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"A talented teacher – gifted children"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-02-08 09:24:14
In city pedagogical Olympiad  "A talented teacher – gifted children" in the nomination "The young teacher" teacher of English Tіleubek Amangul won  first honorable place and was awarded a diploma of the first degree.

Festival "Жайдарман"

Category: Фестиваль
Date: 2014-02-08 09:07:45
The school team № 16 "Күлкі қайтпас" is successfully in a festival in the city Astana on 20th January in 2014 year, wich was organized at the initiative of Republican public association of young. Our team have showing bright performance and they received the permit to participation in Republican game KVN of the city Kokchetav and on participation in Republican league of Almaty. The s...
Author: School №16

Psychologist's advice homeroom teachers

Category: school news
Date: 2014-02-08 06:45:38
Psychologist's advice homeroom teachers
Psychologist's advice homeroom teachers Form an excellent team : • Develop a plan for extracurricular activities : thematic classroom hours , family clubs , holiday lights , birthdays days ... . • Involve the organization of extracurricular activities together and " stars " and " neglected " • Involve all students in the class ( everyone must answer...

Five commandments of a successful person.

Category: school news
Date: 2014-02-08 06:38:37
Five commandments of a successful person.
Recommendations from students psychologist   1. Almost everything in life can change , process improvement has no limits . To do this, just need to learn to control their emotions strive to think logically and rationally.   2 . Broaden your horizons , otherwise you can not do better. Only curiosity can generate ideas that lead to success. The man with the narrow-minded bad know...

Republican campaign "Together! To victory! "found full support in Balkhash.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-02-08 06:19:01
Republican campaign
Republican campaign"Together! To victory! "found full support in Balkhash.On February 7, competitions in skatingand skiing took place in the stadium of the school № 15.Warm weatherfacilitated  to interesting competitions.There were 8 teamsparticipated inspeed skating relay.As a result first  place went to school number 17, school № 15 and school №1shared the second...

"A talented teacher - gifted children"

Category: school news
Date: 2014-02-08 03:07:02
February 7 senior team participated in the city contest "talented teacher - gifted children." This competition was attended by 12 teams of the schools of the city. Schoolboys comprising six students 9B class: Kurushevoy Alina Zhomartovoy Aiym, Kanafina Sultan Kremer Aneta, Butko Catherine and Nurseitova Darius properly represented his school and won two honorable place. Co...

Among of the city’s schools Konyrat in the village Konyrat school № 3 was

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-02-07 10:00:49
Among of the city’s schools  Konyrat  in the village Konyrat school № 3 was
Among of the city’s schools  Konyrat  in the villageKonyratschool№ 3was passed the meeting devoted to the 25 anniversary, the World Day ofmobilizationagainstthe threatof nuclear war andthe "Friends ofthe Earth."KSU"Secondary school №15of Balkhash town"EcoSquadof "Zhasyl el"  took the I place.

"Scientific - research activity as a growth factor pedagogical skill of the teacher."

Category: school news
Date: 2014-02-07 07:30:54
February 5, 2013 in the gymnasium was 2 stage of scientific and practical conference "Scientific - research activity as a growth factor pedagogical skill of the teacher." At one stage NPC involved all school teachers, presenting at a meeting of the expert committee abstracts of their research. Authors of the best and most relevant works were made in plenary NPC. Teachers w...

Ruler on environmental education

Category: school news
Date: 2014-02-06 04:20:39
Ruler on environmental education
Ruler on environmental education    02.03.2014 year, the lineup was held in the gymnasium dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the registration of the antinuclear movement Nevada-Semipalatinsk. Deputy director on educational work Nygmetullina D.Sh. told about the beginning of nuclear testing in Kazakhstan. Students listened attentively performance art troupe of students 7A i7B clas...

«Әкем, шешем және мен салауатты отбасы»

Category: News
Date: 2014-02-05 09:28:18
«Әкем, шешем және мен  салауатты отбасы»
«Әкем, шешем және мен  салауатты отбасы» Елбасымыз  Н.Назарбаевтың «Қазақстан -2030» стратегиялық даму бағдарламасындағы  халқына     жолдауында «Қазақстанның әрбір азаматының денсаулығы мықты, хал-ахуалы  жақсы болуы тиіс» деп атап көрсеткен болатын. Яғни, мемлекетттің бірінші кезектегі     &n...

dermatological examination

Category: school news
Date: 2014-02-05 03:50:30
dermatological examination
KSU Students' Gymnasium in Balkhash town "passed dermatological examination. On examination, were all healthy.

Alcohol addiction in adolescents

Category: school news
Date: 2014-02-05 03:26:04
Alcohol addiction in adolescents
In medical practice, described many examples of alcohol poisoning children after birth, if the mother or nurse drank wine or beer with a view to stimulating the formation of breast milk. In children with convulsions occurred , and sometimes even epilepsy . Known to the court case brought against the parents of a four-month baby babysitter that in their absence regaled his ward wine from a bottle...

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