
Кітап - білім кені.

Category: мектептің жаңалықтары
Date: 2015-11-20 04:03:39
    Мақсаты : оқушыға кітап туралы мағлұмат бере отырып ,кітапты құрметтеуге,оқығандарын ойында сақтай отырып, тез әрі ұшқыр ойлы болуы. Кітаптың өмірдегі маңызы, кітап оқи отырып ой-өрісінің дамуы туралы функциональды сауаттылыққа тәрбиелей отырып түсінік беру.
Author: School №5

«Туым-намыс, ұраным –бірлік, рәміздерім- мақтанышым»

Category: News
Date: 2015-11-19 05:10:46
«Туым-намыс, ұраным –бірлік, рәміздерім- мақтанышым»
In the school -gymnasium №7 S.Seifullin October 16 was held Intellectual game's «Туым-намыс, ұраным –бірлік, рәміздерім- мақтанышым»  among students of 6 classes

Тілі бірдің –тілегі бір

Category: News
Date: 2015-11-19 05:02:39
Тілі бірдің –тілегі бір
From 14 to 22 S eptember was held a decade "Тілі бірдің –тілегі бір" to the Day of languages ​​in accordance with the state program "Support and development of languages ​​for 2011-2020".        

Человек - совершенство природы. Но для того, чтобы он мог пользоваться благами жизни, наслаждаться её красотой, очень важно иметь здоровье. "Здоровье - не всё, но без здоровья - ничто", - говорил мудрый Сократ.

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2015-11-18 11:33:04
Человек - совершенство природы. Но для того, чтобы он мог пользоваться благами жизни, наслаждаться её красотой, очень важно иметь здоровье.
Зарядка всем полезна, Зарядка всем нужна. О том, как важно быть здоровым, знает каждый. Однако неправильное питание, вредные привычки, несоблюдение гигиены – бич современных взрослых людей. А ведь привычку быть здоровым следует вырабатывать еще в раннем детстве. Вот почему день здоровья в детском саду – одно из важнейших зрелищных мероприятий. Если вы желаете организовать день...

Туған өлке туралы

Category: мектептің жаңалықтары
Date: 2015-11-18 08:02:14
Туған өлке туралы
Our school held events such as quiz essay contest on the theme "Туған өлкем".     Objective: Knowing the history of their people, their land, the development of respect and love for their country of Kazakhstan, its heroic past.
Author: School №5

Заседания клуба "Школа молодого родителя"

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2015-11-16 04:28:24
Заседания клуба
 В детском саду продолжается работа по внедрению проекта "Школа молодого родителя" 13.11.2015 прошло очередное заседание клуба "Мастерская родительского искусства". Родители приняли участие в  дискуссии "Первые шаги в математику" Дети четырех лет активно осваивают счет, пользуются числами, осуществляют элементарные вычисления,осваивают простейшие временн...

Public presentation of the "World Robotics"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-11-14 03:23:13
Public presentation of the
On November 10 autumn holidays among students in grades 5-8 at the Palace of students held a presentation of the "World Robotics". The presentation was attended by our school 10 students 7 classes under the guidance of the teacher of physics Erken A. They were shown a variety of robots and how they work, so students joined their knowledge in the field of robotics.    Th...
Author: School №8

Ur, to the champions!

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-11-13 09:41:49
 Ur, to the champions!
 From 4 to November,  7, 2015 in city Karaganda the school sports and athletics meeting passed on a chess. The best chess-players of cities of Saran, Тemirtay, Satbaeva took part in a serious competition, Shahtinsk, Karaganda. A city Balkhash was presented by the command of pupils of chess club  "The White rook" Palace of schoolchildren.         &...

"Dostar arasynda "

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-11-13 09:05:57
             4 and November 9, 2015 at the Palace of school students took an entertaining program : "Dostar arasynda " . Objective: To organize a children's leisure time , to unite all participants on means of games and competitions . Participation in the games disco took pupils of city schools .   The beginning of the event served...

"With a smile on life"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-11-13 08:59:05
        Ton    With the purpose of conditioning  for realization of creative potential of young people in different kinds stage деятельностии development  of motion of КVN among the schoolchildren of city from  6 to 7 October 2015 of year  in Palace of schoolchildren of school commands of КВН passed "With a smile on life". In a festival...

"Kaleidoscope of smiles"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-11-13 08:58:15
              Dance groups Palace «City dans» school (head Solodovnikova OA ) , "Tomiris" (head Amanbay NN ) reported their dance marathon on "Kaleidoscope of Smiles" , which was held November 5, 2015 . Marathon Program presented a bright kaleidoscope of dances of different genres : folk , oriental , hip- hop , jazz , modern...

"Young anchorman - 2015"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-11-13 08:56:31
The most important for an anchorman is  to own the voice, to give him necessary intonation, timbre, dynamics, emotional окраскуи certainly able to behave on public. 18 participants, that  on November, 11, 2015  took part in a municipal competition "Young ведущий-2015", were able  to show the abilities in this area .  The participants were presented by ОСШ №1, l...

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