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Welcome, Nauryz!

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-03-26 09:21:39
Welcome, Nauryz!
                The 22th of March is a national holiday Nauryz. Pupils of clubs «Shapagat» and «Shugyla» of Pupils’ Palace prepared and held the concert program «Welcome, Nauryz!» on the 20th of March,  2015. Children sang songs and recited poetry in the festive program. “Ak azhe” with her dau...

Chess club «White rook»

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-03-26 08:51:25
Chess club «White rook»
          The classification tournament on the ІІІrd class took place at Pupils’ Palace from the 2nd to the 6th of March, 2015; where15 pupils of chess club “White rook” took part. Rysmagambetov Sayat gathered 12,5 points from 14 probable and won the Іst place. Zhanatbek Zhanibek fulfilled rate of the IIIrd class, gathered 11 points from 14 probable and...

Trio "Jas dәuren"

Category: school news
Date: 2015-03-26 07:14:25
Trio "Jas dәuren" Pupils of the gymnasium to celebrate Nauryz on Independence Square residents of the city presented the song "Kazakh Eli osynday."

City competition drawings "Friendship of Peoples"

Category: school news
Date: 2015-03-26 07:03:23
City competition drawings
03/26/2015 Today at the Palais des Schoolchildren held city drawing competition on the theme of "Friendship of Peoples", where students gymnasium 6b class to represent our school. The Results: Boldachev Marat 1 place   Rybtsova Sofya- diploma in the nomination "Fantasy" Well done, keep it up !!!


Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-03-20 09:32:21
There was a holiday in the “Rucheyok” kindergarten. There was a funny holiday devoted to Nauryz. Children saw Kotem, Ata and Apa. Boys and girls read poems, danced and sang the songs. Children also played in different national games. Everybody got a sweet presents at the end of the measure. 
Author: Department

Municipal public state enterprise nursery «Жұлдыз»

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-03-20 09:14:17
Municipal public state  enterprise nursery «Жұлдыз»
       In the 19 of   Marth in the  kindergarden  we celebrated  the  light  holiday  of « Welcome to, Nauryz». The holiday  were  held  in the small group and  middle  group.  Design  and  costume liked  guests. Parents and guests wished  success, well-being  in li...
Author: Department

"Қosh keldің Әz - Nowruz! »

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-03-20 08:51:00
In kindergarten "Er Tоstіk" in the middle group number 2 was praznichny matinee "Қosh keldің Әz - Nowruz! »        On the children's matinee tantsyvali, read poems, sang songs about the holiday "Nauryz". Played Kazakh national game "Arkan Tartu", "Koydy kamau." On a visit came Kydyr ata beauty Spring, Good Әzh...
Author: Department

Spring celebrity Nowruz!

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-03-20 08:45:30
Spring celebrity Nowruz!
In the  kindergarten «ЕрТөстік» 20.03.2015 in the senior group held a  party  «Spring celebrity Nowruz!». Children  Kazakh dances, recited poems on kazakh and russion languages.  On holiday came Crow, Sun, Fox and Bear. After completion covered  table.
Author: Department

Competition «Zhigit sultany»

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-03-20 08:39:56
Competition «Zhigit sultany»
On the eve of Nauryz, March 20 in our child care center "Akbota" under the direction of music director Dzhumatayeva K.K and caregivers and senior group Sheken J and Esimbekovoy A.T passed competition "Zhigit sultany" which was attended by five boys from the older group №8. The contest was held in six phases.  Objective: Improve and deepen the knowledge to educate child...
Author: Department

Наурыздың 19-шы жұлдызында «Балқаш қаласының гимназиясы» коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесінде бастауыш сыныптар арасында"Ұлыстың Ұлы күніне" арналған «Нұр себеле, Ұлыстың ұлы күні» атты мереке аталып өтті.

Category: school news
Date: 2015-03-20 07:06:12
Наурыздың 19-шы жұлдызында «Балқаш қаласының гимназиясы» коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесінде бастауыш сыныптар арасында
Мереке  гимназия директоры Дюсамбаев Б.А. қолдауымен директордың тәрбие ісінің меңгерушісі Бижанова А.М. және 3 «Ә» сынып жетекшісі Бейсенбина Г.К., 2 «А» сынып жетекшісі Керейбаева А.А. ұйымдастыруымен өткізілді. Оқушылар қазақтың ұлттық биін нақышына келтіре билеп, әр ұлттың Наурыз мейрамын қалай қарсы алатынын айта отырып, әр ұлттың биін мың бұрала биледі. Сахнада...

Matinee «Армысың, әз Наурызым»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-03-20 05:31:07
Matinee «Армысың, әз Наурызым»
       19th of March for the Nauryz between the Preparatory Group held a matinee «Армысың, әз Наурызым». "Children show the national traditions of the Kazakh people, sang songs, danced.

Сompetition «Жігітке жеті өнер де аз»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-03-20 05:21:40
Сompetition «Жігітке жеті өнер де аз»
March 18 at our school among students in 7-8 grades  was a competition «Жігітке жеті өнер де аз».  Coach Dzhakupova Z.A. times spent Coaching session training- seminars aimed at strengthening cooperation between schools and families. This event is carried out once again confirmed the important role of cooperation between schools and parents in educating their children a sen...

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