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“EXPO-2017 in the eyes of children”

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-11-28 08:16:39
“EXPO-2017 in the eyes of children”
             Holding of the exhibition «EXPO-2017» is a big step of formation of our state as a region of the international exhibition and informational presentations. From October 20 to November 3, 2014 regional competition of creative works "EXPO-2017 in the eyes of children" was held to the day of the First Pres...

Information about the meeting with the heads of committee emergencies secondary school №24.

Category: New
Date: 2014-11-28 08:00:57
Information about the meeting with the heads of committee emergencies secondary school №24.
11.27.2014 year in high school №24 among 5-6,7-9 classes held a meeting with the nurse for the protection of aquatic plants B.Abzhanova Captain "Orion" m / v P.N.Lukyanchuk, chief emergency department of Balkhash A .S.Kukeevym on "Compliance with the rules of emergencies in the winter." Attending the meeting were 70 students. Nurse B.Abzhanova gave information on the preventi...
Author: School №24

Салтанатты жиын

Category: Салтанатты жиын
Date: 2014-11-28 06:49:55
Салтанатты жиын
       17-ші қараша күні мектебіміздің 1-ші қабатындағы фойесінде Елбасының «Нұрлы жол – болашаққа бастар жол» жолдауын негізге ала отырып тәрбие ісі жөніндегі орынбасары Бижанова А. өз баяндамасын ортаға салды. Сынып жетекшілердің жетекшісі Смаханова М.Ж., 8В сыныбының сынып жетекшісі Өнербекова Ж.С., 8Б сыныбының сынып жетекшісі Съезбек Ж. ұйымда...
Author: School №16

Outdoor patriotic lesson on the theme: "N.Nazarbaev- the first President of Kazakhstan

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-11-28 04:35:24
Outdoor patriotic lesson on the theme:
History teacher Zhamkeeva VS and teacher CWP Erimbetov TE held an open patriotic lesson on the theme: "N.Nazarbaev- the first President of Kazakhstan." As guests were invited to a specialist archive and correspondent of the newspaper "Balkhash өңіrі." At the lesson were shown presentation documents N.Ә.Nazarbaeva since the time of independence of Kazakhstan. These documents w...
Author: School №8

"A world without drugs!"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-11-28 04:09:06
November 25 school nurse S. Ramazanovа organized a meeting with the students of the school of urban specialist drug treatment dispanserana theme "World without drugs!". Students grades 8-10 were explained the causes and consequences of addiction, showing videos.
Author: School №8

Plan of events on realization Day of the First President of Republic of Kazakhstan 2014-2015 school year

Category: school news
Date: 2014-11-28 03:45:00
Plan of events on  realization Day  of the First President of Republic of Kazakhstan 2014-2015 school year
№ Events Date of realization Responsible Form of completion 1 Registration of facade of school  and lobby From November, 15 Nygmetullina D.SH Kashymbekova A.K.Каtepova A.N. photo information...

High school students visited the lesson of patriotism

Category: school news
Date: 2014-11-28 03:20:13
High school students visited the lesson of patriotism
Within the framework of  celebration of Day of First President РК high school students from 19 to November, 27 visit the lessons  of patriotism on the base of municipal archive with the use of collection of documents of archive of "N.А. Nazarbaev is the First President of Republic of Kazakhstan, Leader of Nation". High school students  knew the archived data about life o...

Line sanctified to Message of President N.А. Nazarbaev of people of Kazakhstan from 11.11.2014

Category: school news
Date: 2014-11-28 02:55:44
Line sanctified to Message of President N.А. Nazarbaev  of people of Kazakhstan from 11.11.2014
Оn November, 17 in a gymnasium a line passed on elucidation of Message of president of Republic of Kazakhstan N.А.Nazarbaev  of "Нұрлы жол".   On a line director of gymnasium Dyusambaev Beken Ablakasovich, deputy of director on educator work of Nygmetullina Dinara SHaripkyzy. Basic directions of Message were  exposed in the performances of lecturers .

Competition of signs groups

Category: school news
Date: 2014-11-28 02:34:31
Competition of signs groups
Signsgroup KGU"Gymnasium of city Balkhash" in the municipal competition of   signsgroups  "Ұланымыз Ұлы Елдің"!  took the 1 place. In December coming them to protect honour of city in the regional competition of   signsgroups. We wish success!

"Development of culture of tolerance"

Category: school news
Date: 2014-11-27 05:27:37
"Development of culture of tolerance" Plan of ten-day period 02.12 – 12.12.2014 № Theme of event Form Classes Responsible Time of realization 1 "Tolerance in our life"! Line 4-11...

Сәкен Сейфуллин атындағы №7 мектеп – гимназиясында «Айқын» өзін –өзі басқару ұйымы құрылды

Category: News
Date: 2014-11-27 03:04:14
Сәкен Сейфуллин атындағы №7 мектеп – гимназиясында «Айқын» өзін –өзі басқару  ұйымы құрылды. Мақсаты: Жеке шығармашылықты дамыту, балаларды  белсенді азаматтық көзқарасқа қалыптастыру; Өзін –өзі басқару ұйымы 35 мүшеден құралған. Негізгі құрамы: 1.     Перезидент 2.     Оқу министрі 3.   &...

CSE «school-lyceum №15 Balkhash" in the mini center «Tanshuak» passed psychological training on the theme «Мендегі әлем».

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-11-26 12:55:43
CSE «school-lyceum №15 Balkhash
CSE «school-lyceum №15 Balkhash" in the mini center «Tanshuak» passed psychological training on the theme «Мендегі әлем». In training took part the tutor and the teacher of preschool education. Training is spent the teacher-psychologist of preschool education Rakhimberlina A.N.

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