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Ажурная коса

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-02-27 06:38:30
Ажурная коса
Под таким названием 25.02 в школе прошел конкурс причесок,  в котором приняли участие  7,8 классы. Инициатором конкурса стал Совет матерей «Сердце матери». От каждого класса  были представлены три модели причесок: школьная, праздничная и повседневная. Ведущая конкурса  Тила Галина Владимировна  начала конкурс  словами  о красоте девичьей косы, котор...
Author: School №10

Знать, чтобы защищаться!

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-02-27 05:02:50
Знать,  чтобы защищаться!
22 февраля для учащихся 8-11 классов проведена лекция «Профилактика СПИДа». Лектор медсестра  городского Центра СПИД Магер Людмила Шарифовна. Слушатели  были ознакомлены с причинами заражения болезнью века. Большое внимание  уделено  ведению здорового образа жизни. Был показан  видеоролик.  Учащиеся задали вопросы,  на которые  ответила  л...
Author: School №10

Широкая масленица

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-02-27 04:59:12
Широкая масленица
25.02 на  спортивной площадке осш №4 прошел праздник «Широкая масленица», в котором приняли участие учащиеся школ города. Открыли праздник скоморохи и ведущая, роли которых исполнили ученики осш №10                               &n...
Author: School №10

school Day

Date: 2017-02-25 17:53:56
school Day
24/02/17 February school was school day. On this day, there were series of open lessons, which are attended by teachers and principals of other schools.
Author: School №17

"Алғыс айту" күніне орай өткен іс- шара ақпараты

Category: New
Date: 2017-02-25 02:59:06
24 орта мектебінде "Алғыс айту" күніне орай қалалық Өнер мектебі ұжымының жетекшілігімен мектебіміздің оқушыларының қатысуымен шығармашылық концерт жəне көрме ұйымдастырылды. 24.02.2017 ж
Author: School №24


Category: New
Date: 2017-02-25 02:55:49
24 орта мектебінің 9 сынып оқушылары қаламыздың медициналық колледжінде "ЗАНИМАТЕЛЬНАЯ АНАТОМИЯ" тақырыбында өткен сайыска қатысты.22.02.2017 ж
Author: School №24

KSU "School-lyceum №15 of Balkhash town" informs that the February 24, 2017 in the school-lyceum was held doctrine to inculcate skills in the case of fire safety in the presence of Chief GNVQ PSP Balkhash major civil protection Grabowski DC, just exercise

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-02-25 02:45:01
KSU "School-lyceum №15 of Balkhash town" informs that the February 24, 2017 in the school-lyceum was held doctrine to inculcate skills in the case of fire safety in the presence of Chief GNVQ PSP Balkhash major civil protection Grabowski DC, just exercises 538 schoolchildren 33pedsostav, technicians 21 people were involved.

Regional festival on economics of business ideas, "I am a businessman" between 1-5 classes on the basis of a specialized school for gifted children named N.Nurmakova.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-02-24 09:55:07
Regional festival on economics of business ideas,
17/02/2017 number of Karaganda regional festival held on the economy of business ideas, "I am a businessman" between 1-5 classes on the basis of a specialized school for gifted children named N.Nurmakova. This festival was attended and defended its Projects in the nomination "Applied Economics" on the theme "My first salary" pupil 5 "G" class Tұyaқ Akyerke...

"Жас оқырман" жобасы бойынша «Кітап алтын қазына» атты семинар практикум

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-02-24 09:01:17
In the 23nd of February in the kindergarten «Zhuldyz» was a seminar with parents about the project. It was attended by the director of kindergarten, a psychologist and methodologist and the director of library named A.Gaidar. In the beginning of the seminar the director K.B.Zhakisheva outlined with aims and objectives of the project. She explained how to attract interest of children...

"Afghan fire Memories" held a meeting with veterans of the Afghan war.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-02-24 06:48:40
February 23, 2017 School-Lyceum TRUE history of the Afghan war, opening the way to independence ağalarımızdıñ fought with the courage to be an example for the next generation, patriotic, heroic and training, in order to show respect for the veterans of the Afghan war, organized on the occasion of the 28th anniversary of the end of the Afghan war "in mind fire in Afghanistan "Mee...

A meeting of students with the staff "of the Center for Analysis and issues of interfaith relations in Balkhash town"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-02-23 11:56:10
A meeting of students with the staff
   22 February 2017. there was a meeting of students in grades 9 to employees "Center for the Study and Analysis of Balkhash town interfaith relations problems" on "Dіni toleranttyқtyң қaғidalary -patriotizm, beybіtshіlіk zhane ruhani kelіsіm" Goal: To familiarize with the basic directions of the state in the framework of education of Kazakhstan patriotism, intere...
Author: School №8

The basis for the modernization of the education system of teacher professional development. On February 22, 2017 in accordance with the plan of the Department of Education to implement the decision of the Board in August "educated country forever" "Schoo

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-02-23 11:41:02
The basis for the modernization of the education system of teacher professional development. On February 22, 2017 in accordance with the plan of the Department of Education to implement the decision of the Board in August
The basis for the modernization of the education system of teacher professional development. On February 22, 2017 in accordance with the plan of the Department of Education to implement the decision of the Board in August "educated country forever" "School Day" event. Updating the content of education to update the contents of a future-oriented education padagogterdiñ...

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