01-16 05:26:20
Among 9 classes was held of a round table on the theme
Among 9 classes was heldof a round table on the theme "Time and the law."At the meeting considered ofthe Code of Administrative Offences, and the question of offenses among teenagers and discussed to solve the problem teenage criminality.

competition " Tolagai "

Category: Tournament " Toғyzқұmalaқ "
Date: 2014-01-15 10:44:52
January 6 in a school gym to students in grades 5 - organized competition "Tolagai " outcome of the game pushed the winners - first place was taken by the students of class 5A - first place , second place - 5B, third place - 5V . The winners were awarded with diplomas, active students - thank-you letter.      
Author: School №16

Tournament " Togyzkumalak"

Category: Tournament " Toғyzқұmalaқ "
Date: 2014-01-15 10:29:09
Under the Christmas Tournament " Togyzkumalak " head of the circle "Togyzkumalak  " D.Mustayapov our school organized a trip for students in the city of Karaganda , which won prizes and were awarded diplomas and medals : 11 student class Zholdangarov Ergulan I. took place Tleshev Erkezhan , a student of class 4B - first place Myrzagaliev Rinat Sejtzhanov Ernat students 7...
Author: School №16

оn the court

Date: 2014-01-15 09:40:06
оn the court
    During the winter holidays in school activities have been organized in order to develop trade show pleasing interest worldview students.       In order to promote a healthy lifestyle for the proper hardening of the school on the court in a timely manner was flooded rink. Now PE teacher organizes winter sports games for kids : skating, hockey classes o...
Author: School №16


Date: 2014-01-15 09:30:00
       PE teacher had a competition among high school students in volleyball.        January 4 at school number 15 was conducted urban competition in volleyball. By the end of the competition the team of teachers of school № 16 took third place.  
Author: School №16

On the avenue "Astana"

Category: winter vacation
Date: 2014-01-15 09:21:50
On the avenue
January 3 at the town Christmas tree installed in the alley "Astana" was organized a number of activities . Primary school students read poems and solved riddles on the theme " Winter" . For them, the teacher organized educational games interesting contests on the theme " In the world of fairy tales."      
Author: School №16

New Year Party

Category: New Year
Date: 2014-01-15 06:41:00
New Year Party
The New Year Party of primary and nursery schools passed on theme "Travelling to the cartoon world" The New Year Party amongst 5-8 forms passed much interesting. Pupils of 11th form referred with big responsibilityto preparing the holiday party amongst senior classes.       Students of 9-11 forms have organized flesh-mob and participated actively.  ...
Author: School №16

«Жасасын Қазақстан, Елбасы бастаған»

Category: Decada
Date: 2014-01-15 06:24:39
«Жасасын Қазақстан, Елбасы бастаған»
To the day of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan passed decade on the theme «Жасасын Қазақстан, Елбасы бастаған».   
Author: School №16

«Әкеден –ақыл, анадан - мейір»

Category: Talk-show
Date: 2014-01-15 05:57:58
«Әкеден –ақыл, анадан - мейір»
On December in 9G form passed talk-show on theme «Әкеден –ақыл, анадан - мейір».  
Author: School №16

Our students winners of regional competitions.

Category: News
Date: 2014-01-13 10:46:05
Our students winners of regional competitions. Students in our school gymnasium № 7 were winners S.Seifullin regional competitions in Karaganda . A. Tleukul took third place in the Kazakh language and literature. Trainee Maltabar A. took third place in geography . A. AMangeldinova took third place on the subject of history. Invaluable role is the work of the teacher in the education and upbrin...

The results of the urban high school in the region subject Olympiad 2013-2014 school year

Category: school news
Date: 2014-01-13 10:19:43
The results of the urban high school in the region subject  Olympiad 2013-2014 school year
The results of the urban high school in the regionsubject Olympiad 2013-2014 school year  8-9 January Karaganda № Name  Form Subject Prize place Teacher 1 Uzalina Alina Form 10 Russian language c...

The results of secondary school №15 in the region subject Olympiad 2013-2014 school year 8-9 January Karaganda

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-01-13 08:56:39
The results of secondary school  №15 in the region subject Olympiad  2013-2014 school year 8-9 January Karaganda
The results of secondary school  №15 inthe region subject Olympiad 2013-2014school year 8-9 January Karaganda   № Name Grade Subject Teacher Prize place 1 Svankulova Enlik 11А Russian Language...

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