
“Library design as the main part of general informational culture – real and virtual components space of modern library”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-02-03 09:05:22
“Library design as the main part of general informational culture – real and virtual components space of modern library”
     Another seminar of school librarians under the theme “Library design as the main part of general informational culture – real and virtual componentsspace of modern library” was conducted on 31.01.2014 at the library of school №15. Workers of town children library after A.Gaidar: “Virtual space of book exhibitions, with the help of programs: Qvick...
Author: Department

“Library design as the main part of general informational culture – real and virtual components space of modern library”

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-02-03 07:01:36
“Library design as the main part of general informational culture – real and virtual components space of modern library”
 Another seminar of school librarians under the theme “Library design as the main part of general informational culture – real and virtual componentsspace of modern library” was conducted on 31.01.2014 at the library of school №15. Workers of town children library after A.Gaidar : “Virtual space of book exhibitions, with the help of programs: Qvick Time Plauer,flash-...

INFORMATION seminars for teachers of chemistry URBAN SCALE

Category: school news
Date: 2014-02-01 05:28:22
INFORMATION seminars for teachers of chemistry URBAN SCALE
INFORMATION seminars for teachers of chemistry URBAN SCALE   Date: 31.01.2014 Venue: Gymnasium Balkhash Was attended by school teachers Held : teacher of the highest category of Lviv - Elena   Theme "Meeting the Olympiad problems in chemistry "   The workshop examined ways of solving problems and proposed several solutions . Were considered the...

From 21st till 30th of January passed a tournament of hockey of city between

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-02-01 04:02:52
From  21st  till 30th of January passed a tournament of  hockey of city between
From  21st  till 30th of January passed a tournament of  hockey of city between schools. In the semi-finals were participated  team of school № 15, 16, grammar school № 7, school № 24. In the final for the III place there met school gymnasium №7and school № 16. 2-0 won grammar school № 7. For first-place participated the team from school number 15 and number 24. 2-0 team won...

Romantic writer Arkady Gaidar

Category: school news
Date: 2014-01-31 03:21:15
Romantic writer Arkady Gaidar
In order to promote the Message of President Nursultan Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan "Kazakhstan's way -2050 : The overarching goal , common interests , common future" at the information booth library placed newsletter with the basic provisions and objectives of the strategic document.   Today marks the 110th anniversary of the birth of the beloved by many generat...

Exhibition of paintings "Ертегілер әлемінде"

Category: News
Date: 2014-01-29 06:55:39
Exhibition of paintings
Exhibition of paintings "Ертегілер әлемінде"   In elementary school gymnasium № 7 S.Seifullin held elective courses "Ертегілер әлемінде", which aim to develop the child's imagination, a sense of respect and kindness to others, wealth development language learners speech culture. January 24, 2014 there was an exhibition of drawings by students to read the story....

A new wave of players

Category: News
Date: 2014-01-29 06:46:01
A new wave of players In grammar school № 7 S.Seifullin here 2 years running circle "Ak am » January 25, 2014 held in chess competition among students in grades 1-11 . The competition was attended by 50 students. Trainee 4Әclass Ydyrys Dulat ( chess champion ) once again showed its advantage over other students. I took place Ydyrys Dulat ( 4Әclass ), II took place Meshitbay Dana ( c...

Results of Internet Olympiad.

Category: school news
Date: 2014-01-29 03:19:25
Results of Internet Olympiad.
Results of Internet Olympiad.   From January 23 to January 24, an English teacher and primary school participated in the Kazakhstan Internet Olympiad.   number   Name   scored points   (maximum 41)   result   1.   Hamza Y.   32   bronze   3 prize   2 .   MR Magazova   24...

Day of games and funs “Alakai, balakai!”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-01-28 07:00:16
                          Day of games and funs “Alakai, balakai!”
The club of day off “Shapagat” work for children of pre-school age at Palace of pupils, where vivid and interesting actions are held for them every Sunday. This Sunday was not exception. On the 26th of January, Day of games and funs “Alakai, balakai!” was announced at Palace of pupils. Pupils of club “Karate-do” performed with significant performances accordin...
Author: Department

A striking example of enthusiasm and responsibility the graduates

Category: school news
Date: 2014-01-28 05:21:30
A striking example of enthusiasm and responsibility the graduates
One of the main activities of the city gymnasium is the increased participation of gifted children in competitions at various levels. School students participate in competitions precedes systematic , consistent and teamwork student and teacher . Traditionally, the high school in early November of each school year the school held Interdisciplinary Contest among students 2- 11th grades . Its follo...

Hhe 24th of January of Social Sciences and Humanities in the school library in the Hall of Ancestors had a historical-hour show pleasing

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-01-27 06:56:56
Hhe 24th of January of SocialSciences and Humanities in the school library in the Hall of Ancestors had a historical-hour show pleasing "Карлаг – қазақтың қасіреті»which was attended byKyrgyz culture honors, local historian-chronicler, the author of three hundred collections, two books Sardarbekova K.Y., and corresponding members of the school press was pupil from "Jas Orke...

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