
Жалпы білім беретін №5 орта мектебінің 2014-2015 оқу жылындағы «Ұлы Жеңістің 70 жылдығы» аясында соғыс және тыл ардагерлерімен жүргізілген жұмыстардың ақпары.

Category: Жалпы білім беретін №5 орта мектебінің 2014-2015 оқу жылындағы «Ұлы Жеңістің 70 жылдығы» аясында соғыс және тыл ардагерлерімен жүргізілген жұмыстардың ақпары.
Date: 2015-02-24 03:07:17
 Батылдық пен ерліктің  ерен үлгісін көрсеткен соғыс ардагерлері жыл санап арамыздан азайып барады. Десек те, өмір тоқтамайды, ерлік өлмейді, заман жалғаса берді. Жауынгерлердің бейбіт өмірдегі жарқын істері ерен еңбектері ұмытылмақ емес. Сонымен қатар, соғыс жылдары тылда еңбек етіп, жеңіске жетуге жігер берген жерлестерімізде қаншама. Солардың бірі Тыл және еңбек ардагері, Ақтоғай ау...
Author: School №5

"Songs, scorched by war"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-02-21 11:17:20
             Songs of the war years! They walked in a fighting soldier formation from the first volleys and shots through all war. These songs are akin to call from the unforgettable distant time for those who have passed and survived the war. Scars of trenches were overgrown, ashes of the burnt cities were disappeared, new generations...

Reading is fun

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-02-21 10:36:33
Reading is fun
Within the framework of the regional project "Reading is fun" at school - Lyceum №15 among 3 classes under the direction of primary school teachers Kushelekovoy. M. K and Myrzanbek. BK was held competition.

Farewell to winter - Shrovetide

Category: school news
Date: 2015-02-21 06:10:36
Farewell to winter - Shrovetide
Today passed a massive event called Shrovetide, led by Irina Vladimir Gapich and primary school teachers, where pupils and parents to actively participate in contests, games and fun together accompanied Zimushko-winter. According to the script were held sports, dance, damn Fair, organized by parents.  

13th of February at the Palace of schoolchildren held city operational units promouniting police competition of "Law & Order

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-02-19 12:52:09
13th of February  at the Palace of schoolchildren held city operational units promouniting police competition of
13th of February  at the Palace of schoolchildren held city operational units promouniting police competition of "Law & Order." Pupils from 8-9 grades awarded the nomination "Leader of promotion of legal knowledge."

On 19.02.2015 y in the CSE “school-lyceum №15 of Balkhash" the teacher of Russian language and music teacher passed the holiday " Maslenitsa" between the preparatory groups.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-02-19 10:29:57
 On 19.02.2015 y in the CSE “school-lyceum №15 of Balkhash
  On 19.02.2015 y in the CSE “school-lyceum №15 of Balkhash" the teacher of Russian language and music teacher passed the holiday "Maslenitsa" between the preparatory groups. 

Qualifying round of the national contest "Zharқyn Bolashak"

Category: school news
Date: 2015-02-19 06:05:32
Qualifying round of the national contest
February 18 passed the qualifying round of the national contest "Zharқyn Bolashak", following which the tender will represent our school pupil 7 "B" class-Nedoseka Michael in the category "soz sheberlerі." Michael will present at the competition work Қasyma Amanzholova "Tugan jer". Best of luck !!!

Information on the meeting with the soldiers - Afghan Ayazbaev Murat Zholdasbaevichem

Category: New
Date: 2015-02-19 06:05:18
Information on the meeting with the soldiers - Afghan  Ayazbaev Murat Zholdasbaevichem
"Care of Afghan boys ... .." - the name of 17 February 2015 in the secondary school №24 st.Balhash held a meeting with Afghan soldiers students grades 8-9, in order to preserve the historical memory of the heroism of soldiers and officers, education of the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism and love for the country, dedicated to the 26th anniversary of the Soviet withdrawal...
Author: School №24

Staging pessy Bernard Shaw "Pigmallion"

Category: school news
Date: 2015-02-19 05:40:26
Staging pessy Bernard Shaw
In February, for the guidance of teachers of Russian pluck LV and MR Magazovoyheld a literary salon Bernard Shaw "Pigmallion" where attended gymnasium 10B, 11 B class. At the event were invited teachers veterans, representatives of the media and parents.

The combined team of our high school students took 3 prize for basketball schools in the city

Category: school news
Date: 2015-02-18 10:15:07
        February 17 hosted the game of basketball, where our team of high school students took 3 prize for basketball schools in the city.   Congratulations !!! Congratulations !!! Congratulations !!!

“Law and order”

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-02-17 11:46:10
“Law and order”
Groups of operational assistance of police who work at every school help law enforcement agencies in struggle with some types of offences, individual preventive measures with offenders, in work with minors. The joint work is carried out by means of: participation in patrolling for maintenance of law and order at events, inspections, and individual-preventive conversations with minor offenders....

Scientific-practical conference "to preserve the memory of the Great Victory."

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-02-17 08:26:35
February 11 to mark the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the city gymnasium deputy director of educational work Bizhanova A. and history teachers Miloserdova VE, Gostevskih AV among students in grades 9-10 was held scientific-practical conference "to preserve the memory of the Great Victory." At the conference was attended by students of urban 9-10 class names with Russian language of instructio...
Author: Department

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