
Линейка. посвященная празднованию 20-летия Ассамблеи народов Казахстана

Category: school news
Date: 2015-02-02 09:18:49
Линейка. посвященная празднованию 20-летия Ассамблеи народов Казахстана
Today was held line. dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan  

Events dedicated to the 550 th anniversary of the Kazakh Khandyk

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-02-02 09:16:36
Events dedicated to the 550 th anniversary of the Kazakh Khandyk
On 02.02.2015 take part  of the actions devoted to the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khandyk. The head of methodical association U.Ozhhanova humanities and history teacher G.Bakirova spent on line propaganda team, which opened the basic historical information about the founders of the Kazakh Khanate and education. At the end of the event, students noted the special value of the policy...
Author: School №8

"How not to become hostage to the telephone swindler" video clip

Category: school news
Date: 2015-01-31 09:43:18
      January 30, 2015 was conducted outreach to combat extremism and terrorism on the political information, classroom hours with high school students. Teachers historians Miloserdova VE, Beisembaev GM, Gostevskih A. noticed seniors on historical facts, reliable information about the facts of terrorism in many countries.           Were read interes...

Vocational guidance in the "Bіlіmal"

Category: school news
Date: 2015-01-31 09:02:58
Vocational guidance in the
      January 30 deputy. Director of BP-Bizhanova AM conducted career guidance work with students 11, 10 classes. The system «Bіlіmal" senior test is performed, where the results of which displayed psycho each of them, as Deputy Director for ICT - Zhangalieva JB see the list of schools in the republic, which is available in an electronic database &qu...

“Zhana gasyr zhastar kozimen”

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-01-30 08:08:31
“Zhana gasyr zhastar kozimen”
     The VIII-th competition of informational-propaganda groups "Zhana gasyr zhastar kozimen" took place at Pupils’ Palace on the 29th of January, 2015; with the aim of creating conditions for formation and development of pupil as a patriot of the Republic of Kazakhstan, formation of creative thinking of pupils, development of modern computer technologies. U...

City competition for children and youth organization "Jas Ulan"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-01-30 04:53:15
City competition for children and youth organization
On 01.29.2015 in the palace school students held a competition for children and youth organization "Jas Ulan". Students from our school were especially active and occupied the third place prize. Congratulations to members of the junior organization "Jas Ulan"!
Author: School №8

Coaching "Teaching by Critical Thinking"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-01-30 03:11:37
On 01.29.2015 at school was carried out coaching on the topic ."Teaching by Critical Thinking". Training for their colleagues conducted teacher who received the new format. The main objective of the program - to help teachers assess and improve their teaching practice. In order to help teachers to "solve" your mind, stimulate the imagination and get unusual, original...
Author: School №8

The competiton on hocey was begun since 19 th of Januaru among pupils of the town.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-01-29 13:00:48
   The competiton on  hocey  was  begun   since  19 th  of  Januaru   among   pupils  of  the town.
The competiton on  hocey  was  begun   since  19 th  of  Januaru   among   pupils  of  the town.  13 teams took   part  in this competition,4 teams  are  in  semi-final.  Final  games   will be conducted  on 02.02.2015 

The competiton on skatig was conducted on 17.01.2015 among pupisof the town.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-01-29 12:57:57
   The competiton on skatig   was conducted    on 17.01.2015 among  pupisof   the  town.
   The competiton on skatig   was conducted    on 17.01.2015 among  pupisof   the  town.  By the  results  of   the  competition   pupil  of   8 «Ә»   Каuaz   Alikhan   was won  the I  place ,  pupil of    9 «А...

The contest "Golden Fleece"

Category: "Критериалды бағалау" ата-аналар жиналысы
Date: 2015-01-28 10:16:07
Dear colleagues and high-school students! In the period until 30 January accepting applications for participation in the contest "Golden Fleece", which will be held February 20-24 among students 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, grades 9-11. Fee 500 tenge. Application and money you need to pass the class teacher. To participate, learn new things and win !!! Deputy Director for Science -Vy...

The result of participation in the online competition KIO Russian language

Category: school news
Date: 2015-01-28 10:13:06
The result of participation in the online competition KIO Russian language
     Teacher of Russian language and literature Tokmoldina Perizat Serikbaevna took an active part in the online competition ECC certificate received "excellent result". Congratulations !!! Congratulations !!! Congratulations !!!

Ғылыми-практикалық конференция

Category: New
Date: 2015-01-27 08:40:06
Ғылыми-практикалық конференция
Қарағанды қаласында 21.01.15-23.01.15 күндері аралығында ҚР ШҒА ОҚБ 45-ші ғылыми-практикалық конференция шеңберінде өткен 1-ші деңгейлі оқу-зерттеу жұмыстарына  8 «А» сынып оқушысы Оразғали Аяулым  «Создание и применение развивающей игрушки для детей дошкольного возраста»жоба тақырыбындағыбайқауына қатысып, өз жұмысын қорғап мектебімізге  І жүлделі оры...
Author: School №24

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