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Monitoring filling ASU "Bіlіmal" at the third quarter 2013-2014 academic year

Category: school news
Date: 2014-04-30 04:17:41
Monitoring filling ASU

Online lesson of republic scale

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-04-29 07:54:13
Online lesson of republic scale
Teacher of the first qualifying category Toksambaeva S.D. conducted the demonstrative online lesson of republic scale. the lesson was consisted of 10 stages.  The theme of the lesson: “Types of animals”. Teachers of 62 schools of the republic took part in discussing, shared with their opinions and made their own suggestions.

On the 29.04.2014y, CSE “Secondary school №15 of Balkhash town”between preparatory groups conducted the matinee

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-04-29 07:49:20
On the 29.04.2014y, CSE “Secondary school №15 of Balkhash town”between preparatory groups conducted the matinee
On the 29.04.2014y, CSE“Secondary school №15 of Balkhash town”between preparatory groups conducted the matinee devoted by day of Unity of the people of Kazakhstan on the theme «Бірлігі жарасқан елміз».Children danced and played games of different nations.

On the 28.04.2014y, CSE “Secondary school №15

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-04-29 07:46:07
On the 28.04.2014y, CSE “Secondary school №15
On the 28.04.2014y, CSE“Secondary school №15 of Balkhash town”in the mini-center “Tanshuak” conducted the matinee devoted by day of Unity of the people of Kazakhstan on the theme «Достық мерекесі».Children danced and played games of different nations.

Informative game “Oz tarikhyn- oz keleshegin!”, which organized by RUCYO “Zhas Ulan”

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-04-28 11:14:32
Informative game “Oz tarikhyn- oz keleshegin!”, which organized by RUCYO “Zhas Ulan”
      Informative game “Oz tarikhyn- oz keleshegin!”, which organized by RUCYO “Zhas Ulan” was conducted in the Pupil’s Palace.       The purpose of the action was propaganda of respect to the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Pupils of 3-4 forms of town schools took part in the competition. Teams were p...

Detachments of YIRT in action

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-04-28 10:04:06
                                            Detachments of YIRT in action
          The main purpose of activity of school detachments of YIRT is: activization of work on prevention child’s road-transport traumatism, development of skills safety behavior of children on the town’s streets.          16th town meeting of detachments of YIRT, 16 detachments of YIRT of town s...

100tysyach "why" in my research

Category: school news
Date: 2014-04-28 07:40:01
100tysyach "why" in my research Traditionally in April at KSU " College of Balkhash " Science Day is held . Schoolboys are actively involved in scientific and practical conference , introducing participants to the court their projects - research. The main goal of this event is the formation of a scientific outlook in students ; realization of creative potential ; inculcatio...

CJS - Final

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-04-28 06:49:41
CJS - Final
           CJS (club of jolly and smart) – world of laugh and fantasy.           Final game of CJS “Zhaidarman” was held among teams of town schools in the Pupil’s Palace on 26.01.2014.            The participants of final ga...

“Intellectual youth – prop of independent”

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-04-28 06:02:11
“Intellectual youth – prop of independent”
             Town debate tournaments among pupils of town schools was held in MSPE “Pupil’s Palace” on 4-5.04.2014. In the tournament in the Kazakh league took part following pupils of schools: boarding –school №2, school-gymnasium №7, schools№8,9,15,16,24, lyceum №2after named Abai. In the Russian league: pupils...

Talk –show “Teenager and law”

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-04-28 05:44:36
Talk –show “Teenager and law”
             The talk-show “Teenager and law” was conducted on 08.04.2014. The purpose of the program is creation of favourable conditions for full-blown socialization of children with deviant behavior. The action was organized by the town department of education and MSPE “Pupil;s Palace”. Agdarbekova G.Zh. &ndas...

Alumni Alley

Category: News
Date: 2014-04-28 05:05:54
  April 26, 2014 in the courtyard of the school gymnasium № 7 S.Seifullin Alumni Alley was created. Alumni Association of School -2008 "Үrker" Zelenstroy team and staff of the school number 7 before school planted 33 seedlings. Urkerovtsy conducted this work on greening the school as a symbol of love for their school as well as to high school graduates each year planting tree...

Аталар мұрасы – халық қазынасы (Сынып сағат 6 сынып)

Date: 2014-04-28 02:42:15
Тақырыбы: Аталар мұрасы – халық қазынасы. Мақсаты: а. Білімділік: Аталардан қалған ұлағатты ғибрат аларлық сөздерді балаларға ұғындыру; ә. Тәрбиелілігі: аталы сөзден өнеге, үлгі алуға баулу. б. Дамытушылығы: оқушыларды тапқыр сөйлеуге, ақылды, салмақты ой айтуға үйрету. Ата бабаларымыздан бізге жеткен көптеген ұлағатты ғибрат аларлық, тамаша тәлім – тәрбие берерлік өсиет сөздер...
Author: School №5

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