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Regional festival on economics of business ideas, "I am a businessman" between 1-5 classes on the basis of a specialized school for gifted children named N.Nurmakova.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-02-24 09:55:07
Regional festival on economics of business ideas,
17/02/2017 number of Karaganda regional festival held on the economy of business ideas, "I am a businessman" between 1-5 classes on the basis of a specialized school for gifted children named N.Nurmakova. This festival was attended and defended its Projects in the nomination "Applied Economics" on the theme "My first salary" pupil 5 "G" class Tұyaқ Akyerke...

"Жас оқырман" жобасы бойынша «Кітап алтын қазына» атты семинар практикум

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-02-24 09:01:17
In the 23nd of February in the kindergarten «Zhuldyz» was a seminar with parents about the project. It was attended by the director of kindergarten, a psychologist and methodologist and the director of library named A.Gaidar. In the beginning of the seminar the director K.B.Zhakisheva outlined with aims and objectives of the project. She explained how to attract interest of children...

"Afghan fire Memories" held a meeting with veterans of the Afghan war.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-02-24 06:48:40
February 23, 2017 School-Lyceum TRUE history of the Afghan war, opening the way to independence ağalarımızdıñ fought with the courage to be an example for the next generation, patriotic, heroic and training, in order to show respect for the veterans of the Afghan war, organized on the occasion of the 28th anniversary of the end of the Afghan war "in mind fire in Afghanistan "Mee...

A meeting of students with the staff "of the Center for Analysis and issues of interfaith relations in Balkhash town"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-02-23 11:56:10
A meeting of students with the staff
   22 February 2017. there was a meeting of students in grades 9 to employees "Center for the Study and Analysis of Balkhash town interfaith relations problems" on "Dіni toleranttyқtyң қaғidalary -patriotizm, beybіtshіlіk zhane ruhani kelіsіm" Goal: To familiarize with the basic directions of the state in the framework of education of Kazakhstan patriotism, intere...
Author: School №8

The basis for the modernization of the education system of teacher professional development. On February 22, 2017 in accordance with the plan of the Department of Education to implement the decision of the Board in August "educated country forever" "Schoo

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-02-23 11:41:02
The basis for the modernization of the education system of teacher professional development. On February 22, 2017 in accordance with the plan of the Department of Education to implement the decision of the Board in August
The basis for the modernization of the education system of teacher professional development. On February 22, 2017 in accordance with the plan of the Department of Education to implement the decision of the Board in August "educated country forever" "School Day" event. Updating the content of education to update the contents of a future-oriented education padagogterdiñ...

Secular society - the state guarantee of prosperity

Category: school news
Date: 2017-02-23 10:51:01
  Secular society - the state guarantee of prosperity   23 February at KSU "Gymnasium of Balkhash town" was organized scientific-practical conference of students 9 Class "A secular society - the state guarantee of prosperity." The organizer of the conference was the teacher of the optional course "Secularism and religious foundations" Kalibekova...

№24 орта мектебінде «Қазақстан –мейірімділік мекені» атты республикалық балалар бастамасы жайлы ақпарат.

Category: New
Date: 2017-02-22 12:26:55
№24 орта мектебінде «Қазақстан –мейірімділік мекені»  атты республикалық балалар бастамасы жайлы ақпарат.
№24 орта мектебінде Қарағанды облысы Білім басқармасы Қазақстан Республикасы Білім  және Ғылым министрлігі 2017 жылдың қаңтар – маусым аралығында «Қазақстан –мейірімділік мекені»  атты республикалық балалар бастамасын өткізуге ұсыныс жасалды. Республикалық балалар бастамасының мақсаты:  Мейірімді істерге , қайырымдылық акцияларына оқушылардың қатысуын қам...
Author: School №24

City intellectual competition PONY

Category: The competition
Date: 2017-02-21 07:25:25
City intellectual competition PONY
               02.02.2017 In elementary school was a competition of linguistics of the Russian language "PONY 2017" among pupils of classes 3.4. Active participation – children 3 B and 4 A grades. The task of the competition, we picked the difficult words, define logical character. Worked on the text to find an...

«Қазақстан-мейірімділік мекені» атты республикалық балалар бастамасы бойынша өткізілген іс-шаралар фотоесебі

Category: Новости
Date: 2017-02-21 05:18:38
     ЖББ №25 орта мектебінде 2016-2017 оқу жылының ақпан айының 1-і күні «Қазақстан-мейірімділік мекені» атты республикалық балалар бастамасының жұмыс жоспары жасалынып, 1-11 сыныптың сынып жетекшілері мен оқушыларға сап жиынында таныстырылды.    Ақпан айының 6-сы мен 11-і аралығында 1 «А» және 1 «Б» сыныптарында «Үлкендер...
Author: School №25

Information about the decade on the subject "Self-knowledge" in the school № 24 of Balkhash on the theme " Teaching of Love and Creativity"

Category: New
Date: 2017-02-20 06:01:04
Information about the decade on the subject
From 2nd to 13th February in school №24 was conducted a decade on the subject "Self-knowledge", on the theme "Teaching of Love and Creativity." A plan for such a decade. The decade opened with a solemn line. In this regard, in the library book exhibition on the theme of  "Meyirim tokken Ana". At the new stage of education of the younger generation the actual pr...
Author: School №24

лекция по профилактике религиозного экстремизма

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-02-20 01:47:59
лекция по профилактике религиозного экстремизма
16.02 2017 года  в ОСШ №10 для учащихся 9-х и 10 классов проведена лекция по профилактике религиозного экстремизма. Перед учащимися выступили члены лекторской группы в составе:  директора КГУ «Центр изучения и анализа проблем межконфессиональных  отношений города Балхаш»  Бейсембаевой Бахыткуль Сертаевны,  директора централизованной библиотечной системы г. Ба...
Author: School №10

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