
Visited children's entertaining center «Miki house»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-06-30 13:42:06
Visited  children's entertaining  center «Miki house»
The 30th of June  vacationers of health improving center  visited  children's entertaining  center «Miki house». Children had a good time in the different rides, and most of all the children liked to jump on a trampoline. The kids were impressed with the new attractions and got a big charge of emotion.

Сиқырлы гүлдер

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-06-30 13:14:25
Сиқырлы  гүлдер
June 29 at the Wellness centre "Балдаурен" was a fashion show of vacationers on the topic "Сиқырлы гүлдер". Here they are using paper flowers, to introduce yourself and your dresses.  At the end of the event participants received nominations for certificates: Қанатбекова  Аяулым  -  «Шебер ару» Бейімбетова Ақжан  - «Балдәу...

Ұлтымның ұланы

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-06-29 07:41:06
Ұлтымның  ұланы
The 26th of June vacationers of health-improving center  "Балдаурен" went to the disco organised by the schoolchildren's Palace. Here was held the tournament in chess . Next, was a competition between the boys on "Ұлтымның  ұланы". The competition consisted of several stages. At the first stage they znakami.   Vacationers our camp  the  Касен...

Gymnasium - as one of the best schools of РК on results handing over SNТ- 2015

Category: school news
Date: 2015-06-29 03:58:54
CGE "Gymnasium of city Balkhash" in 2014-2015 school again entered a list 100 schools the graduating students of that got a high middle point on results SNТ. From data of statistics there are results: 2014 to the year - 72 place, 2015 to the year - 30 place.

Information for parents "What information is needed about a first-class boy for electronic school"

Category: school news
Date: 2015-06-29 03:42:30
Information for parents
  Dear parents, in order that to bring in information  of your child  to АСУ of "Bilimal", it is necessary to prepare the next list of data : 1. Information about a student 2. Information about the parents of student (mothers/of dad or persons, their replacing)


Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2015-06-25 09:32:38
 В КГКП ДДУ "Күншуақ" прошла аттестация. Коллектив успешно выдержал экзамен на подтверждение своего профессионализма.

A journey into the fantastic world

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-06-25 09:28:15
A journey into the fantastic world
June 25, the summer Wellness centre Baldauren vacationers traveled to the fairy world by forgotten heroes of fairy tales. Here they watched animated cartoons, such as "Үш сыйлық", "Жанәділ", "Етікші Жұман".Then, the children shared their opinions about the movie, about mugetsu characters, heroism. Next, the children positio kucwiny theatre educators organized a ce...

Балқашым – бақ жырымсың

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-06-25 09:05:46
  Балқашым – бақ жырымсың
24 June children's Wellness center "Балдаурен" went to ekskurtion to the city Museum.

Information about the solemn ceremony devoted to awarding and certificates of graduation

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-06-24 09:27:05
Information about the solemn ceremony devoted to awarding                              and certificates of graduation
To the sounds of the waltz and the school to loud applause from the audience, accompanied by Director of the graduates of the school and K.Sh.Dubirbekovoy class teacher BB Sultanova marched through the square and sat on their seats. Holiday "Umit Joly - 2015" was held on June 20 2015goda 19 pm.The celebration began with a performance kyuis "Balbyrauyn", "Әlkissa."...

The rules of the road.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-06-23 11:32:12
The rules of the road.
June 23 at the Wellness centre "Baldauren"  hosted the event dedicated to the day of police. Teachers undertook training with children about traffic Rules.Obyasnyali as a chain file to pass the road which characters meet and what they mean.

Ы.Алтынсарин атындағы жалпы ібілім беретін №25 орта мектебінің 11-сынып түлектеріне орта мектепті бітіру туралы аттестат тапсыру салтанатының ақпары

Category: Новости
Date: 2015-06-23 06:20:13
          2015 жылдың 20 маусымында №25 орта мектепте «25ТВ-ГРАВИТАЦИЯ» атты  түлектерге орта мектепті бітіру туралы аттестат тапсыру салтанаты өтті.    Аттестат тапсыру салтанаты  музыкалық премия формасында ұйымдастырылды.      Салтанаттың ашылуы «25ТВ - ГРАВИТАЦИЯ» атты бейнеро...
Author: School №25

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