

Date: 2016-12-28 03:52:41
22.11.2016 Passed the self-study in 4B class. Self-training had done his homework on the Russian language and literary reading. On Russian language I remembered all the rules necessary to exercise. Used reference tables. Individual assistance was provided as needed to all children. In reading all children have read the work. Actively participated in the discussion, conclusions, inferences,...

Winners of the Olympic

Category: school news
Date: 2016-12-28 03:21:27
On a weekly line there took place the ceremony of rewarding of winners of the Olympic of pupils of a gymnasium. Congratulated them and the deputy director for studies Dosymkhanova M. K. wished all the best, progress in study and affairs.

«Мой президент,мой народ, моя нация »

Category: Новости сада
Date: 2016-12-27 15:13:59
«Мой президент,мой народ, моя нация »
Сегодня 30.11.2016года в детском саду "Балдырған" прошел утренник посвященный Дню Первого Перзидента республики Казахстан. Ребята читали стихотворения посвященные Н.А.Назарбаеву,пели песни о своей Родине,о родном языке,танцевали,играли.Узнали много нового и познавательного для себя .Впечатления о празднике остануться в сердах малышей навсегда.

From 23.12-27.12 .2016 "New year, new light!" Was a festive event

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-12-27 11:22:28
From 23.12-27.12 .2016
From December 24-26, 2016, primary school "near Green Tree" celebrated the New Year's holiday. Remote increasing in terms of the name of the holiday Santa Claus came early in the Snow Maiden, will delight the audience. As well as characters from fairy tales and cartoons came to visit the children. The children sang and danced. Singing around the Christmas tree, and played various g...

26.12.2016 in our mini center conducted new year matinee.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-12-27 05:29:49
26.12.2016 in our mini center conducted new year matinee.
26.12.2016 in our mini center conducted new year matinee. In the matinee were rabbits, bears and little snowflakes. All of them danced and our children said different poem to the Father Frost. The children played different games and received  presents.  


Date: 2016-12-27 04:19:31
                   The long-awaited children's holiday — it is certainly the child's birthday. And on Friday, 23 December 2016, at the school - General boarding was the day of the birthday. Happy holiday made for those born in the month of December. Unlike other holidays, this day the child be...

As part of the regional project "Reading is fun" was a traditional contest "The most reading family -2016"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-12-26 02:16:34
As part of the regional project
  Objective: To instil the skills of reader activity through the development of a family of creativity and co-operation between home and school, cause and strengthen the interest of children and adults for joint leisure activities. At the end of the contest Akbokeevyh family won the challenge cup.

The open lesson on the theme: "Pets"

Date: 2016-12-25 17:39:31
The open lesson on the theme:
December 21, 2016 was given an English lesson in 1 class "A" young specialist Kharkevich Veronika Evgenevna on "Pets" reading, writing, listening, speaking - at all stages of the lesson the lesson of a foreign language have been complied with. There was a good collaborative environment that contributed to lasting learning of students. During the lesson, we used pieces of mu...
Author: School №17

Mosaic. The application of the paper

Date: 2016-12-24 08:18:06
Mosaic. The application of the paper
                 20.12.2016 was held an open lesson on the theme mug "Mosaic. The application of the paper". The session began with the mental attitude, the children gave each other a smile and wished success. Then the children guessed riddles, of which learned, what techniques they will work. All the child...


Date: 2016-12-24 08:13:23
22.12.16 9 "B" class was conducted the self-study. Self-training students have completed the drawing (graphic work), and geography ( orally).

There was a readers' conference on the book "Kepiet"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-12-23 11:28:57
There was a readers' conference on the book
  Chairman of the literary and public association "Қalamger" Journalists' Union member, "Balқash өңіrі" newspaper editor, Үkіlі books author Umit "," Shandoz "," Peshene "," Kөkshe kөlіnің samaly "," Samghau "," Үrker tuғanda "," Shashubay "," Peshene "," Dalam Menin - Menin cue ",...

"Қош келдің, жана жыл!"

Category: Новости д\с
Date: 2016-12-23 08:29:22
«Қош келдің, жаңа жыл!»   Балалар асыға Аяз атаны күтіп сыйлық алғысы келетін бұл қыс мезгіліндегі  көрініс екені белгілі .Соған орай «Ер Төстік» балабақшасында «Қош келдің, жаңа жыл!» атты ертеңгілік өтті. Жана жыл мейрамында балалар әннен шашу шашып, әсем әнмен билеп, өз өнерлерін көрсетті.

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