
Information on the scientific and informative conference «Теңдік туын көтерген Алаш көсемі», devoted to the 150th anniversary of A.Bokeyhanova in school’s library №8

Category: News
Date: 2016-02-12 08:40:42
Information on the scientific and informative conference   «Теңдік туын көтерген Алаш көсемі», devoted to the 150th anniversary of A.Bokeyhanova in school’s library №8
     02.05.2016, in school №8 involving pupils 9th grade schools of the city took place the scientific and educational conference " ТеңдіктуынкөтергенАлашкөсемі", devoted the 150th anniversary of A.Bokeyhanova. As a result of the speakers of the conference were awarded to the following places: First place-studying of school №24  Kanayat A., II place- pupils of the...
Author: Department

Сhampionship on hockey among city schools

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2016-02-12 08:35:25
Сhampionship on hockey among city schools
  From 1 to 9 February held the championship on hockey among city schools. 11 schools participated in the competition. Of these 4 schools advanced to the semifinals. As a result of competition 1 place was taken - №15 school, 2nd place -  №10 school, 3rd -school №16 .
Author: Department

Сhampionship on hockey among city schools

Category: News
Date: 2016-02-12 08:32:21
Сhampionship on hockey among city schools
  From 1 to 9 February held the championship on hockey among city schools. 11 schools participated in the competition. Of these 4 schools advanced to the semifinals. As a result of competition 1 place was taken - №15 school, 2nd place -  №10 school, 3rd -school №16 .
Author: Department

Ski Cup on the city's waterfront for the prize of the city

Category: News
Date: 2016-02-12 08:28:47
Ski Cup on the city's waterfront for the prize of the city
     January 30, 2016 there was Ski Cup on the city's waterfront for the prize of the city. The championship was attended by 11 teams. In the individual competition among boys  Tanebergen  Azat  took the 1st place (school №25) , Қabduahit   Daryn  (school-lyceum №15) took the 2nd place, Tіlegen Ali (school-gymnasium №7) took the 3rd place. Among...
Author: Department

Category: «Дені сау ұлт. Спортты Қазақстан»
Date: 2016-02-12 06:25:52
"A healthy nation. Sport Of Kazakhstan". 08.02.2016. year in the school№16 of the linguistic napravleniya were class hours devoted to the 25 th anniversary of independence of Kazakhstan, scheduled for the month of February called "a Healthy nation. Sport Of Kazakhstan". Primary school teacher Amandykova S. A. held on the theme: "Prevention of infectious diseases",...
Author: School №16

«Өзін-өзі тану:Махаббат пен Шығармашылық педагогикасы»

Category: мектептің жаңалықтары
Date: 2016-02-11 09:32:24
«Өзін-өзі тану:Махаббат пен Шығармашылық педагогикасы»
according to the recommendations in the decade have been issued information stands , exhibitions are organized .  
Author: School №5

«Мейірім төгетін ана»

Category: мектептің жаңалықтары
Date: 2016-02-11 09:27:00
«Мейірім төгетін ана»
The libraries are organized book exhibitions " Meyіrіm togetіn ana" , devoted to charitable activities SA Nazarbayeva . Mahashova K.SH. .
Author: School №5

«Жақсы сөз –жанға сая»

Category: мектептің жаңалықтары
Date: 2016-02-11 09:19:50
«Жақсы сөз –жанға сая»
   4-11.02.2016 күні аралығында  Рәміздер залында «Жақсы сөз –жанға сая» акция  ашылды. Ацияның мақсатты жақсы сөйлеуге үйрену. Бейпіл ауыздықтан құттылу, жақсы сөздер қоржынын жасау.     Оқушылар белсене ат салысты. Оның ішінде  3«А» сыныбы, 5 «Ә» сыныбы, 6 «Ә» сынып оқушылар белсене қатысуда. ...
Author: School №5

"Дәрумендер – денсаулық кепілі"

Category: Новости д\с
Date: 2016-02-11 07:54:14
  11.02.2016 ж. «Ер Төстік» балабақшасындағы  ІІ-ші сәбилер тобында. «Дәрумендер – денсаулық кепілі» атты ашық сабақ өтті.  Сабаққа дәрігер мен қоян кейіпкерлер ретінде денсаулықты сақтау ережелерін түсіндіріп дәрумендердің пайдасы жайында айтты.

"Юные ученые проводят опыты"

Category: Новости д\с
Date: 2016-02-11 07:26:31
                                           Вода-источник жизни.        11.02.2016г. в логопедической группе №2 "Речевички"   проведено открытое занятие на тему "Вода-источник жизни". На занятие пришла Капелька, которая объяснила ребят...


Category: school news
Date: 2016-02-11 02:59:47
Since February 8, 2016 in a gymnasium week "Afghanistan pain of my soul" began. On a ruler I acted the crew agit. Children read verses about Afghanistan, Honored Samat Nurgaliyev's memory, Anatoly Antonov and all those who didn't come back home from the Afghan war moment of silence.

"All professions - are good!"

Category: school news
Date: 2016-02-11 02:50:21
On February 6, 2016 passed city competition of propaganda crews in lyceum No. 2 of a name of Abay on a subject: "All professions - are good!" among pupils of the 7-8th classes. From a gymnasium I made 7 "And" a class number of the doctor. Received the letter of thanks.

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