
20.02.2014, teacher of primary classes Satybaldina S.Kh. and Shulenbaeva G. organized dispute under the theme ‘Criterial evalution of pupils’

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-02-21 10:43:58
20.02.2014, teacher of primary classes Satybaldina S.Kh. and Shulenbaeva G. organized dispute under the theme ‘Criterial evalution of pupils’  

20.02.2014 ,teacher of primary classes Seitkalieva S.N. shared with colleagues about creation of the site ‘Effectiveness of ICT’.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-02-21 10:36:10
20.02.2014 ,teacher of primary classes Seitkalieva S.N. shared with colleagues about creation of the site ‘Effectiveness of ICT’.
20.02.2014 ,teacher of primary classes Seitkalieva S.N. shared with colleagues about creation of the site ‘Effectiveness of ICT’.

Winners of the 5th unternet-competition “The way to source”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-02-21 10:30:07
Winners of the 5th unternet-competition “The way to source”
The regional internet –competition “The way to source” was conducted in Karaganda city on 1.12.2013- 01.02.2014. The competition conducted on three age category: till 10 years, from 11-14 years, from 15-18 years. In the nomination “Photo collage” took part 4 creative collectives of the Pupil’s Palace. By the winners became: the 1st place – Konovalov Ki...
Author: Department

“In the world of tales” was conducted among the 2nd grades for formation of functional literacy with the aim of increasing of reading interest, where pupils with the help of illustration told about events and heroes which they have read.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-02-21 10:01:58
“In the world of tales” was conducted among the 2nd grades for formation of functional literacy with the aim of increasing of reading interest, where pupils with the help of illustration told about events and heroes which they have read.
“In the world of tales” was conducted among the 2nd grades for formation of functional literacy with the aim of increasing of reading interest, where pupils with the help of illustration told about events and heroes which they have read. Local journalist of the newspaper “Pulse” Sadenov K., head of the library of the lyceum №2 after Abai G Bolganbai, teacher Zhumanova G....

«Ойкөкпар» зияткерлік сайысы

Category: News
Date: 2014-02-21 04:01:46
«Ойкөкпар» зияткерлік сайысы 19 ақпан күні С.Сейфуллин атындағы №7 мектеп-гимназиясында қазақ тілі апталығы аясында 9-10 сыныптар аралығында «Ойкөкпар» зияткерлік сайысы өтті. Сайысты ұйымдастырушы қазақ тілі мен әдебиеті пәні мұғалімі Нүрпейісова Ж.М. Сайыс барысында оқушылар өздерінің алғырлықтарын көрсете білді.Ойкөкпардың қазандығына келіп түскен сөздердің мағынасын...

On February 19, in our school was coaching lesson.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-02-21 03:14:26
On February 19, in our school was coaching lesson.
On February 19,in our school was coaching lesson. At the lesson was shown a plan for a new format, so module of critical thinking. Lesson conducted  teachers of primary classes  Zhumanova G.M.  and Koishyna G.M.

19.02.2014, the open lessons were conducted within the ten days of Foreign languages.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-02-20 07:29:48
19.02.2014, the open lessons were conducted within the ten days of Foreign languages.
19.02.2014, the open lessons were conducted within the ten days of Foreign languages. The lesson under the theme “Nature. Object and adverbial modifier” was conducted in 6 “A”. Teacher Dzhakupova Z.A. correctly projected the lesson, it made it possible to drag each pupil into educational process. The pedagogue used skilfully the methods of the module “Critical tho...

2013-2014 оқу жылында жалпы білім беретін №8 орта мектепте өткен қалалық «Баба мұрасы-балаға аманат» атты Ясауитану байқауы

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-02-19 04:17:54
2013-2014 оқу жылында жалпы білім беретін №8 орта мектепте өткен қалалық «Баба мұрасы-балаға аманат» атты  Ясауитану байқауы
2014 жылдың 10-ақпаны күні ЖББ беретін №8 орта мектепте қалалық «Баба мұрасы-балаға аманат» атты  Ясауитану байқауы өтті.  Байқаудың сәтті өтуін жіті бақылаған Балқаш қалалық білім, дене шынықтыру және спорт бөлімінің әдіскері Әсемханова Гүлнар Базылхановна, қалалық мешіттің найб имамы Түсіпбеков Асылхан Рахымжанұлы, дәстүрлі «Ясауитану» байқауларының қалалық, о...
Author: School №8

Olympics "Сардар"

Category: News
Date: 2014-02-19 04:02:52
Olympics "Сардар" Students grade 11 Nurgali Zhaksylyk, Kosherbaev Olzhas, Zhumabai Ilyas under rukavodstvom military instructor and school Saugambaeva Talgat Elemesovicha participated in the regional competition "Sardar" and awarded the certificate of the Office of Education of the Karaganda region. Olympics held for the purpose of patriotic education of Kazakhstani and id...

On 17th February passed the classhoue on self-knowledge.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-02-18 05:22:41
On 17th February passed the classhoue on self-knowledge.
 On17thFebruarypassedtheclasshoueonself-knowledge. The children participated actively in the discussion fairy tales and illustrations protection. The fairy tales passed within the republican project «Humane pedagogy».

On February 15, 2014 on the basis of School of arts № 2 of the city of Karaganda regional competition of performers of a variety and patriotic song of pupils

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-02-17 10:30:12
On February 15, 2014 on the basis of School of arts № 2 of the city of Karaganda regional competition of performers of a variety and patriotic song of pupils
On February 15, 2014 on the basis of School of arts № 2 of the city of Karaganda regional competition of performers of a variety and patriotic song of pupils, teachers of children's schools and schools of arts was held. From school of arts Balkhash took part: vocal teacher Kladinova M. V. and pupil of the 5th class on a vocal (6 cadet class school № 8) Zeken Birzhan. Repertoire: 1 ....
Author: Department

Information on carrying out city competition to Yassauitanu «Баба мұрасы-балаға аманат»

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-02-17 10:07:48
Information on carrying out city competition to Yassauitanu  «Баба мұрасы-балаға аманат»
On February 10, 2014 in school  № 8 city competition to Yasauitanuunder the name «Баба мұрасы-балаға аманат» was held. Juryweremethodologist of city department of education Asemhkanovа Gulnar Bazylkhanovna, headimam of city mechet Tusupbekov  Asylkhan Rakhymzhanuly , winner of city and regional competition and participant of republican competition YassauitanuKaliaskarov Zha...
Author: Department

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