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Form number 4. Analysis of the results of UNT - 2014 KSU "Gymnasium Balkhash"

Category: school news
Date: 2014-06-05 07:30:16
(human aspect)    Number district, city school subject teachers full name, showed the best results to the credit of (received on the subject of students)  1 Balkhash KSU "Gymnasium Balkhash town" Kazakh language Zhumabaeva SK 3 students from 25 b.  2 History of Kazakhstan Miloserdova VE 1 student - 25 b.  3 English Magazova MR 1 student - 25 b.

UNT - 2014

Category: school news
Date: 2014-06-05 07:25:57
11B class - the class teacher Silaeva EA 03.06.14g . Number Full name graduate Compulsory subjects Optional subjects in five subjects in four subjects Mathematical teak Kazakh language Russian Language History of Kazakhstan in the English - language s Physics LOCATION All -rays . Litera -ture story Biology score score score score score score score score score score score score score score...

Working meeting with the leader of a group of KSU "College of Balkhash town".

Category: school news
Date: 2014-06-05 07:22:05
Working meeting with the leader of a group of KSU
Present leader of a group of certified teachers KSU " College of Balkhash town" . Teachers first ( advanced) level : Kim EO, Vyrva LV, Gapich IV, Aynekova SA Teachers in the third level : Magrupbekova G.Sh. Magazova MR, Lewkowicz MA, EA Silaeva Deputy. Director listener courses Manataeva GM executives On the agenda : 1. Organization of work on PRSH 6 months of practice. Famil...

Speech at the regional seminar in the School of Saran number 17slushatelya courses leaders in Astana deputy director of KSU "College of Balkhash town" Manataevoy GM

Category: school news
Date: 2014-06-05 07:15:15
Speech at the regional seminar in the School of Saran number 17slushatelya courses leaders in Astana deputy director of KSU
Topic "On the implementation of key factors effecting change KSU " College town of Balkhash "   Speech Manataevoy GM Summary of performance: 1.About KSU " College town of Balkhash " 2.Ob teachers past leveled courses 3.O program in the gymnasium 4.O implementation of 10 key factors (goals, the quality of teaching , positive culture gymnasium of continuou...

Rating quality performance for 2013-14 uch. of

Category: school news
Date: 2014-06-05 06:17:16
Rating quality performance for 2013-14 uch. of

Regional forum of young researchers "World of opening - 2014. Young tourist. Young seeker"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-06-05 04:09:38
Regional forum of young researchers
on May, 28-29, 2014 in city Karkali, in child's camp "Жас  даурен",  the first forum of young researchers passed the "World of opening - 2014" . A forum is organized  by the regional management of education and  учебно-методическим center. In the forum researchers-researchers and their leaders participated from 19 cities and districts. In a forum, cond...

INFORMATION about provedeniimeropriyaty dedicated June 4 - Day of the State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the center of the schoolyard "Shaғala" gymnasium Balkhash.

Category: school news
Date: 2014-06-05 03:07:07
INFORMATION  about provedeniimeropriyaty dedicated  June 4 - Day of the State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan  in the center of the schoolyard
In urban high school has developed its own program of educational work . Under this program, the gymnasium built private educational system , by which we mean : the unity of interrelated objectives , ie the ideas for which it was created ; it creates the entity that organizes activities for achieving the objectives and in integrating these activities subject to certain school community (class, p...

The competition of drawings on the asphalt “The world through the eyes of children”

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-06-04 09:59:03
The competition of drawings on the asphalt “The world through the eyes of children”
The competition of drawings on the asphalt among school camps was conducted on 03.06.2014. “The world through the eyes of children” – this is the theme for works of pupils. Children respond to participation in this competition with enormous wish. Young artists created at a their masterpiece with pleasure and enthusiasm. All works of children were vivid, colourful, which portray...

The Republican competition “The best Methodist of the year”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-06-04 05:29:53
The Republican competition “The best Methodist of the year”
The regional level of the Republican competition “The best Methodist of the year” organized institute on professional development of pedagogical workers of the JSC “National centre of qualification “Orleu” on Karaganda region on 30.05.2014. On this level took part Methodist of the department of educatioan, physical training and sport in Balkhash town Aitzhanova Zhan...
Author: Department

1 маусым Халықаралық балаларды қорғау күнінде №24 орта мектеп жанындағы «Балауса» жазғы демалу лагерінде өткізілген іс -шаралар туралы ақпарат

Category: New
Date: 2014-06-03 08:58:28
1 маусым Халықаралық балаларды қорғау күнінде №24 орта мектеп жанындағы  «Балауса» жазғы демалу лагерінде  өткізілген  іс -шаралар туралы ақпарат
1 маусым Халықаралық балаларды қорғау күнінебайланысты мектеп жанынан құрылған  «Балауса» жазғы демалу лагерінде мынандай іс-шаралар өтті.         1.«Бейбіт елдің ұланымыз» концерттік бағдарламаның мақсаты: 1 маусым халықаралық балаларды қорғау күніне байланысты лагер балаларына қызықты  да көңілді шаралар ұйымдастыру. &n...
Author: School №24

Information activities performed during 26-30 June in summer school camp "Balausa" secondary school №24

Category: New
Date: 2014-06-03 08:38:45
Information activities performed during 26-30 June in summer school camp
on 26 may at our school was ceremonial opening of the school camps "Balausa" called "Hurray, it's summer!". At the solemn Assembly children played and had fun, drew on asphalt and participated in the relay competition. Conducted a training seminar "Let's live amicably". The training helped the children to feel more confident among children of different ages...
Author: School №24

"Күншуақ" жазғы демалыс орталығында 1- маусым балаларды қорғау күні аталып өтілді

Category: "Күншуақ" жазғы демалыс орталығында 1- маусым балаларды қорғау күні аталып өтілді
Date: 2014-06-03 03:55:09
 "Күншуақ"  жазғы  демалыс орталығында  1- маусым балаларды қорғау күні аталып өтілді          «Күншуақ» демалыс орталығының мерекелік күні таңғы жаттығудан басталды. Балалар жаттығу жасап денелерін шынықтырып алды. Одан кейін балалар ән салып, билеп, ойындар ойнады. Мектеп директоры Абдуалиева А.Т., балаларды мерекелерімен құт...
Author: School №5

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