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International competition "OCEAN OF ART"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-04-26 11:43:45
International competition
24.04.2014 in polytechnical college "Kazakhmys" competition of computer graphics of "OCEAN OF ART" was held. The pupil of OSSh No. 8 Zarubekov Didar won prize-winning first place in the nomination "Digital Photo", the Pupil of the 9th class Abay Ersin received the participation certificate, the teacher of informatics Amantay Zhannur handed over the diploma of the he...
Author: School №8

Day of the book

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-04-26 11:08:18
Day of the book
22.04.2014 in OSSh No. 8 passed the action devoted to Day of the book. Librarians of school organized an exhibition, children learned many data from history of books, pupils of 6 classes showed puppet theater from the fairy tale "Teremok".
Author: School №8

The coaching-session on the theme «Changing by stages» was conducted with pupils’ parents of the 4 “V” grade on 25.04.2014.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-04-26 03:24:45
The coaching-session on the theme «Changing by stages» was conducted with pupils’ parents of the 4 “V” grade on 25.04.2014.
The coaching-session on the theme «Changing by stages»was conducted with pupils’ parents of the 4 “V” grade on 25.04.2014. Psychologist Kabyldina P.A. held the training with parents, also she familiarized with the testing results. Teacher Zhumanova showed fragments of demonstrative lessons of new format.

A city seminar

Category: Біздің жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-04-25 12:41:30
A city seminar
22.04.2014 was passed a city seminar of preschool groups. The tutor of preschool groups B.M. Tleukenova conducted an open lesson on a subject "Көрікті көктем". In a seminar participeted the head of methology department of city education A.O. Bekturganova, a head of association of city preschool groups A.B. Zhakisheva, methodologists and tutors of city preschool groups.
Author: School №16

On the 24.04.2014y, CSE “Secondary school №15 of Balkhash town”

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-04-25 12:27:19
On the 24.04.2014y, CSE “Secondary school №15 of Balkhash town”
On the 24.04.2014y, CSE “Secondary school №15 of Balkhash town”in the mini-center “Tanshuak” conducted the dramatized - musical representation devoted by day of Unity of the people of Kazakhstan.

By organization, «Бастауыш сынып сайты»conducted the video- essay on the theme «My pride - my family».

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-04-25 12:23:05
By organization, «Бастауыш сынып сайты»conducted the video- essay on the theme «My pride - my family».
By organization, «Бастауыш сынып сайты»conductedthe video- essay on the theme «My pride - my family». The pupils of the school №15participated and took pride of the places.The pupil of 3 “A” class Абзалбекова Аяулым won the Grand Prix and the class teacher in this class Сейткалиева С.Н. The pupil of 4 “A” class Куаныш Толкын took 1st place and the...

CSE “Secondary school №15 of Balkhash town” the teachers Zhakipekova Zhanar, Nurgasi G.M

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-04-25 12:19:18
CSE “Secondary school №15 of Balkhash town” the teachers  Zhakipekova  Zhanar, Nurgasi G.M
CSE “Secondary school №15 of Balkhash town” the teachers  Zhakipekova  Zhanar, Nurgasi G.M  and  Sartayeva  A.T conducted theopen lesson on the theme« Дос іздеген бота» and « Farm animals»between preparatory groups . Children danced, sang a songs,read the poems. The lesson was very interesting. The Republican on the pilot program condu...

Information about scientific - practical conference in Karaganda

Category: New
Date: 2014-04-25 04:25:12
Information about scientific - practical conference in Karaganda
April 18, 2014 in Karaganda held scientific - practical conference of teachers Karaganda region on " Professionalism, innovation, creativity - the basis of quality education ." In the work of this conference was attended primary school teacher of secondary school number 24 of Balkhash town - Tatiana Abramova on " Gaming technology in learning and education of younger students ....
Author: School №24

April 18 in the gymnasium of urban primary school hosted a scientific-practical conference "Research I" where they took uchastiya10 primary school pupils.

Category: school news
Date: 2014-04-24 05:15:00
April 18 in the gymnasium of urban primary school hosted a scientific-practical conference
April 18 in the gymnasium of urban primary school hosted a scientific - practical conference " Research I " where they took uchastiya10 primary school pupils . Purpose of the conference : to develop creative abilities in children . Objectives: To attract children to science and isssledovatelskoy activities. Each student successfully defended his scientific work . Submitted works were...

"I am a researcher"

Category: school news
Date: 2014-04-24 05:08:50
April 18, 2014 in the city gymnasium was held inside the school scientific-practical conference "I am a researcher" on the Day of Science of the Republic.

Psychological atmosphere in the team

Category: News
Date: 2014-04-23 10:20:16
22.04.2014g. in grammar school № 7 was held meeting of the school. At a meeting on the theme: "Ұжымдағы психологиялық ахуал" acted as Chairman of the Union Maykotova ZH.T, then was shown the video "conflict" in the end of the meeting were conducted psychological training "Shop", "The Hours". On a painted tree team members were able to seal the apples st...

Scientific practical conference on the subject "Professionalism, Innovations, Creativity Basis of Quality Education".

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-04-22 09:08:05
Scientific practical conference on the subject
On April 18, 2014 in Karaganda regional scientific practical conference on the subject "Professionalism, Innovations, Creativity Basis of Quality Education" was held. The teacher of OSSh No. 8 Balkhash Ryskul Asem Kaydarovna was awarded by the diploma І degrees for a handiwork "Sz әдеб і". Staff of school Asem Kaydarovnu congratulated on a victory.
Author: School №8

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