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On 8 April , grades 9-10, "I am proud of my profession" held a contest of school projects.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-04-09 08:36:04
On 8 April , grades 9-10,
On 8 April , grades 9-10, "I am proud of my profession" held a contest ofschool projects. Purpose: giving students guidance in choosing a future profession, give direction, comprehensive study of the specialty.    

Денсаулық күні

Category: Новости
Date: 2015-04-08 15:46:07
                                                                                     БЕКІТЕМІН               &n...
Author: School №25

Merry Marathon

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-04-08 12:39:12
Merry Marathon
In the mini center "Tanshuak" in the older group held a competition "Merry Marathon"byphysical education teacher Tasymbekov N.U

In the schoolyard amongpupils of 7-8 classeswas held a friendlyfootball match.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-04-08 11:34:19
In the schoolyard amongpupils of 7-8 classeswas held a friendlyfootball match.
In the schoolyard amongpupils of 7-8 classeswas held a friendlyfootball match.

Ашық тәрбие сағаты

Category: Ұлы Жеңіске 70 жыл
Date: 2015-04-08 11:26:12
Ашық тәрбие сағаты
On the 70th anniversary of the victory in the 3G form held a lesson on the topic «Қазақтың қос шынары» eternal memory of war heroes.            
Author: School №16

Well done!

Category: Sport
Date: 2015-04-08 11:10:06
Well done!
At the town competitionof junior-wrestling, dedicated to the anniversary of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan and the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate Kargul Elinur took 3rd place.  
Author: School №16

Well done!

Category: Біздің жетістіктеріміз
Date: 2015-04-08 10:58:47
Well done!
At the regional championship game doiby student of class 2ndD Koibagarova Madina took the 1st place.  
Author: School №16

Біз салауатты өмірді таңдаймыз

Category: Біздің жетістіктеріміз
Date: 2015-04-08 09:26:41
Біз салауатты өмірді таңдаймыз
07.04.15. күні мектебімізде  "Біз салауатты өмірді таңдаймыз" атты  денсаулық  күні мерекесі өткізілді. «Денсаулық күніне» арналған іс- шара салтанатты жиынмен ашылды.     «Шынықсаң шымыр боларсың» тақырыбында 2 сыныптар арасында көңілді старт өткізілді. 4 сыныптар арасында қазақтың ұлттық ойындары,  2-6 сыныптар арасынд...
Author: School №16

In the auditorium of the school for 7-8 classes doctor center "Healthy Lifestyle" AhbetovaGulnarMuhitovna held a lecture on the topic: "Prevention of Injury".

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-04-08 07:06:25
In the auditorium of the school for 7-8 classes doctor center
In the auditorium of the school for 7-8 classes doctor center "Healthy Lifestyle" AhbetovaGulnarMuhitovna  held a lecture on the topic: "Prevention of Injury". Prevention of injuries during physical education and sport should include: - A complete warm-up; compliance with hygiene requirements.      

In5-6gradeswere competitions inminivolleyball.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-04-08 06:59:21
In5-6gradeswere competitions inminivolleyball.
In5-6gradeswere competitions inminivolleyball.   According to the resultsof the game:5classes1st placetook 5B, 2nd place-5G, 3rd place-5B. In6th grade 1stplacetook 6B, 2ndplace6Ә, 3rd placetook 6B.

“I love my city”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-04-08 06:58:34
“I love my city”
The news of the themed week       Balkhash is Motherland for everybody of us! With this theme in kindergarten “Bobek” was organized educational activity in senior and middle groups, and presentations was held with kids “I love my city” – devoted to the City day in 6 April 2015.     Teachers of  kindergarten ”Bob...
Author: Department

Amongeight hgrade was organized basketball games.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-04-08 06:53:56
Amongeight hgrade was organized basketball games.
Amongeighthgradewas organizedbasketball games. Following the results ofthe competition1stplacetookplace8A, 2nd place tookplace8Ә, 3rd place took 8Band4th place8V. Teachersof Physical EducationwasadoptedPresidentialtests ingrades4,7,9.

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