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Within a decade "Mathematics and Natural Sciences»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-04-09 09:43:37
Within a decade
Withina decade"Mathematics and Natural Sciences» April 8, 2014 was called the "Mathematics’ day”. The day began with testing of 9th  grades according to the program Activote in order to improve the functional literacy of students with mathematics teachers organizers Tusupova N.D.,Malgazhdarova A.I. SadvokasovaAT, mathematics teacher of the highest category, amo...

Why do I trap in the middle of the room?

Category: school news
Date: 2014-04-09 05:30:07
Why do I trap in the middle of the room?
business card:    Kremer Aneta  Pupil Class 9b  KSU "College of Balkhash town" Karaganda region, Republic of Kazakhstan        Why do I trap in the middle of the room?          In April, a few people izvestnomgorodke Balkhash, began to build an extremely unusual thing. This post was brownish tsve...


Category: school news
Date: 2014-04-09 05:28:28
business card:   KURUSHEVA Alina Bahtyarovna E-mail: a.kurusheva @ gmail.com   Pupil Class 9b KSU " College of Balkhash town" Karaganda region , Republic of Kazakhstan   humanity   Take care of yourself in person.   Anton Chekhov   prologue   - Good morning .   The morning was so. Through tattered curtains in t...

The demonstrative lesson «Balkhash lake» was conducted in the 5”V”grade on 07.04.2014, devoted to the town day.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-04-09 05:04:43
The demonstrative lesson «Balkhash lake» was conducted in the 5”V”grade on 07.04.2014, devoted to the town day. The aim of the lesson: to give  more information about  Balkhash lake to pupils, to develop their  opinions about using new informational technologies in nature, to teach the ways of solution ecological  problems. Conclusion: to protest t...

08.04.2014. 7 "B" and 7 "B" class took part in the round table "in the physics world

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-04-08 11:46:05
08.04.2014. 7
08.04.2014. 7 "B" and 7 "B" class took part in the round table "in the physics world." Children expressed their opinions on "Space and Kazakhstan", "Do the benefits of space exploration." Expounded his thoughts in the form of essays, "We - in space."

Test on the state symbols of Kazakhstan

Category: school news
Date: 2014-04-08 05:15:01
Test on the state symbols of Kazakhstan
Test on the state symbols of Kazakhstan    In the month of March was the second test on the state symbols of Kazakhstan among senior students. The result was great.

07.04.2014 years in an educational cabinet №309 among 8-10 classes within the limits of a decade have natural-geographical organized competition named : «Білімдіден шыққан сөз, талаптыға болсын кез».

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-04-08 03:08:18
07.04.2014 years in an educational cabinet  №309 among 8-10 classes within the limits of a decade have natural-geographical  organized competition named : «Білімдіден шыққан сөз, талаптыға болсын кез».
07.04.2014 years in an educational cabinet  №309 among 8-10 classes within the limits of a decade have natural-geographical  organized competition named : «Білімдіден шыққан сөз, талаптыға болсын кез».The aim: to bring up resource, eloquence, to expand an outlook of pupils, to  love and respect for traditions and customs, the careful attitude to an environment, love to...

Information KSU "College of Balkhash town" about raids 03.28.2014 year

Category: school news
Date: 2014-04-08 02:46:14
Information KSU
In order to prevent teen homelessness socio- educational service , the gymnasium 03/28/2014 from 21:00 to 23:00 hours raid was conducted near the waterfront of Lake Balkhash and streets Seifullina Lenin and the World. During the raid were stopped and brought to interview 18 adolescents. 11 of them have argued that college students are "Bolashak" them for 18-19 years, BGTK 3 students wh...

"Today is my birthday."

Category: school news
Date: 2014-04-08 02:35:52
March 17 in the city held a literary salon Gymnasium dedicated to the great poet Mukagali Makatayev titled "Today is my birthday." Literary salon held a teacher of Kazakh language and literature Tіlek Tәubaқabylқyzy with students 9A class.

Competition for space research "Open the world of science."

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-04-07 11:52:31
Competition for space research
From 30.03.2014 to 08.04.2014 in the town of Baikonur was X International Competition for space research "Open the world of science." Pupils of11 "A"classes Saulekhanova Karina and Dzhahanova Jamila was awarded diploma of the third degree.

Library environment

Category: New
Date: 2014-04-07 09:14:03
Library environment
In the library №24 secondary school was held lesson library for 1-4 classes called "Library - environment ". Objective: to arouse interest of pupils to the books and to explain their properties.  Participated 25 students. The students received a lot of information about books. They were informed of the birth of the book and what they are doing.
Author: School №24

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