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Basketball playing for boys grades 8-9

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-11-11 09:08:47
 Basketball playing for  boys grades 8-9
November 5, 2015 among girls 8-10 class held a game of volleyball. Organized play the teacher of physical culture Otarbayev A. The girls played volleyball with great pleasure, defending the honor of his team. Girls' team won the 10th grade.
Author: School №8

"The ABC of Chess"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-11-11 09:04:07
04/11/2015, among the students who are fond of chess in the circle conducted "ABC of chess." Students learned a lot of information about chess, and studied the rules of the game. They expressed their desire to play and decided to further continue to visit Circle
Author: School №8

Football competitions among students of 6th grades

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-11-11 08:56:51
 Football competitions among students of 6th grades
November 4, 2015 among students in 6 classes held football competitions. Game organized physical education teacher Rahimberlin Ardabek Tishbekovich. The two teams fought for the right of the winner in the end the first team won with a score of 2x1.
Author: School №8

"Сәлем-сөздің анасы"

Category: Байқау
Date: 2015-11-11 08:42:06
In our school library held an event "Salem-SSD anasy". And also, on the program "Reading is fun" the campaign was organized among pupils of 2-3 classes of "Favorite book of my family" ,"All stop read start".        
Author: School №16

The national game "Togyz kumalak"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-11-11 08:30:38
The national game
November 4, 2015 among students in grades 3-6 was held the national game "Togyz kumalak." "Togyz kumalak" - a board game on the board in the logic and wit, the vocation to develop logical mathematical thinking and endurance. In the scientific world it was called "algebra shepherds", as in the game opponents have to use all four basic arithmetic functions. The game i...
Author: School №8

"Health is our main wealth"

Category: Sport
Date: 2015-11-11 08:23:43
Under the motto "Health is our main wealth" within the walls of school №16 on the recess, the children played chess, football, volleyball and other sports.    
Author: School №16

Competition in volleyball among girls 8-10 class

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-11-11 08:21:27
Competition in volleyball among girls 8-10 class
November 5, 2015 among girls 8-10 class held a game of volleyball. Organized play the teacher of physical culture Otarbayev A. The girls played volleyball with great pleasure, defending the honor of his team. Girls' team won the 10th grade.
Author: School №8

The contest "Sikyrly Sandar"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-11-11 08:06:40
 The contest
Among students 4 A Ә, Class B November 5, 2015 under the leadership of primary school teachers organized the contest "Sikyrly Sandar." The competition consisted of four stages. After the jury was selected, the team "Al-Farabi", "Al-Khwarizmi" presented their business cards, pre-selecting the team captain. Under the heading "Oh sergіtu" participants to solv...
Author: School №8

"Алтын күз"

Category: мектептің жаңалықтары
Date: 2015-11-11 07:48:20
Жалпы білім беретін №5 орта мектебінде  «Сыбдыры сұлу Алтын күз!»  атты салтанатты жиын өтті. Күз балға барлық сыныптар ат салысты! Күзгі бал мерекесінің бағдарламасы төмендегідей болды: 1. Топты таныстыру (Топтың аты, эмблемасы, киімдері. Топтың киімі бірыңғай болуы шарт. Сыныптың жетістіктері жайлы өлең шумақтарымен топты таныстырады.) 2. Өз өнерлері (ханзада м...
Author: School №5

Production in the circle "Ertegіler elіnde"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-11-11 06:42:10
Production in the circle
November 4 mug "Ertegіler elіnde" students grades 2-3 was shown posing tale "The Lion and the Fox". The purpose of the fairy tale is to educate humanity in a child this marvelous ability to worry about other people's misfortunes, rejoice in the joy of others, worry about the fate of others as his own. Child half-lives in an imaginary, unreal world, and not just lives, and...
Author: School №8

The contest "Boyaular cheese"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-11-11 06:36:51
The contest
November 4, 2015 among students in grades 3-4 teacher of fine arts L.T.Sardarbek held a competition of drawings "Boyaular cheese." The competition consisted of the following stages: 1. "Journey to questions" question and answer. 2. "Who faster?" 3. "Spot the Difference" 4. Find the words from the names of colors. 5. Drawing contest (group work) 6. Gu...
Author: School №8

Conversation on "Kukyktyk madeniettі kalyptastyru"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-11-11 06:31:10
Conversation on
November 9 school psychologist and social worker had a conversation among the students who are registered with the school. The purpose of the conversation was the prevention of offenses among minors. Specific objective in the field of crime prevention is to conduct early prevention. The basis for early prevention is to create conditions enabling the normal development of children, the timely det...
Author: School №8

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