
Здоровье - это Здорово!!!

Date: 2017-11-21 09:34:45
Здоровье - это Здорово!!!
Солнце, воздух и вода, Наши лучшие друзья. Всем это знакомо с детства. Догадались что за день сейчас? День здоровья вот у нас! Мы сегодня всех поздравим, Настроенье вам подарим! Пусть здоровье будет крепким, Крепкими чтобы были нервы!

"Витаминная корзина" для друзей

Date: 2017-11-21 09:01:00
17 қараша 2017жылы «Аппликация» сабағынан ортаңғы топта ашық сабақ өтті. Балаларға қонаққа Матроскин  себетпен келді. Ол өзінің достарының ауырып қалғанын, оларға жеміс-жидектер қажет екенін айтты. Балалар қиып, жабыстырып жұмысқа кірісті. Соңында Матроскиннің достарына арнап бір себет жеміс-жидектер жинады. Сабақ соңында Матроскин балаларды мадақтап, сыйлық ретінде тәтті ви...

Открытое занятие по «Лепке».

Date: 2017-11-21 06:17:12
Открытое занятие по «Лепке».
16  қараша 2017жылы «Мүсіндеу» сабағынан бірінші кіші тобында ашық сабақ өтті. Балаларға қонаққа өзінің  түрлі-түсті құрсауын жоғалтып алған көңілсіз сайқымазақ қонаққа келді. Балалар оған қуана көмектесіп, жаңа, әдемі түрлі-түсті құрсаулар жасап берді. Сабақ соңында сайқымазақ балаларды мадақтап, оларға тәтті конфеттер таратты. 16 ноября 2017 года в первой младшей гр...

А solemn line dedicated to the initiation into the ranks of young «Rusakov» «An Unforgettable Person"

Category: News
Date: 2017-11-20 15:18:45
А solemn line dedicated to the initiation into the ranks of young «Rusakov» «An Unforgettable Person
November 20 at the boarding school №2 named after MP Rusakov, a solemn line was opened with the national anthem dedicated to the 125th birthday of Academician MP Rusakov. The goal: to tell the students about the life, creativity and achievements of Academician Rusakov, as well as to educate them to love the homeland, the people. The head of the school Rahimberlina Zamzagul Narymbekovna said cong...

Информация по проведению мероприятия «Тәрбие және білім»

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2017-11-20 10:42:27
В проектный офис                                                                &...
Author: Department

We believe in life!

Category: School news
Date: 2017-11-20 10:18:13
We believe in life!
16.11.2017 year in the boarding school among pupils of 4-6 were held sports competitions "We believe in life!". The aim of the competition: to promote healthy lifestyles, the promotion of sport, as an alternative to negative habits. Conducted physical education teacher of Agibaev A. J. the Competition was held at a good level. All students actively participated, costoulas team spirit....

We are for safe traffic on the roads

Category: School news
Date: 2017-11-20 10:13:29
We are for safe traffic on the roads
15.11.2017 year in the boarding school among students in grades 1-4 took a creative contest of drawings on the theme "We are for safe traffic on roads" aimed at ensuring road safety.   The contest was organized for the purpose of prevention of accidents among children of primary school age, creativity, the promotion of young talents. The results of the competition were awarded...

«Елін сүйген, елі сүйген Елбасы»

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-11-20 06:46:51
«Елін сүйген, елі сүйген Елбасы»
                 В рамках программы «Рухани жаңғыру» в направлении «Дарындар елі» в КГКП «Дворец школьников» 20 ноября 2017 год состоялась концертная  программа  «Елін сүйген, елі сүйген Елбасы», посвященная празднованию Дня Первого Президента Республики Казахстан. В концертной программе прин...


Category: News
Date: 2017-11-19 15:48:56
11.15.2017  presentation of the essay, presentations and video films of the project "Rodina" took place in grades 5-6. Purpose: to expand students' understanding of the values ​​of "native land". Explaining the importance of the homeland in human life. Developing the ability to take care of the motherland. Encourage love, respect and a sense of beauty. Students a...

National currency - my pride

Category: News
Date: 2017-11-19 15:18:04
National currency - my pride
On November 15, was held the class hour "National currency - my pride" in 8 "A" class The purpose of the event was: to provide information about the national currency of the Independent Country "tenge", its history of origin, the proclamation of the tenge as a national currency. The class participants demonstrated their interest in this event, reflecting the new c...

Жол қауіпсіздігі

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-11-17 12:05:23
Жол қауіпсіздігі
In the kindergarten Zhuldyz the action was held (road safety week) On the basis of the action in the Bell Camp group, a caring mother was held with the participation of parents. The purpose of the competition is to popularize the use of retroreflectors as a means of personal safety of pedestrians while driving on roads. Also in the senior group Kyzgaldak was held a lesson on the theme of the dri...

"Two stars" song and dance competition.

Category: New
Date: 2017-11-17 10:56:19
In the boarding school at KSU OSHS number 24 was a song and dance contest "Two stars" among pupils of grades 3-7, pupils of a boarding school. The competition consisted of 4 stages. Particularly active were pupils of grade 4a Kuanyshbek Aizada, 3a Ermekova Madina, 3a Imandigulov Ahniet, 7a Kairat Miras
Author: School №24

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