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History has disposed so that the starting point of gaining the state independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan was the December 16, 1991. Leader - First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan NA Nazarbayev scientifically verified this way.

Category: school news
Date: 2014-11-26 11:41:33
History has disposed so that the starting point of gaining the state independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan was the December 16, 1991. Leader - First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan NA Nazarbayev scientifically verified this way.
      Today, Kazakhstan - a country of student learning and the country qualitatively trained young staff, so special attention is given to science and education. Open schools, which are named after the first president. Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools - a network of public intellectual schools in Kazakhstan for Gifted Education in scientific, economic and political spheres. They a...

"Елі сүйген,елін сүйген Елбасы" гимназия оқушысының мақала

Category: school news
Date: 2014-11-26 11:21:21
Жалпы барша адамзат үшін ХХ ғасырдың соңы  өзіндік саяси оқиғаларымен ерекшеленеді.Солардың ішіндегі ең өзектісі-басқа елдің боданында кетпей,өз тәуелсіздігін алу.Біз тәуелсіздікті аңсадық,армандадық.Өмірдің қиын-қыстау  сәттерінде мойымай,талаптандық,талпындық.Осындай мақсат қою арқылы аңсап күткен арманымызға да қол жеткіздік.    Біздің Республикамыз Қазақстан-өз алдын...

"Ел тірегі – Елбасы" гимназия оқушысының мақала

Category: school news
Date: 2014-11-26 11:18:49
    Тәуелсіздігіміздің көк байрағының желбірегеніне де, міне, аттай 23 жыл толып отыр. Өркениетті елдердің көшіне ілесіп,  дамыған отыз елмен тереземізді тең етеміз деп ұмтылып жатқанымыз да негізсіз емес.   Бүгіндей күндеріміз үшін талай ғасырлар бойы ата-бабаларымыз қанды жолға тәуекел етіп басын тікті.Сондықтан да бүгіні кешегінің жалғасы,  өткеннің салдары, бола...

Reviewed by Message of the President. Article teacher NIP-Balpykov Mirali Shaymollinovich

Category: school news
Date: 2014-11-26 06:25:33
Reviewed by Message of the President. Article teacher NIP-Balpykov Mirali Shaymollinovich
In the context of the looming global crisis, the head of state decided to be proactive - voicing priorities of the new economic policy "Nurly Jol". The President presented a plan for infrastructure development, which are organically intertwined in time with the next five-year period of accelerated industrialization. The aim is not only to overcome new challenges, but also to emerge fro...

«A president who loves his country»

Category: News
Date: 2014-11-26 04:39:57
On the 24th of November in 2014 at schoolmeeting was announced a plan of week devoted to the first president of Kazakhstan NursultanAbishevichNazarbayev on the theme “Елін сүйген Елбасы”. Agitation team of the 8B class showed us literature-musical montage about the first president of Kazakhstan. Pupils could tell us about main stages of works of our president in short and vain. In te...

The Republican educational methodical seminar and the seminar-practical

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-11-25 06:46:40
The Republican educational methodical seminar and the seminar-practical
The seminar for teachers of natural mathematical disciplines was held on 19.11.2014 on the basis of school №16. The seminar purpose is exchanging of teachers experience who took part in the Republican educational methodical seminar and the seminar-practical work. 1. "Forms and methods of teaching of natural and mathematical subjects". 2. "Putting to the robotics course&quo...
Author: Department

Information on conducting of EAEA, PISA in educational institutions

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-11-24 11:09:21
Information on conducting of EAEA, PISA in educational institutions
The external assessment of educational achievements (EAEA) was input in connection with the acceptance of the State program of development of education for 2011-2020. It is one of types of independent monitoring of teaching quality. Testing for pupils of 9, 11 forms with the Kazakh and the Russian languages teaching was held in the 2nd quarter of 2014-2015 school year at town schools-gymnasium...
Author: Department

11.22.2014. the meeting was held in the school, "the Council Fathers".

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-11-22 10:47:45
11.22.2014. the meeting was held in the school,
11.22.2014. the meeting was held in the school, "the Council Fathers". Theme: "Әke abyroyy. Balalyң Zheke tulga retіnde қalyptasuyna onyң yқpaly " On the agenda: 1. The results of the work of crime prevention for the I quarter of 2014-2015 Account. year.                     ...
Author: School №8


Category: New
Date: 2014-11-21 08:32:55
During the autumn holidays in the palace Schoolchildren organized a drawing competition on the theme "admire the beauty of autumn." At the contest were submitted 3 works of this school №24 Medveduk Catherine schoolgirl 8 "B" class and pupil SpabekovErasyl 5 "A" class SpabekovRahymzhan pupil 4 "A" class. Upon completion of the competition data were awarded...
Author: School №24

17/11/2014 in all classes of class hours have passed on "Nurly Jol - way of the future."

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-11-20 12:03:47
17/11/2014 in all classes of class hours have passed on
17/11/2014 in all classes of class hours have passed on "Nurly Jol - way of the future." Also on the lineup the headmaster of our lyceum  K.Sh. Dubirbekova said, the implementation of the Message "Nurly Jol - way of the future" will undoubtedly contribute to further development of quality social infrastructure, which ultimately will improve the welfare of Kazakhstan

13.01.2014 was the last meeting with the staff of the school, discussed the message of the President Nursultan Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan from November 11, 2014.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-11-20 11:59:34
13.01.2014 was the last meeting with the staff of the school, discussed the message of the President Nursultan Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan from November 11, 2014. K. Sh.Shakarimovna noted that the message is directed to the development of social infrastructure. First of all, this solution to the problems of emergency three-shift schools and learning. This is one of the main indicators...

12.11.2014In the ground floor features a stand on school Message from the President "Nurly Jol is a path in the future."

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-11-20 10:49:18
12.11.2014In the ground floor features a stand on school Message from the President
12.11.2014In the ground floor features a stand on school Message from the President "Nurly Jol is a path in the future."

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