
Scientific practical conference on the subject "Persons, Worthy Admiration".

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-03-28 04:07:06
Scientific practical conference on the subject
On March 27 in ОСШ№8 for formation of aspiration to make a contribution to prosperity of Kazakhstan founded on love for the country there took place scientific practical conference on the subject "Persons, Worthy Admiration". The member of public organization "Alash Azamattary" Beken Toleuovich and the chairman of the board of veterans Kaukerbekula's Council became guests...
Author: School №8

March 25, 2014 during spring vacation in the Palace of school pupils passed drill review among the YuID school teams.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-03-27 08:33:02
March 25, 2014  during spring vacation in the Palace of school pupils passed drill review among the YuID school teams.
March 25, 2014  during spring vacation in the Palace of school pupils passed drill review among the YuID school teams. The event was held for the proper use of leisure time and the development creative abilities of children. As the result of the show I place team school № 15 " Junior patrol " took 1st place in combat training "Best stroevik " and 1st place in the competi...

«Қош келдің Наурыз!»

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-03-20 06:56:05
«Қош келдің Наурыз!»
CSE “Secondary school №15 of Balkhash town”  mini- center “ Tanshuak”  on 19.03.2014 y conductedthe morning performance on theme  «Қош келдің Наурыз!»between preparatory groups.
Author: Department

«Армысың - әз Наурыз!»

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-03-20 06:51:37
«Армысың - әз Наурыз!»
CSE “Secondary school №15 of Balkhashtown”   in the mini- center “Tanshuak” on 18.13.2014y conducted the morning performance on the theme «Армысың-әз Наурыз»in the older group «Раушан», in the middle group «Түймедақ»and in the little group «Қызғалдақ».The children danced, played the different national games and...
Author: Department

V Republican pedagogical Olympiad “The talented teacher – to gifted children”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-03-20 06:46:29
V Republican pedagogical Olympiad “The talented teacher – to gifted children”
In strategy "Kazakhstan - 2050" the head of state especially allocates a role of the teacher and sets the following tasks for education: to prepare the shots which have mastered modern technology: the role of young people as the main force promoting the development of the country,  providing a quality education for children.          On Ma...
Author: Department

Holiday Nauryz

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-03-19 14:53:25
Holiday Nauryz
Nauryz is the main holiday in a year both at Kazakhs, and at many people of Asia, noted already more than five thousand years.  Nauryz is a holiday of spring, updating of the nature, the beginning of the new year, new life.  18.03.2014 in school No. 8 festive event "Қош келд і ң Nauryz was held! ". Among 1-7 classes open class hours were carried out, pupils of 8-10 classes...
Author: School №8

The action “Zhengem zhane men” was conducted in the eve of Nauryz holiday on 19.03.2014.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-03-19 11:11:39
    The action “Zhengem zhane men” was conducted in the eve of Nauryz holiday on 19.03.2014.
The action “Zhengem zhane men” was held among pupils of the 5-6 grades, parents, teachers and pupils took part in this action. By the end of the action following participants were announced as winners: “Gran-Prix” – pupil of the 5 “B” Anuarbek Aigerim; the I place – Ergaly Asem (5 “A”); the II place - Aidarkhan Aikorkem (5 “...

«Spring of beaudy 2014»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-03-19 11:04:42
«Spring of beaudy  2014»
18.03.2014 so as Holiday Nauryz among 7-8 grades held competition of beauty «Spring of beaudy  2014».

Regional contest “Tanym-2014” among pupils of the 4 forms of Karagandy region

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-03-19 10:36:09
Regional contest “Tanym-2014”  among pupils of the 4 forms of Karagandy region
The regional contest “Tanym-2014” among pupils of the 4 forms was carried out at boarding-school named after N.Nurmakov in Karagandy city on 15.03.2014, organized by the Regional scientific-practical centre “Saryakra daryny” of the Department of education in Karagandy region. The contest was contacted by 4 subjects: the Kazakh language, the Russian language, mathematics,...
Author: Department

“Tanshuak” on 18.13.2014y conducted the morning performance on the theme «Армысың-әз Наурыз»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-03-19 10:03:32
“Tanshuak” on 18.13.2014y conducted the morning performance on the theme «Армысың-әз Наурыз»
CSE “Secondary school №15 of Balkhashtown”   in the mini- center“Tanshuak” on 18.13.2014y conducted the morning performance on the theme «Армысың-әз Наурыз»in the older group «Раушан», in the middle group «Түймедақ»and in the little group «Қызғалдақ».The children danced, played the different national games and sang...


Category: school news
Date: 2014-03-19 08:36:43
KSU Students' Gymnasium in Balkhash town "held a conversation on the subject of tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is an infectious zobolevanie, which is transmitted from a healthy person sick with coughing, talking, sneezing.

GOOD Morning, Nowruz!

Category: News
Date: 2014-03-19 06:55:29
InKSU "Grammar school № 7 S.Seifullin" festive event held among the students of classes 1-10x on "GOOD Morning, Nowruz!". The purpose of the event: to continue to develop respect and love of the national traditions of the Kazakh people custom.

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