
To 77 - anniversary of the city of Balkhash in class 6B was open class hour "My Balkhash" .

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-04-14 08:52:53
To 77 - anniversary of the city of Balkhash in class 6B was open class hour
To 77 - anniversary of the city of Balkhash in class 6B was open class hour  "My Balkhash" . Class hour was organized in a new format. Pupils were distributed into four groups and each group has defended its theme. At protection of a subject they used different methods and protection forms. Class hour was interesting and informative. After class hour conducted interviews with pupi...


Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-04-14 05:06:51
           On the eveof a significant event for Kazakhstan - the exhibitions of EXPO 2017 the 3rd international exhibition of nanotechnologies of "WORLDDIDAC ASTANA 2014"took place on 8-10th ofApril, 2014 in Astanacityin the exhibition center "Korme".           The exhibition was vis...


Category: Құттықтаймыз!
Date: 2014-04-12 06:59:49
The pupil of the 7th class Akbar Shyngys under the leadership of the art teacher Alibayeva G. S. took 1 place in two competitions. We congratulate!
Author: School №16

«Абайды оқы, ерінбе»

Category: Құттықтаймыз!
Date: 2014-04-12 06:52:25
In city traditional competition of expressive reading "Абайды оқы, ерінбе!",  under theleadershipAbildinova S., the pupil  of 3 classes Kuanyshbayev A. won grand prix. We wish further success!
Author: School №16


Category: Құттықтаймыз!
Date: 2014-04-12 06:48:39
In Karaganda was regional competition in volleyball among boys.  Under the leadership of the physical education teacher Satybaldin O. Our team returned with a victory, having taken the 3rd place. We congratulate on a victory!
Author: School №16

«Кішкентай ханзада-2014»

Category: Құттықтаймыз!
Date: 2014-04-12 06:41:47
«Кішкентай ханзада-2014»
At children's creative competition "Кішкентай Ханзада - 2014" and "Кішкентай ханшайым - 2014"  were awarded in the nominations the pupil of  class 1B  Amantay A.,Ermekbay А. "Инабатты қыз" and Sattibek E. "Сүйкімді ханшайым". We wish creative success to young talents.
Author: School №16

On April 11, 2014 within the subject decade

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-04-12 06:41:29
On April 11, 2014  within the subject decade
On April 11, 2014  within the subject decade there was a biology lesson in the 6thӘgrade  on the theme "Common bacteria". The  teacher Kordabaeva A.A. used a group form technology during the lesson.This day the lesson on the subject "Domastic Birds and Their Origin" was conducted open 7 D  class.On the reverse of the radio station in the school was read ne...

«Балқашым – алтын бағым»

Category: Құттықтаймыз!
Date: 2014-04-12 06:40:22
«Балқашым – алтын бағым»
 Among 8 classes in the Palace of school students the city was organized a brain - ring. The team frompupils of 8 classes took 1 place. The head is teacher of chemistry Duambekova  B. We congratulate the winners!
Author: School №16

«Алтын қақпа»

Category: Құттықтаймыз!
Date: 2014-04-12 06:39:11
«Алтын қақпа»
Actively pupils of 7 classes participated in city informative competition "Алтын қақпа": Tendikova M.,  Sadvakas D., BaymukhanovZh.  took  the 3rd place. The head is librarian of school Shaymerden A.
Author: School №16

"Балалық шағымның әуендері"

Category: Құттықтаймыз!
Date: 2014-04-12 06:38:01
Under the leadership of the singing teacher Smaylova G. Zh. participated at a festival of a children's song  "Балалық шағымның әуендері" Atygulovа  D. andwon grand prix, and in city competition of a variety song "Суперстар"  the pupil  of the 7th class Zhunusova Zh.  took the 3rd place.  We wish huge success!
Author: School №16

«Көшбасшылар лигасы»

Category: Құттықтаймыз!
Date: 2014-04-12 06:36:19
«Көшбасшылар лигасы»
In the Palace of school students passed competition on the intellectually - informative program. The "Жалын" team from pupils of 8 classes: Zhumaseitova G., Albergenov Zh., Olzhatayev A., Kuandyk U., Toyganbayeva A. took 1 place. We congratulate the classroom teacher, the psychologist of school and winners!
Author: School №16

"Алтын дойбы"

Category: Құттықтаймыз!
Date: 2014-04-12 06:32:05
In city superiority "Алтын  дойбы" carried out in the Palace of school students, pupils of 4 classes of Baltabek A. took 1 place,  Karimkul N. - the 2nd place., Berikov A. and Kural M.  took 3 places. We wish good luck to young athletes!  
Author: School №16

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