
Protection against emergencies

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-02-07 12:03:50
Protection against emergencies
   February 6, 2017 in the secondary school №8 among pupils of 8-9 classes was organized and held a meeting with the participation of employees of the city rescue service on prevention of emergency situations. Specialists conducted outreach on the need to comply with safety requirements when riding in winter, on the behavior of ice, in an interview with the legitimate representatives o...
Author: School №8

"I believe in young people..."

Category: New
Date: 2017-02-07 08:16:44
In gorodka the competition of compositions "I believe in young people..." among students in grades 7-8-9, participated and our students won prizes. Turak Madina took third place, and Tuskali Aiajan awarded the main prize.
Author: School №24

Information about the scientific -practical conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the city Balkhash «The heroes in the history of native city»

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2017-02-07 05:14:07
Information about the scientific -practical conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the city Balkhash «The heroes in the history of native city»
      The 3rd of February , 2017 on the basis of SSH№1M. Gorky held scientific-practical conference of students' characters in the history of native city. "The purpose of the conference: the demonstration and promotion of scientific research achievements of students, to attract public attention to the formation and development of intellectual potential, education of child...
Author: Department

Физкультурный праздник «Ертостик в гостях у ребят»

Date: 2017-02-07 05:08:40
Физкультурный праздник «Ертостик в гостях у ребят»
2017 жылдың 2 ақпанында балабақшада «Ертөстік балаларда қонақта» тақырыбында спорттық мерекесі өтті. Балаларға қонаққа Аққала келіп, оны кейін Мыстан кемпір ұрлап кетті. Бірақ Ертөстік батыр келіп, балаларға Аққаланы құтқаруға көмектесті. Балалар әр түрлі сайыстарға қатысып, өздерінің күштерін, жылдамдылықтарын, ептіліктерін көрсетті, осыдан кейін Мыстан кемпір Аққаланы жіберуге мәжб...

Қыс мезгілінде алдын ала сақтану шаралары

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-02-07 03:09:13
Қыс мезгілінде алдын ала сақтану шаралары
2017 жылдың 06 ақпаны күні  құтқарушы  қызметінің маманы Б.С. Абжанова оқушылармен «Қыс мезгілінде алдын ала сақтану шаралары», «Жол қозғалысының ережелерін сақтау туралы», «Мұзда жүру » тақырыптарында әңгіме жүргізді. ЖББ № 10 орта мектеп көл жағалауына жақын болғандықтан, көлде қауіпсіздік ережелерін сақтауға үлкен көңіл бөлінді.  
Author: School №10

OnJanuary 4, 2017 due to the World "Universiade2017" the passage of the parents and pupils of the Grade 3 held family competition"Tolagay".

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-02-06 11:32:18
OnJanuary 4, 2017 due to the World
OnJanuary 4, 2017 due to the World "Universiade2017" the passage of the parents and pupils of the Grade 3 held family competition"Tolagay". They play sport games, to increase interest in the sport, speed and agility training in order to live a healthy life. Family of 5 members of the competition. 5 key stages of the competition. As a result, the jury of the participants at a...


Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-02-05 04:33:44

"Daughters of the son of the Great Steppe" competition of small-scale projects.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-02-04 13:38:28
On February 3, 2017 "Parassat" their school "Girl Silk" Women's Association "Kazakh Miss" in accordance with the plan of the Kazakh people to intensify the work of the community in order to foster the popularization of the daughters of the Kazakh leadership, "the daughters of the son of the Great Steppe" competition of small projects . The project as g...

On February 1, 2017, the graduates of information to assist in the choice of future profession.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-02-04 13:33:06
On February 1, 2017, the graduates of information to assist in the choice of future profession.
On February 1, 2017 to assist in the choice of future profession school graduates in Karagandy "the future" of the Academy of Pedagogical Ph.D., professor of psychology and pedagogy Akparova Jeanne Muslimovna 11 appearance, vocational orientation berip.Mektep effective answer to the question that students -lïcey information.

Lesson of the city.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-02-04 13:24:47
Lesson of the city.
January 31, 2017, on plans to transform the experience of NIS biology teacher AB Tokmağanbetova at the city level with the on-line 8B class "Stone fish" held an open lesson in a new format.

"The school No. 7 in the city of Balkhash" MGA 7 A gymnasium class "Gas pressure. The actions of gravity of liquids and gases pressure "lesson at the city level.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-02-04 13:20:18
According to the plan in order to exchange experience on 30.01.2017 "Balkhash 7 school gymnasium" MGA 7 A gymnasium class "Gas pressure. The actions of gravity of liquids and gases pressure "lesson at the city level. The main goal: development of basic terms in the three languages ​​of physics, the gravity of liquids and gases to determine the pressure trying to undermine the...

Grade 9 students and their parents updated content, education and general education about the changes that took place in the meeting.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-02-04 13:15:11
Grade 9 students and their parents updated content, education and general education about the changes that took place in the meeting.
Grade 9 students and their parents on January 26, 2017, updated content, education and general education about the changes that took place in the meeting. The agenda of the "obvious" or announces to the test, "Edumark" enclosure and electronic kündelikpen, "Safe Internet" and discussed the issues recorded in the field of vocational guidance. The second part of...

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