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Competition Dance, dance

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-07-16 15:00:24
Competition Dance, dance
July 16 Summer Camp held «Балдаурен»  dance competition, dance. The purpose of the contest is to develop students interest in dance aesthetic taste. 2 teams participated in the competition.That is, a team of sun and clouds. In the first round of the girls dancing  kazakh dances. In the second round of dancing dances that they like. And then, with tw...

A healthy lifestyle

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-07-16 14:49:10
A healthy lifestyle
July 15 Wellness centre "Baldauren" nurse O. Ahat advised travelers on how to protect them selves and to provide first aid for sunstroke.

Табиғатты аялайық

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-07-15 12:03:35
Табиғатты аялайық
On 15 July, the recreation center " Жаз - 2015"organized a competition Razumkov on "Табиғатты аялайық"  in the Palace of schoolchildren. Wellness center "Балдаурен" campers participated students Sagyndyk  Olzhas and  Abrahova Jamilia.  Abrahova Jamilia was awarded 1st place and Sagyndyk  Olzhas awarded for participation in the competition....

A healthy lifestyle

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-07-15 01:21:09
A healthy lifestyle
Children in the centre "Baldauren" summer camp July 14 met the "healthy lifestyle". The purpose of the themes allowed to touch students along healthy custom of life,to explain that shy away from harmful habits.Good wish saying through the "circle of joy",gave each other hearts.  Health is the greatest wealth. Together with the choir: "it is Not wealth &n...

Fun day in camp

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-07-15 01:16:04
Fun day in camp
July 13 at the Wellness centre "Baldauren started season 3 in the direction of "Propoganda healthy lifestyle".Educators conducted a training on "Fun day in camp" stelle to develop vacationers respect for each other and helped to discover their new abilities" .

Рахмет, саған, Балдәурен!

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-07-13 14:52:25
Рахмет, саған, Балдәурен!
July 10 was the closing of the wellness center Baldauren. In the event the children sang songs, danced different dances. They put theatrical performance Repka. At the end of the second season of the chief Iklasbaeva DE He congratulated the children with the end of the season and handed diplomas to children who took an active part in the events to the wellness center, and distributed gifts.

Сompetition of drawings on the theme "Our summer camp"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-07-09 15:10:29
Сompetition of drawings on the theme
On July 9, the wellness center "Baldauren" holds a competition of drawings on the theme "Our summer camp." Children competed, drawing on recently conducted in the summer camp. At the same time, under the theme "My City" a contest of young artists "Summer 2015", organized by the health center. Resting summer camp "Baldauren" Abrahova Jamil too...

My Motherland-Kazakhstan

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-07-09 14:56:18
My Motherland-Kazakhstan
The 8th of July at the wellness center "Baldauren" held an event dedicated to the Day of characters on the theme of "My Motherland-Kazakhstan". With the aim of expanding horizonsand understanding the significance of the children of the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan, are informative explanations about the historical significance of the coat of arms, fla...

Flourish Astana!

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-07-08 04:28:41
Flourish Astana!
The festive event dedicated to day of Astana was held in kindergarten “Bobek” on 03.07.2015. Fairy tale characters “Little red riding hood”, “Ertostik batir” and clown “Smeshinka” came to children. Children expressive reading poetry in three languages, sang songs and cheerful danced. Also children took a part in sport games showing skill and streng...
Author: Department

Еxcursion to the water-rescue station.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-07-07 15:01:03
Еxcursion to the water-rescue station.
School camps "Baldauren" went on an excursion to the water-rescue station.. Nurse AbzhanovaB.S  held a conversation with the children on the theme "Safety on the water." Diver A. Kasyanov clearly showed their skills by immersing children diving equipment. Kids loved it.

Сүйікті, Ару Астана!

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-07-03 13:36:23
Сүйікті,  Ару Астана!
The 3d of July at school camp "Baldauren"held a concert on the theme of«Сүйікті, Астанам саған арналады» dedicated to the Day of Astana. At the beginning of the concert the children watched a video film about the history of occurrence city Astana. According to the scenario the children recited poems about the capital, they sang songs, danced, put the scene on the theme...

Excursion to the fire station city

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-07-03 13:04:46
Excursion to the fire station city
The 5th of July children ofhealth-improving center "Baldauren" visited city fire  house. The commander of the are a Karimhanov Altynbek introduced childrento the site and the rules ofthe firehouse. They showedhowquicklytheygoto an urgentcall.The execution was Sadvakasova Nurlat shown Spiderman.

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