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Өрт қауіпсіздігі

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-01-20 10:38:01
Өрт қауіпсіздігі
In January 19 in the kindergarten «Zhuldyz» teacher did the lesson about fire safety in the older groups. The teacher showed a slide to children about fire safety, after watching the slide the children answered the questions. The children played up the situation. The children were interested, they played different games. After the lesson the children answered the questions confidentl...

19 января прошла консультация на тему "Роль дидактических и народных игр в нравственно-патриотическом воспитании"

Date: 2017-01-20 10:11:52
19 января прошла консультация на тему
          19 қаңтарда тәрбиеші Битенова Динара Куаткызы тәрбиешілерге арнап «Отаншыл-   адамгершілік тәрбиеге дидактикалык және халықтық ойындардың рөлі» тақырыбында кеңес өткізді. Нравственное воспитание подразумевает воспитание дружеских взаимоотношений между детьми, привычку играть, трудиться, заниматься сообща; формирование умений договариваться, п...

City competition of the essay "My City — Balkhash"

Category: school news
Date: 2017-01-20 04:38:07
In a city competition of the essay "My City — Balkhash" 1 place was taken by the schoolgirl Erzhanova  Ayaulym of 6A class  

Training on the theme :"Psychological defense mechanisms"

Date: 2017-01-17 04:49:44
Training on the theme :
In secondary school 24 the leadership of the psychologist G. M. Kulumjanova among students in grades 6-9 was held training on the topic: "Psychological defense mechanisms".
Author: School №24

Open lesson on the theme "Winter" Abay

Category: New
Date: 2017-01-17 04:20:21
Open lesson on the theme
14.01.2017 year in the secondary school №24 was held an open lesson 5A class on the theme "Winter" of Abai Kunanbaev, the young professional Nrtisa D. And for the purpose of dividing the experience of NIS.
Author: School №24

Information on the range among students of general secondary school №8 of the action with the threat of terrorist attacks

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-01-16 11:02:35
Information on the range among students of general secondary school №8 of the action with the threat of terrorist attacks
   January 16, 2017 in the school conducted a ruler, according to a letter the Department of Education of Karaganda region from 06.01.2017, the №11-2 / 40 and newsletters education department of the city of 01/11/2017, the teacher nachalnoy military training Erimbetov TE conducted explanatory work, prepared by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan relating to terrorist threats...
Author: School №8

In the mini center “Tanshuak” conducted sports entertainment on thetheme «Көңіді қыс»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-01-13 10:48:26
In the mini center “Tanshuak” conducted sports entertainment on thetheme «Көңіді қыс»
13.01.2017 years in the mini center “Tanshuak” in the groups «Түймедақ», «Дамытушы», «Раушан» conducted sports entertainment on thetheme «Көңіді қыс»,  in which the children sang songs, danced, played winter sports, such as:«Хоккей», «Қар жинау», « Шана»to promote a healthy lifestyle.

«Шырша жасай бер»

Date: 2017-01-12 09:13:47
«Шырша жасай бер»
Қалалық акцияға қаладағы балабақша мен мектеп педагогтары қатысты. «Ақбота» балабақшасының  тәрбиеленушілерінің  қатысуымен  «Шырша жасай бер» атты мерекелік іс-шара өтті.  №10 орта мектеп ЭКО клуб «Фламинго»  оқушылары «Живи елочка»  деген  билерін билеп берді. Акцияның қорытындысында қатысушылар қағаздан жасалға...

Участие в профессиональных пробах

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-01-12 02:17:03
Участие в профессиональных пробах
5 января 2017 года учащиеся 9-х классов,  в количестве 11 человек приняли участие в профессиональных пробах, которые организовали и провели мастера и студенты Балхашского технического колледжа. Перед учащимися выступила заместитель директора по ВР Хисмутдинова В.Э., которая озвучила  профессии, по которым будут проведены пробы. Учащиеся распределились по группам и вместе с мастерами...
Author: School №10

Школа встречает Новый год – год Петуха

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-01-12 02:14:21
Школа встречает Новый год – год Петуха
В канун Нового года в школе началась подготовительная работа к празднику. Были  закреплены за классами участки школы для новогоднего оформления, назначены ответственные за подготовку сценария, составлен и утвержден  график проведения утренников, вечеров. Проведена работа по созданию эскизов оформления здания школы, внутреннего оформления.        ...
Author: School №10

Pedagogical Council

Category: Pedagogical advice
Date: 2017-01-11 03:22:45
Pedagogical Council
          5 January 2017 at the boarding school was the pedagogical Council, on the theme "Formation and development of a health-preserving educational environment inspiring a pupil to lead a healthy lifestyle." The teachers ' meeting held in the form of an auction of pedagogical ideas on which teachers considered the five lots that make...

Winter games

Category: The event
Date: 2017-01-11 03:20:54
Winter games
6 January 2017 as part of the winter vacations held city events. At 11-00pm. on the waterfront of the city held the winter sports contest among the school population of the city in crime prevention. There were six teams, commanders was inspector of GUIP. In the relay there were six contests, which included tug of war, sledding, doing snow with a stick, and others. The first place took the tea...

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