
"Transition to the Latin language - a guarantee of achieving the Kazakh language of international level.

Category: News
Date: 2017-11-25 03:56:44
      November 10, 2017 in 9Әclass was an open lesson on the Russian language on the topic "Transition to the Latin language - a guarantee of achieving the Kazakh language of international level. Type of lesson: lesson-seminar. At the lesson, students expressed their opinionson the need for Kazakhstan to transit  to the Latin alphabet. At the lesson were considered...

"Transition to the Latin language - a guarantee of achieving the Kazakh language of international level

Category: News
Date: 2017-11-25 03:32:11
       November 10, 2017 in 9Әclass was an open lesson on the Russian language on the topic "Transition to the Latin language - a guarantee of achieving the Kazakh language of international level. Type of lesson: lesson-seminar. At the lesson, students expressed their opinionson the need for Kazakhstan to transit  to the Latin alphabet. At the lesson were consi...

Trade and Agriculture

Category: News
Date: 2017-11-24 20:01:12
Trade and Agriculture
November 24 in the framework of a ten-day social and humanitarian announcement. History teacher Zhanat A.Zh. held an open lesson in the history of Kazakhstan  in the 7a class on "Trade and Agriculture". The purpose of the lesson is to explain the history of trade development and its significance. During the lesson the class was divided into groups according to the method "Maz...

We have the city seminar at the 23rd of November in 2017 in our school №5.The name of the seminar was: "NISH: An experience. Charity.Cause.”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2017-11-24 09:49:34
We have the city seminar at the 23rd of November in 2017 in our school №5.The name of the seminar was:  "NISH: An experience.Charity.Cause.” The aim of the seminar: to share their work experience on the renewed program for professional growth. Objectives: - to establish contact with the magnetic schools to convey the pedagogical experience of our teachers.   &n...
Author: Department

«Қалыптастырушы бағалау: мәселе, көзқарас, пікір» тақырыбында өткен қалалық семинар туралы ақпарат

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2017-11-24 09:02:10
23 қараша күні №16 лингвистикалық орта мектебінде қала мектептерінің информатика пәні мұғалімдері арасында «Қалыптастырушы бағалау: мәселе, көзқарас, пікір» тақырыбында семинар өткізілді. Өткізілген семинардың  мақсаты білім беру мазмұнын жаңартудағы мәселе, көзқарас, пікірлерімен бөлісу. Семинарда  №24, №16, №2 лицей мектептерінің информатика мұғалімдері тәжірбиелерім...
Author: Department

Leader of the President - Migration is a perfect country

Category: News
Date: 2017-11-23 16:06:33
Leader of the President - Migration is a perfect country
  On November 23, a round table was held on the topic "The President is a Leader of Nation". Purpose: to show students information about President Nursultan Nazarbayev, the owner of a diverse talent, an energetic person; propagandizing the image of the president of the country, which swept the country and made our state strong; Loving the Motherland, educate the country. ...

Days of the Week

Category: News
Date: 2017-11-23 15:37:04
Days of the Week
November 23 in boarding school № 2 them. M.P. Rusakova held an open lesson in class 2 "A" in English in the framework of the Week of Social Humanitarian Disciplines. The lesson theme is "Days of the Week". The purpose of the lesson: Students can recognize and write the days of the week, recognize and pronounce common verbs, listen to everyday life and describe them. In this l...

Youth supports the idea of modernizing the consciousness

Category: News
Date: 2017-11-23 15:10:53
Youth supports the idea of modernizing the consciousness
22.11.2017 at boarding school №2 named after M.Rusakov teacher of primary schoolZhetpis Bakhyt and Tuleuva Aida Maratovna held a discussion among young specialists on the theme "Youth supports the idea of ​​modernizing the consciousness" The aim of the above-mentioned event was to inform the goals of modernization of consciousness and to promote modernization national values ​​among yo...

Мой любимый город

Category: Новости д\с
Date: 2017-11-23 08:49:29
Мой любимый город
Дошкольном  учреждении «Ер Төстік»прошла тематическая неделя  посвященная  юбилею города Балхаш.  В ходе которого специалисты и педагоги детского сада провели открытые занятия на темы: «Поем о тебе наш любимый город!», «Балхаш наш общий дом!»,«Қалаға саяхат!», «Сүйікті қалама сыйлық!».Где была проведена предварительн...

«Our opportunity!»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-11-23 06:21:21
«Our opportunity!»
INFORMATION KSU «Lyceum №15 of Balkhash» region of KaragandawasHigh-techstartupbetweenthepedagogueforprofessionalexcellence, which called seminar «Our opportunity!»(functionally literary teacher).   Category of participants:  KSU «Lyceum №15of Balkhash»  pedagogues and the school teachers of magnetics, coordinators.   Our team:K...

Go to the Latin alphabet. This is the guarantee of the Kazakh language's advancement to the international level.

Category: News
Date: 2017-11-23 04:39:30
Go to the Latin alphabet. This is the guarantee of the Kazakh language's advancement to the international level.
    Go to the Latin alphabet. This is the guarantee of the Kazakh language's advancement to the international level. On this topic Ayatbekova DE held an open lesson in 4 in the classroom, gymnasium  №7 named after Saken Seifullin.

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