
The solemn meeting devoted to a City Day «Ару қала-Балқашым»

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-04-11 11:16:27
The solemn meeting devoted to a City Day «Ару қала-Балқашым»
Жалпы білім беретін № 8 орта мектебінде  2014 жылдың 11 сәуірінде Балқаш қаласының  77 жыл туған күніне арналған салтанатты жиын өтті. Жиынға барлық сынып оқушылары мен мұғалімдер қатысты. Балқаш қаласының тарихы айтылып, қалаға арналған тақпақтар оқылып, қаланың кешегі күні мен бүгінгі күні жайлы кино көрсетілді. Мектеп директоры А.Төкейбекова және 7 Ә кадет сыныбының үздік оқушысы Бе...
Author: School №8

International exhibition of technologies of education and vocational training of "WORLDDIDAC ASTANA 2014"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-04-11 10:47:27
 International exhibition of technologies of education and vocational training of
The deputy director for teaching and educational work Zhunusova Aynur Talgatovna with 08 on 10.04.2014г. I participated in a seminar "Innovations in education" within the International exhibition of technologies of education and vocational training of "WORLDDIDAC ASTANA 2014" in Astana. According to the program of a seminar trainings were provided, participants received parti...
Author: School №8

Competition collages

Category: school news
Date: 2014-04-11 09:09:25
Competition collages
Competition collages    In honor of the Day of Balkhash Contest held in the gymnasium photo collages, drawings on the theme "Balkhash-city of the future" under the guidance of a teacher of informatics-Zhangalievoy Jeanne Berikovny.   The authors of the best recognized and students 6 and 7 b classes Amurzakov Zhasulan, Shayakhmetova Aynel Pak Vita and Toleubaev...

Action "The pure city - my city!"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-04-11 08:04:34
10.04.2014 in OSSh there took place an action "The pure city - my city! ". Leaders and pupils 9, 10 classes participated in an action. During an action the most polluted sites of school were cleaned.
Author: School №8

11.04.2014g. Teacher of Physics and Informatics Tuyakov EK spent an intellectual game «Ата жұрт» of 7 classes.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-04-11 07:57:15
11.04.2014g. Teacher of Physics and Informatics Tuyakov EK spent an intellectual game  «Ата жұрт» of 7 classes.
11.04.2014g. Teacher of Physics and Informatics Tuyakov EK spent an intellectual game  «Ата жұрт» of 7 classes. Students answer questions, solve problems, solve puzzles. The lesson was informative and interesting.

Within a decade, "Mathematics and Natural Sciences»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-04-11 03:42:14
Within a decade,
Within a decade the Department of Natural Sciences on April 10 was marked the day science. Science teacher Tuyakov EK held in 10 "A" class open lesson workshop on «3D- моделдеу ." The lesson was at the proper level IT teacher Serikbaeva ZK, Tuyakov EK held a series of events called " Kөңілді информатика ." When the behavior of the outcome of the measures active p...

All-school PTA meeting

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-04-10 15:48:19
All-school PTA meeting
09 . 04 . 2014 in OSSh No. 8 all-school PTA meeting was held. In total there were 65 parents. On the agenda the following voprosy:professionalny orientation was considered. All professions are good. Administrative responsibility of parents. Prevention of offenses among teenagers.
Author: School №8

“V poiskah schastiya

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-04-09 14:40:09
“V poiskah schastiya
                  Musical tale “V poiskah schastiya” presented to children on the scene of hall young talents of Pupil’s Palace in the framework of World Day of theatre to following kindergartens: “Kunshuak, “Baldyrgan”, “Er tostik”, “Rucheek”. Together wi...

“Prince and Princess-2014”

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-04-09 14:15:16
 “Prince and Princess-2014”
             Fairy world so attractive for boys and girls. It is known, child’s impressions capable to influence for all further human life. But adults derive strength and inspiration from child’s tales about prince and princess. Once again Pupil’s Palace arranged really tail – the town competition “ Prince an...

Vacations! Vacations!

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-04-09 14:11:07
Vacations! Vacations!
               In order to organization of pupils’ leisure in period of spring holidays measures town exhibition on DAA “Creation of youths”, the concert program “Koktem auenderi” , “Kazakhstan balalary zharkyn bolashak zholynda”, “RR experts”, “The best expert in front...

“Koktem auenderi”

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-04-09 14:07:23
“Koktem auenderi”
                The concert of amateur arts of creative collectives of Pupil’s Palace “Koktem auenderi” was conducted. More than 100 pupils of Pupil’s Palace took part in the concert. Songs about Kazakhstan, songs of Kazakhstan variety sounded in the concert program, dance compositions of different ge...

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