
To be a princess - this is not easy!

Date: 2016-03-31 06:36:50
To be a princess - this is not easy!
"To be a princess - it is not easy at all!". These words are spoken by  Chaikin Alina schoolgirlof 2 "B" class school number 10, participating in a traditional city competition "Little Princess -2016",in  29.03.2016 years from the scene of the Palace .This year the fight for the title of "Mini Miss" joined 12 pupils of primary school. To prove hi...
Author: School №10

The competition ’’On sausagynan oner tamgan halyqpyz"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2016-03-31 05:44:22
The competition ’’On  sausagynan oner tamgan halyqpyz
   The secondary school №8 for the purpose of fostering a sense of national identity, respect  and for cultural interests  to traditions and customs of its people held city competition dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of our country. The competition was attended by students of Kazakh schools of  the city. The contest consisted of several stages: Each tea...
Author: Department

«Ата салтын сақтаймыз – ел үмітін ақтаймыз»

Category: мектептің жаңалықтары
Date: 2016-03-31 05:09:17
«Ата салтын сақтаймыз – ел үмітін ақтаймыз»
The event on the theme:«Ата салтын сақтаймыз – ел үмітін ақтаймыз». Aim:to know and  to keep the traditions and customs of our people     
Author: School №5

«Кітап - ойдың талмас қанаты»

Category: мектептің жаңалықтары
Date: 2016-03-31 05:00:58
«Кітап  - ойдың талмас қанаты»
On the 29 of march in our school was held  an event «Кітап мерекесі»between 2-4 grades. The best readers were awarded with certificates.
Author: School №5


Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-30 09:30:41
The Republican Olympiad on general subjects took place in Petropavl from 25 to 30 th March. Kaskabayuly Abdibekov (11 A grade) took the 2nd place in subject “History” and was awarded with the Diploma of the Minister of Education and Science of RK.

Debate «Журек жылуы»

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2016-03-30 06:15:50
Debate «Журек  жылуы»
   On 26 March was hold community debate «Журек  жылуы».  In this debate took part pupils and teachers. At school league took part 9 kazakh schools and 3 russian. At school league took part pupils from school-lyceum №2, school №16, school-gymnasium №7 by S.Seifullin, school №25 by Y.Altynsarin. At Russian league took part pupils schools №1 and school №10. At teach...
Author: Department

The event, held during spring break

Category: Көктемгі демалыс
Date: 2016-03-29 06:32:03
The event, held during spring break
  March 28 was held the event "Birds are our friends" among 6 classes.    
Author: School №16

Psychological preparation for UNT

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-29 05:45:40
Psychological preparation for UNT
On 24/03/2016 at 03/26/2016 days11 the class of pupilto overcome anxiety psychological training was conducted during the UNT on "Жағымды көңіл күй қалыптастырайық". The participants were in a good mood. In kinesiology exercise "Ну ормандағы жаңбыр 'were conducted during the training," Әуенді терапия"," Құмырa ".

Regional Pedagogical Council

Category: school news
Date: 2016-03-28 05:02:15
Regional Pedagogical Council
March 25, 2016 in the online mode (room Karaganda Obl Umc) passed Regional Pedagogical Council, chaired by the head of the education department.   Agenda: 1) On the fight against corruption in the field of education organizations 2) On the teaching of ethics rules 3) The prevention of juvenile delinquency. 4) A new State Program of Education Development of Kazakhstan in the year...

Mobile application "electronic diary"

Category: school news
Date: 2016-03-28 04:23:59
Mobile application
Dear parents! From January 18 you application is available for mobile devices Edu-Mark (application runs on smartphones, tablets running Android operating system). Using the app, you will receive timely information on these estimates, the missed lessons your child to know about the upcoming test your child lessons. You will be able to communicate with the teacher and the class teacher via me...

Сontest expressive reading “Біз нағыз достықты жырлаймыз”

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-28 02:58:25
Сontest expressive reading  “Біз нағыз достықты  жырлаймыз”
26 March in the framework of regional socio-pedagogical project "Оқу  шаттығы" among the students Of 3-4 classes contest expressive reading  “Біз нағыз достықты  жырлаймыз”. The disciples tried to fulfill his expressive work and as accurately as possible to transfer all its essenc The jury evaluated the participants in accordance with the requiremen...

Teachers schools of volleyball competitions were held.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-26 10:53:02
Teachers schools of volleyball competitions were held.
With a view to the formation of the healthy way of life among 25.03.2016 teachers schools of volleyball competitions were held. The team of our school-lyceum took first place. Congratulations!

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