Размер шрифта:


"Алтын бақта - алтын күз"

Category: Новости д\с
Date: 2016-10-21 10:35:26

"Алтын күз"

Category: Новости д\с
Date: 2016-10-21 10:33:05
 Алтын, сары, қызыл, көк, Алуан – алуан жапырақ. Біздің  балабақша күлімдеп, Көз тартады атырап.  Күз – молшылықтың мезгілі.  Бау – бақшадағы көкөкністер мен жемістер жиналатын кез.          Дәл осындай шуақты күні «ЕрТөстік» балабақшасында «Алтын күз» атты ересектор тобында ертең...

«Осенний бал овощей и фруктов»

Category: Новости д\с
Date: 2016-10-21 10:09:34
«Осенний бал овощей и фруктов»
  «Осенний бал овощей и фруктов»             21 октября под названием «Осенний бал овощей и фруктов» по мотивам сказки «Золушка» прошло развлечение для детей  логопедической  группы «Речевички» д/сада «Ер Төстік», на который пришли  золушка, мачеха, дочь и зо...

«Осенние приключения»

Category: Новости д\с
Date: 2016-10-21 10:04:53
«Осенние приключения»
  «Осенние приключения»               Чего в детском саду обычно ждут дети? Конечно, праздника! Пусть в календаре и нет никакой знаменательной даты, но почему бы не устроить праздник в честь другого события, например, праздник Осени. 21 октября 2016 году у нас в детском саду «Ер Тостик»  прош...

Literary evening dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Mukagali Makatayev

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2016-10-21 07:55:04
Literary evening dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Mukagali Makatayev
   21.10.2016, in the secondary school №8 held a literary evening dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the great poet of the Kazakh people Mukagali Makatayev organized by the teachers of the Kazakh language and literature AU Abilov, MK Zhumabaeva The evening was attended by students of 8-9 class names. They learned a lot about the work of the poet and the attention of the senior classe...
Author: School №8

On October 14, 2016 in school-gymnasium №7 named S.Seifullin it was the round table to the theme: «Spiritual Path to the Unity people» with the students of 9-11 classes. It was organizated by the teacher of History Nakypbekova 2h.s. in ho

Category: News
Date: 2016-10-21 07:19:01
On October  14, 2016   in school-gymnasium  №7 named  S.Seifullin  it was the  round   table   to the theme: «Spiritual  Path to the Unity people» with  the students of  9-11 classes. It was organizated by  the  teacher of  History Nakypbekova 2h.s. in ho
On October  14, 2016   in school-gymnasium  №7 named  S.Seifullin  it was the  round   table   to the theme: «Spiritual  Path to the Unity people»with  the students of  9-11 classes. It was organizated by  the  teacher of  History Nakypbekova 2h.s. in honor  of  the  spiritual  co...

«Бәрін таста да, оқуды баста!»

Category: мектептің жаңалықтары
Date: 2016-10-21 06:26:57
«Бәрін таста да, оқуды баста!»
The 20th of October at secondary school №5 was arranged the opening of book exhibition“Бәрін таста да, оқуды баста”in the framework of the project “Оқу шаттығы”. The aim: to form reading skills, to increase spiritual wealth and to develop multilingualism. Head of the project “Оқу шаттығы”G.K.Ibraeva explained students about the importance of reading books in a...
Author: School №5

School 2016-2017 academic year on October 18, "clever" between grades 4-6 marathon took place in the city."CLEVER" - smart, agile, able to master.

Category: мектептің жаңалықтары
Date: 2016-10-21 06:18:37
School 2016-2017 academic year on October 18,
  School 2016-2017 academic year on October 18, "clever" between grades 4-6 marathon took place in the city."CLEVER" - smart, agile, able to master. The main purpose of the Olympic Games and objectives: to identify gifted children, encourage creativity and to create the necessary conditions for their support; general education subjects to participate in national comp...
Author: School №5

18-28 October old "talented daralaymız" a ceremonial drill began with a decade of talents.

Category: мектептің жаңалықтары
Date: 2016-10-21 04:12:21
18-28 October old
18-28 October old "talented daralaymız" a ceremonial drill began with a decade of talents. Purpose: to bring students to the level of national values ​​in the world, has developed its own approach to individual training and activity, izdenimpazdıqqa training, education and the owner can use the talent to take their own education. Deputy of the school at the drill Ïbraybekova A...
Author: School №5

Literary and musical evening "A song is born of beauty"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2016-10-21 02:52:27
Literary and musical evening
  20.10.2016, in the secondary school №8 held a literary-musical evening "A song is born of beauty." Organized evening music teacher Seifullina GT, Sarsembekova DS
Author: School №8

In high school №24 among grades 1-8 was an exhibition of paintings dedicated to the Day of spiritual accord on the subject: "We are for peace," "We want peace."

Category: New
Date: 2016-10-20 17:39:05
In high school №24 among grades 1-8 was an exhibition of paintings dedicated to the Day of spiritual accord on the subject:
In the secondary school №24 among grades 1-8 was organized an exhibition of drawings devoted to the day of spiritual consent on the theme: "We favour peace", "We are for peace". All their dreams, all their desires, all their vision of the world expressed in his work.Students actively participated in these events. You can mention the works 8B; 3B; 3A; 2 classes.  
Author: School №24

«Зайырлы мемлекет және биік руханият» тақырыбында кітап көрмесі ұйымдастырылды.

Category: New
Date: 2016-10-20 17:37:35
«Зайырлы мемлекет және биік руханият»  тақырыбында кітап көрмесі ұйымдастырылды.
Мектепішілік жоспар бойынша мектеп кітапханасында «Зайырлы мемлекет және биік руханият»  тақырыбында кітап көрмесі ұйымдастырылды. Кітапхана меңгерушісі Шолакова Л.Б оқушыларға Рухани  күнінің шығу тарихы мен , Зайырлы мемлекеттің не екеніне түсінік берді. Сонымен қатар көрмедегі Абай, Шәкәрім, Қожа Ахмет Иассауидың дін саласында жазған сөздеріне тоқталды. Сонымен  қат...
Author: School №24

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