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Olympiad of the Humanities among the 5-8 grades

Date: 2017-01-22 08:25:56
Olympiad of the Humanities among the 5-8 grades
At secondary school 17 was held the round of the subject Olympiad of the Humanities among the 5-8 grades, which was attended by 284 students. The Olympiad assumed a certain contest of students of secondary General education institutions, requiring the participants to demonstrate knowledge and skills in one of the disciplines. The Olympiad was accompanied by the opening ceremony, the headmast...
Author: School №17

Regional Parent Meeting online.

Date: 2017-01-22 07:10:33
Regional Parent Meeting online.
January 21, 2017 held a regional parent meeting online. Viewed meeting: the parents in the amount of 107 students and 9-11 cells in an amount of 113 people.    During the meeting, the parents received recommendations to protect children from unwanted and sometimes dangerous world of content on the Internet. Were described in detail how the safety of children on the roads. Parents had...
Author: School №17

"Economics, Business and Law KOLLEDJI- modern education brand!" Psychological counseling.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-01-21 12:27:00
On 18.01.2017 a conscious effort to alleviate the plight of professional training and career guidance and focus on the choice of profession. In this direction, the city of Karagandy "economy, business and law education KOLLEDJI- modern brand!" Psychological, physiological characteristics and abilities and professional interests and professional school period to make a choice based on p...

"Learn to choose the right profession" discussion

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-01-21 12:23:12
On 19.01.2017 the students' interests and abilities of the person in the process of choosing a profession in order to optimize taking into account the needs of the labor market "after the Republican People's Hero Koshkarbaev" Balkhash technical college teachers in grade 9 MGA "Learn to choose the right profession" securities held discussions with advertising and ads c...

The city of Karaganda, chemical-biological "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" on the basis of "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" AEO experience in the broadcasting of "modern school libraries in the center of creativity and intellectual development".

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-01-21 12:19:56
The city of Karaganda, chemical-biological
The city of Karaganda, chemical-biological "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" on the basis of "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" AEO experience in the broadcasting of "modern school libraries in the center of creativity and intellectual development". Balkhash seminar attended 15 schools and school librarian B.Toyşıbekova.

My city Balkhash

Category: The competition
Date: 2017-01-21 08:21:02
My city Balkhash
On the eve of celebration at the Palace of schoolchildren held a competition essay on the theme the 80th anniversary of Balkhash town "My city of Balkhash". Pupil of 6 "A" grade won an honorable 2nd place and was awarded a diploma of Acerbi Mels.

Regional parent meeting

Category: Parent Community
Date: 2017-01-21 07:25:22
Regional parent meeting
21st January at 12.00 hours in the online mode it took the regional parent meeting were considered questions such as: 1. "Safe childhood": - The threat of the Internet and how to protect children from inappropriate content; - How to ensure the safety of children on roads; - How to protect our children from non-traditional religious movements? 2. What is education's new content...

Кітапханаға саяхат

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-01-20 10:42:55
Кітапханаға саяхат
In January 20 kindergarten«Zhuldyz» with older children went to the library called A.Gaidar. At the beginning of the tour the adults talked with the children about books. The children saw the Magic suitcase of books, which made the trip to our city from Germany, the children got acquainted with the books, which were stored in the suitcase. A girl told a taleto the children and childr...

Өрт қауіпсіздігі

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-01-20 10:38:01
Өрт қауіпсіздігі
In January 19 in the kindergarten «Zhuldyz» teacher did the lesson about fire safety in the older groups. The teacher showed a slide to children about fire safety, after watching the slide the children answered the questions. The children played up the situation. The children were interested, they played different games. After the lesson the children answered the questions confidentl...

19 января прошла консультация на тему "Роль дидактических и народных игр в нравственно-патриотическом воспитании"

Date: 2017-01-20 10:11:52
19 января прошла консультация на тему
          19 қаңтарда тәрбиеші Битенова Динара Куаткызы тәрбиешілерге арнап «Отаншыл-   адамгершілік тәрбиеге дидактикалык және халықтық ойындардың рөлі» тақырыбында кеңес өткізді. Нравственное воспитание подразумевает воспитание дружеских взаимоотношений между детьми, привычку играть, трудиться, заниматься сообща; формирование умений договариваться, п...

City competition of the essay "My City — Balkhash"

Category: school news
Date: 2017-01-20 04:38:07
In a city competition of the essay "My City — Balkhash" 1 place was taken by the schoolgirl Erzhanova  Ayaulym of 6A class  

Training on the theme :"Psychological defense mechanisms"

Date: 2017-01-17 04:49:44
Training on the theme :
In secondary school 24 the leadership of the psychologist G. M. Kulumjanova among students in grades 6-9 was held training on the topic: "Psychological defense mechanisms".
Author: School №24

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