
Winter fun

Category: Қысқы демалыс
Date: 2015-01-17 07:21:13
 Winter fun
Author: School №16

International festival-competition of children`s and youth creation "Extravaganza"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-01-15 05:53:04
International festival-competition of children`s and youth creation
           The festival-competition of children and youth creation"Extravaganza" took place on  the stage of Kazakh musical drama theatre named after K. Kuanyshbaev in Astanacity from the 8th to the 10th of January, 2015.         Organizers of the competition are the International association of...

«Lesson study» in school.

Category: New
Date: 2015-01-14 09:41:06
In obscheobrazavatelnoy school №24 of Balkhash held open classes on the program «Lesson study». Held a class teacher Class 3 Shubaeva Janelle Zhanatovna. On the lessons of literary reading teacher develops in children critical thinking through reading and writing. On the lessons the teacher used different interactive methods and strategies of critical thinking. The pupils were very k...
Author: School №24

lectures on a theme «Statistician 2014 years of bathing season», «Christening. Safety measures on l'du»5 of school year.

Category: school news
Date: 2015-01-14 09:25:44
lectures on a theme «Statistician 2014 years of bathing season», «Christening. Safety measures on l'du»5 of school year.
Today 14.01.2015 years in KGU  «Gymnasium of city Balkhash» lectures were conducted on a theme «Statistician 2014 years of bathing season», «Christening. Safety measures on ice» in 3 «a», 3 «b» classes.   Present: 4 teachers, 37 uchaschikhsya- 2 conversations.

Ceremony of rewarding of prizewinners of annual subject olympiad of regional level

Category: school news
Date: 2015-01-12 11:32:27
Ceremony of rewarding of prizewinners   of annual subject olympiad of regional level
WE CONGRATULATE! command of student, deservingly presenting  gymnasium in the regional stage of subject olympiad in 2014-15  school year

Results of student a city gymnasium in an annual regional olympiad on 2014-15 school year

Category: school news
Date: 2015-01-12 08:49:47
Results  of student a city gymnasium   in an annual regional olympiad on 2014-15 school year
№ ФИО учащихся Класс   Предмет Место Учитель 1 Курушева Алина 10 «б» Химия 3 Львова Елена Михайловна 2 Шнейдер Эвелин...

«Бір бала бар – атадан өте туады, бір бала бар – кері кете туады»

Category: News
Date: 2015-01-10 05:44:34
Қазақ халқында «Бір бала бар – атадан өте туады, бір бала бар – кері кете туады» деген тұжырымға, баланың қандай болмағына негіз қалайтын да әкенің өзі.міне осындай даналық өсиеттерге тоқтала отырып 9 «В» сынып оқушыларымен ата-аналарды қоса қатыстыра отырып ашық тәрбие сағаты өтілді.16.12-17.12.2014 жыл күндері сағат кешкі 20.00-ден, 22.00-ге дейін кезекті ре...

Кел Жаңа жыл ортаға

Category: News
Date: 2015-01-10 05:39:53
  С.Сейфуллин атындағы №7 мектеп-гимназия бойынша жаңа жылды қарсы алу кештері өте ерекше түрде өтілді.  Оқушылардың қызығушылығын арттыру мақсатында биылғы жаңа жылды Жезқазған қаласының драма театырының қойылымымен өткізілді.

Results of participating in the regional competition of videorolikov on a theme "Why I must remember about war?"

Category: school news
Date: 2015-01-10 03:07:04
Results of participation in the regional contest of videos on the topic "Why should I remember about the war?"   On the topic "Why should I remember about the war" were selected the best works - videos girls 11 "B" class: - Kalakova Camila - Olga Ospanova - Evelyn Schneider According to the results of the competition, our student Fábregas dip...

Information about carnival New Year.

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-01-09 10:39:40
Information about carnival New Year.
New Year - the most mysterious holiday, opens up a world of good fairy tales and magic. Gullible kids, teens businesslike, serious adults and grandparents - all just minutes before the holiday, make a wish and give gifts. Head of the secondary school №24 K.Zh.Ahmetovаthanks, which has contributed assistance from the fund of universal education in the New Year's Eve and with the assistance of...
Author: Department

Results of participation in the regional competition of videos, photo collages, commemorating the Day of the First President

Category: school news
Date: 2015-01-09 08:44:57
Results of participation in the regional competition of videos, photo collages, commemorating the Day of the First President
In accordance with the provisions of the competition for the Day of the First President was held to select the best works of collages, videos on the specified selection temy.Po results were determined the best works of the following students: - Videorolik- Abenova Zhanerke, Hanatbekova Kymbat - student 10 "A" class  Photos - Djumagulov Daulet - apprentice 10 "A"...

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