
January 22 teacher of Kazakh language and literature Taizhanova K.B. was held an open-study lesson 9 "Ә" class on the theme: Life and work.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-01-24 12:24:22
January 22 teacher of Kazakh language and literature Taizhanova K.B. was held an open-study lesson 9
January 22teacher of Kazakh language and literature Taizhanova K.B. was held an open-study lesson 9 "Ә" class on the theme: Life and work. At the lesson was attended subject teachers. The lesson was in the form of the round table. The class was divided into four groups: "Historians", "Researchers", "Critics", "Literati". Each group conducted thei...

21.01.2014y in the mini center “Tanshuak” between groups was held health improving event "Winter fun".

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-01-23 10:06:13
21.01.2014y  in the mini center “Tanshuak” between groups was  held health improving event
21.01.2014y  in the mini center “Tanshuak” between groups was  held health improving event "Winter fun".Personages from in the fairy tales: Baba Yaga, Snowman and Rabbit participated in active and informative games.  

21.01.2014y between preparatory groups was held health improving event "Winter fun".

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-01-23 09:39:07
21.01.2014y  between preparatory groups was  held health improving event
  21.01.2014y  between preparatory groups was  held health improving event "Winter fun". Personages from the fairy tales: Baba Yaga, Snowman and Rabbit participated in active and informative game  

The project "School of spiritual- humane pedagogy"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-01-23 09:31:59
The project
01/21/2014 in the city of Karaganda on the preliminary work carried out protection presentations republican project "School of Spiritual and humane pedagogy", participated  by   teachers preschool Institution "Ер төстік",mini-center "Таңшуақ",secondary school № 15. The project work consisted of 3 modules  transdisciplinarity "Self-Know...
Author: Department

January 22 in the concert hall of our school was held a literary evening dedicated to the great of poetry - Mukagali Makatayev

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-01-23 08:30:47
January 22 in the concert hall  of our school was held a literary evening  dedicated to the great of poetry - Mukagali Makatayev
January 22 in the concert hall  of our school was held a literary evening  dedicated to the great of poetry - Mukagali Makatayev. Evening pupils were organized by 10A and 5 classes. The screen play was written by Omirbaev Abylaikhan. At the literary evening in addition to the poet were read and his dedication. Guests of the evening, namely pupils in grades 9-11, were impressed of litte...

"Tournament of experts"

Category: News
Date: 2014-01-22 12:02:06
"Tournament of experts" 22.01.2014 , during the week of the Russian language teacher of Russian language and literature Sarsembayeva LT held a competition " Competition experts" in the Russian language among pupils 5 - 6 classes. The competition involved two teams "Experts " and " literacy ." Students completed the assignment to 8 rounds in which you had...

Open lesson on game «Все профессии хороши».

Category: News
Date: 2014-01-22 11:57:04
Open lesson on game «Все профессии хороши».
Open lessonongame«Все профессии хороши».   01/21/14at 4A class lesson was open game on "All professions are good." Russian teacher Umbetzhanova TB used in the classroom variety of teaching methods. Problem lesson: enrichment and revitalization vocabulary speech improvement dialogic speech, proper use of thematic vocabulary. Present in the classroom guests noted a g...

Kazakhstan's Way 2050

Category: News
Date: 2014-01-22 11:47:28
Kazakhstan's Way 2050
Kazakhstan's Way 2050   01/20/2014 ruler school year began with a performance history teacher Nakypbekovoy JS with an explanation of the main directions of the President's Address NA Nazarbayev "Kazakhstan's way -2050 " " The overarching goal , common interests , common future" Director grammar school № 7 Husmoldinova NE stopped on the main direction...

№24 орта мектебінде елбасы Н.А.Назарбаевтың «Қазақстан жолы -2050 . Бір мақсат , бір мүдде, бір болашақ» тақырыбындағы халыққа Жолдауы бойынша жүргізілетін іс-шаралар жайлы ақпарат.

Category: New
Date: 2014-01-22 06:35:17
            Мақсаты: Оқушыларға 2014 жылдың 17 қаңтарындағы Елбасының халыққа Жолдауын түсіндіре отырып, өз елін , жерін құрметтеуге , елінің келешегі өздері екенін ұмытпауға тәрбиелеу, оқушыларды  саяси сауаттылыққа және дұрыс , патриоттық сезімдерін бойына қалыптастыру.             20.01 .2014 ж 1-11 сы...
Author: School №24

Our cheerful homeroom

Category: school news
Date: 2014-01-22 03:46:46
Our cheerful homeroom
Our cheerful homeroom      Today our class ychas was very interesting. We went for a walk to the lake to admire his winter views. A pokylos lake ice. We really had fun with us was our class teacher Batila Sartaevna. Parents also was interesting to walk with us.   Materials polgotovili: Kenzhebekova Әmina, Askhatқyzy Aisha    2 &quo...

Results of progress of I of half-year of 2013-14

Category: school news
Date: 2014-01-21 07:21:18
Results of progress of I of half-year of 2013-14

There was English language week at gymnasium school №7 after S. Seifullin.

Category: News
Date: 2014-01-20 11:31:33
There was English language week at gymnasium school №7 after S. Seifullin.
There was English language week at gymnasium school №7 after S. Seifullin. The main aim of this week is to heighten children’s interest in English by out-of-class activities: -         English national fairytales for the 5th-6th  classes (showing fairytale in English and discussing it); -         Engli...

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