
Karaganda theater "Balapan"

Category: school news
Date: 2015-12-07 05:25:29
Karaganda theater
December 5 KSU "College of Balkhash" visited Karaganda theater "Balapan" a musical comedy. Viewed students in grades 1-4. The boys watched with interest a music room and watched the white hare, chicken brave and beautiful fox, which gave them different tasks. The kids really liked Mignon. Students with heroes performed different tasks. Wonderful room ended gay disco....


Date: 2015-12-07 05:15:46
27 November 2015 in the school №10 was carried out a workshop with the science teacher Galilei Larisa on "create a tests in the programming language Delphi". In the seminar participated: Slobozhaninova T. A. (school №10), Smailov, A. V. (school №10), Zhumabekova A. E. (school №8), Amantai J. K. (school №8), Tleubergen J. O. (SNR number 3), Bolatbek M. S. , M. B. Imasheva (school №25),...
Author: School №10

December 2 school №24 held an open event dedicated to December 1 - World AIDS Day.

Category: New
Date: 2015-12-07 05:08:46
December 2 school №24 held an open event dedicated to December 1 - World AIDS Day.
December 2 school №24 held an open event dedicated to December 1 - World AIDS Day. The purpose of the event: - the prevention of the spread of  AIDS among young people, the formation of  pupils awareness of the importance of AIDS prevention and personal responsibility for their behavior, promotion of healthy lifestyles, promotion of tolerance towards AIDS - infected. The event was held...
Author: School №24

The requirements and criteria for expressive reading

Category: мектептің жаңалықтары
Date: 2015-12-04 10:04:50
The requirements and criteria for expressive reading
The teacher of the second level of secondary school №5 Z. M. Imangaliyev spent coaching with teaching staff on the topic "Criteria-based assessment the educational process" The goal of coaching is to Reveal the essence of the concept of evaluation.To assist the teacher in understanding the concept of maximovayana, vzaimoponimanie and criteria-based assessment. To show the importance o...
Author: School №5

«Елін сүйген, елі сүйген Ұлы тұлға»

Category: мектептің жаңалықтары
Date: 2015-12-04 09:50:51
«Елін сүйген, елі сүйген Ұлы тұлға»
Жаңа тәуелсіз мемлекеттің іргетасын қалаушы Нұрсұлтан Назарбаев – барлық қазақстандықтар және халықаралық қоғамдастық мойындаған ғаламдық бастамалардың бастаушысы, отандастарымыздың құқықтары мен бостандықтарының қорғаушысы, елді кемел келешекке жетелейтін игі істердің қолдаушысы.Елбасы Нұрсұлтан Әбішұлы Назарбаевтың салиқалы басшылығымен халқымыз Тәуелсіздік Туын биікке көтерді. Ата Заңым...
Author: School №5

«Современные образовательные технологии ДДУ»

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2015-12-04 05:54:37
«Современные образовательные технологии ДДУ»
Сегодня мы поговорим о педагогических технологиях и их эффективном использовании в дошкольном учреждении. Вначале давайте узнаем, что же означает сам термин «технология» - от греческого это искусство, мастерство, умение, совокупность приёмов и способов получения, обработки и переработки сырья, материалов. В настоящее время в педагогический лексикон прочно вошло понятие «педаг...

"AIDS is a challenge throughout the world" a round table

Category: News
Date: 2015-12-04 03:40:48
  On October 17, the school held a round table on the theme "AIDS is a challenge throughout the world" among students 11,7 and 8 th grade. The purpose of this event was to raise students' knowledge of how to live, to show how AIDS affects the lives of poor, to bring a sense of duty, to bring a sense of responsibility for it life.  

Day of the First President

Category: News
Date: 2015-12-04 03:22:41
Day of the First President
  In celebration of the Day of the First President of Kazakhstan from November 20 to December 1, held an open week. During this week passed a lot of different activities.  

Was the scientific-practical conference “Алаштың асқақ рухты арысы”

Category: News
Date: 2015-12-03 12:13:22
Was the scientific-practical conference “Алаштың асқақ рухты арысы”
November, 23there was the scientific-practical conference “Алаштың асқақ рухты арысы” by the 130-years of Mirzhakyp Dulatov in the gymnasium-school 7.9, 10, 11th grades school students of the city took part in the conference. Such interesting reports like “The poet’s life and works”, “Social meaning of the miscellany ‘Оян, қазақ!’”, “Th...

Competition reading «Менің ел басым-менің мақтанышым!».

Category: News
Date: 2015-12-03 12:01:18
 Competition reading «Менің ел басым-менің мақтанышым!».
In celebration of the Day of the First President of November 30 was a competition read «Менің ел басым-менің мақтанышым!» Among pupils of 1-4 classes.

The work of psychologists with graduates who pass the UNT

Category: News
Date: 2015-12-03 11:37:31
 The work of psychologists with graduates who pass the UNT
  16.10 in the school parents' meeting was held on the theme «ҰБТ  ата –ананың  ықпалы» where parents have given psychological advice and handed out leaflets.  

The work of psychologists with graduates who pass the UNT

Category: News
Date: 2015-12-03 11:27:59
 The work of psychologists with graduates who pass the UNT
  15.10 all who donate UNT gave psihologicheskiysovet and distributed a memo.  

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