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Vocational guidance

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-03-14 11:03:49
Vocational guidance
12.03.2014 representatives from college of actual formation of a name of Zh.S.Akylbayev carried out professional orientation work at school№ 8 for the graduation classes, directed on youth assistance in choice of profession.
Author: School №8

"The young rescuer"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-03-14 10:58:42
13.03.2014 at school № 8 the competition "Young Rescuer" devoted "International Day of civil defense" was heldby theleadership of the military instructor T.E. Erimbetov. Pupils of 10 A and 10 B of classes participated. Іst  place - was taken by pupils of 10 B class. ІІ place-10 A class.
Author: School №8

The town Olympiad on Russian language

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-03-14 05:43:00
The town Olympiad on Russian language
The town Olympiad on Russian language was conducted among children of Kazakh nationality on 12.03.2014 in Balkhash town. Our pupil of the 10th grade Makhmutova Aliya took the III place, leader Dzhakupova Zeken Abitaevna, teacher of Russian language and literature.

The town “The day of school”, “New approaches in management and school inside control” was conducted on 11.03.2014 in CSE

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-03-14 05:35:46
The town “The day of school”, “New approaches in management and school inside control” was conducted on 11.03.2014 in CSE
The town “The day of school”, “New approaches in management and school inside control” was conducted on 11.03.2014 in CSE. 7 teachers held the open lessons: Dzhakupova Z.A. (Russian language), Kutzhanova A.M. (Natural history), Malgazhdarova A.I. (Maths), Amirova A.I. (History of Kazakhstan), Akhtanova B.B. (Chemistry), Rakhimbekova K.O. (Maths).  Lecture of school d...

I would have bowed before the Supreme named is the mother...

Category: New
Date: 2014-03-14 03:03:31
I would have bowed before the Supreme named is the mother...
Purpose: the celebration of the international women's day on 8 March. To increase the kindness and love of the mother, to show respect to elders and to learn to be an example to the younger. To foster in students the reverence and to form a colorful tastes in their spiritual world.  Contest was organized among 1-11 classes photo collages from the scene photo girls with their m...
Author: School №24

«Қыздар-ай» бұрымдылар сайысы

Category: New
Date: 2014-03-14 02:57:05
«Қыздар-ай» бұрымдылар сайысы
By the decision of the 2nd meeting of the organization girls "Akku" was held a competition spinning «Қыздар-ай» between devochkami 6-11 classes. In the contest took part  Student 6B class Kryukov Angela Student 6A class Zhuzbaeva Symbat Student 7A class sarymsakova Jasmine Student 8A class Kadir perizat Student 8B class SmartCity Ayaulym A pupil...
Author: School №24

«Ақын-жазушылар шығармасындағы аналар бейнесі»

Category: New
Date: 2014-03-14 02:52:12
«Ақын-жазушылар шығармасындағы аналар бейнесі»
«Ақын-жазушылар шығармасындағы аналар бейнесі» тақырыбында 8-11 сынып аралығында дөңгелек үстел жүргізді. Іс-шара өте қызықты әрі тартымды ұйымдастырылды.
Author: School №24

Week of methodical association of initial classes

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-03-13 10:02:22
Week of methodical association of initial classes
С 03.03.2014 по 10.03.2014 г. проходила неделя методического объединения начальных классов. Проводились открытые уроки и классные часы, выставка рисунков и рукоделия, определялись лучшие тетради, дневники, портфолио учеников.
Author: School №8

Spring Ball "Mistress of the XIX century"

Category: school news
Date: 2014-03-13 08:42:36
Spring Ball "Mistress of the XIX century"            March 6 at the gymnasium walls held a competition "Mistress of the XIX century." During the competition, girls grades 9-10 demonstrated velikoleknuyu posture, refined manners, wit and intelligence will give the 19th century. Girls in the original form presented itself, found a way out of...

Report. The 8 of March.

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-03-12 06:02:25
Report. The 8 of March.
In the “Rucheyok” kindergarten during 3 to 7 0f March was a thematic days to the 8 March.  Children reads the poems about native land, spring and Nauryz. Children from young and middle groups saw a wonderful  fairy. This fairy was showed by children from older group. “My mother the best in the world” this holiday’s lesson saw kids from young and middle gro...
Author: Department

Meeting " Анашым –шамшырағым "

Category: News
Date: 2014-03-11 09:05:39
Meeting"Анашым –шамшырағым"   6 martain grammar school № 7 S.Seifullin met with mothers of large families on the Day on March 8. Headmaster Husmoldinova NE congratulated mothers with spring holiday, wished health and success in the upbringing of children, all of life's blessings. At the end of high school students meeting offered moms their concert program.

Competition " Бұрымды қыз "

Category: News
Date: 2014-03-11 09:00:30
Competition "Бұрымды қыз" On March 4, grammar school № 7 held a competition " Bұrymdy kyz ", dedicated to the celebration Day on March 8. The competition was attended by 9 students. The aim was to foster respect for the customs and traditions of the Kazakh people , skills, national etiquette . The competition consisted of six stages. All participants came to the competit...

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