
06.10.2017 год. Экскурсия и участие в учениях по пожарной безопасности

Category: News
Date: 2017-10-09 10:09:16
06.10.2017 год. Экскурсия и участие в учениях по пожарной безопасности
06.10.2017 год. Экскурсия и участие в учениях по пожарной безопасности
Author: School №4

05.10.2017 г. посещение городской библиотеки.

Category: News
Date: 2017-10-09 10:07:08
05.10.2017 г. посещение городской  библиотеки.
05.10.2017 г. посещение городской  библиотеки.
Author: School №4

02.10.2017 in KSU "SNR № 4" the librarian of the school Bedelbaeva Zauresh Karibaevna organized an exhibition dedicated to the 120th anniversary of writer Mukhtar Auezov.

Category: News
Date: 2017-10-09 10:05:41
02.10.2017 in KSU
02.10.2017 in KSU "SNR № 4" the librarian of the school Bedelbaeva Zauresh Karibaevna organized an exhibition dedicated to the 120th anniversary of writer Mukhtar Auezov. The exhibition was attended by students of grades 5-7. With the students of 8 "A" class, the librarian held a library hour on the theme "The genius of the Kazakh steppe". The students got acquainte...
Author: School №4

Students 8 "G" class 06/10/2017. visited the city historical museum of local lore, where they listened to the lecture from the cycle "Name on the city map".

Category: News
Date: 2017-10-09 10:03:25
Students 8
Students 8 "G" class 06/10/2017. visited the city historical museum of local lore, where they listened to the lecture from the cycle "Name on the city map". The students got acquainted with the biography of the great biy sary-Arka Karamende bi. Abdullin Erken Azhanovich told the students about the life of the great biy., Accompanying his lecture with interesting facts from th...
Author: School №4

Информация о проведении Дня Знаний «Я – патриот своей страны» КГУ ОСШ № 4 - 2017 г.

Category: News
Date: 2017-10-09 09:50:59
Информация о проведении Дня Знаний «Я – патриот своей страны» КГУ ОСШ № 4  -  2017 г.
Информация о проведении Дня Знаний «Я – патриот своей страны» КГУ ОСШ № 4  -  2017 г.   В целях реализации о общенациональной идеи и Патриотического Акта «Мәңгілік Ел», является организация глубокого изучения и продвижение  среди обучающихся масштабных идей и концептуальных подходов к духовному обновлению общества, содержащихся в статье Г...
Author: School №4

"Human health and its dependence on the way of life"

Category: Health day
Date: 2017-10-09 08:52:13
05.09.2017 year with the students interviewed 7 and 9 classes on "human Health and its dependence on the way of life"   During the conversation touched on such topics as:   1. What determines human health, 7 rules of a healthy lifestyle.   2. The main components of a healthy lifestyle   3. We are for healthy lifestyle!   4. Educators in elem...

Clean town starts from yard

Category: Сенбілік
Date: 2017-10-07 07:11:16
Clean town starts from yard
Cleaning day was held under this motto near the linguistic school №16. Students and teachers cleaned the area around the school and the trading house "Technodom".    
Author: School №16

The day of self-management

Category: Өзін-өзі басқару
Date: 2017-10-07 05:51:44
The day of self-management
The day of self-management students’ favourite holiday.  Every year, on the day of the teacher  students of 11thgrade organized the "self-management".  The day was started with where students ccongratulatedon teachersand school administration. Students prepared surprise for school teachers by decorating hall with teachers’ photos.  
Author: School №16

Training for children of primary school

Category: Психологиялық тренинг
Date: 2017-10-07 05:45:18
Training for children of primary school
Development of the ability of the students will be developed during the learning process. Child - the source of creativity,the gift of nature. So, the development of children's creativity, activity skills, conducted in order to improve teaching and training. "We are together" Objective: to teach children to establish relationships with each other, device rate of movement of the...
Author: School №16

The first ring «Отаным – бақыт Ордасы!»

Category: Білім күні
Date: 2017-10-07 05:15:16
The first ring «Отаным – бақыт Ордасы!»
The solemn line of the first ring "the Motherland is happiness" was held at school №16 of the linguistic direction. The Deputy akim of the town Zhaksylykova Sayagul and veteran teacher, graduator of our school, engineer of the Balkhash copper-smelting factory Maden Tanatar were presented in the line. At the solemn meeting, the Director of the school U.A..Sartayeva, Deputy akim of B...
Author: School №16

Competition of readers devoted to the Day of languages on the theme: "Тілдің мерейі – елдің мерейі"

Category: Тілдер күні
Date: 2017-10-07 04:12:46
Competition of readers devoted to the Day of languages on the theme:
The readers competition "Тілдің мерейі – елдің мерейі" devoted to the day of Languages was held among pupils of 3-4 grades. The aim of the competition was the development of pupils' love of country, respect for native language, love of country and patriotism. Pupils read works of writers, developed the expansion of spiritual consciousness, country, language, respect increas...
Author: School №16

The transition to the Latin script - the right decision

Category: News
Date: 2017-10-06 15:34:35
The transition to the Latin script - the right decision
On September 6, at the boarding school №2 named after M.Rusakov, the history teacher Zhanat A. in 6th grade "A" conducted an extra-curricular activity called "The transition to the Latin script - the right decision" Everyone knows that at present the public stands for and against the transition to the Latin alphabet. If someone reveals the good sides of the transition to th...

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