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"Alem tanyan Tulga".

Category: News
Date: 2017-12-05 03:28:05
      November 25, teacher of Kazakh language and literature, Semenova A. M. held a writing competition for grades 5-7. The results were summed up. The winners were awarded. In the library for students in grades 1-4 corner was organized on the theme"Alem tanyan Tulga".

Balapan zholdys

Category: News
Date: 2017-12-05 03:26:38
Balapan zholdys
       In the school-gymnasium No. 7 named after S.Seifullin within the framework of the spiritual revival program, in order to identify new talents and artists with new names in the age-balapan zholdys. "Youngperformersoyagledtheirspeeches. 25 contendersandspectatorsparticipated.

Thank you letter

Category: News
Date: 2017-12-05 03:22:10
Thank you letter
         The Republican intellectual center - the "IQ" conducted kokursy drawing and writing. In this competition took an active part students KSU "School №7 them. Saken Seifullin" under the guidance of a teacher of Russian language and literature of G. B. Umbetzhanova 12 students won prizes awarding of diplomas. Congratulations!

25th November at No. 7 school gymnasium named after S. Seifullin was held draughts tournament among students grades 1-6.

Category: News
Date: 2017-12-05 03:19:37
25th November at No. 7 school gymnasium named after S. Seifullin was held draughts tournament among students grades 1-6.
    25th November at No. 7 school gymnasium named after S. Seifullin was held draughts tournament among students grades 1-6. The competition in checkers held a primary school teacher Aiman Isabaeva Tursybekova.

24 орта мектебінде « Қазақтың Ұлы баласы» тақырыбында кітап көрмесі өтті.

Category: New
Date: 2017-12-04 15:57:26
24 орта мектебінде « Қазақтың Ұлы баласы» тақырыбында кітап көрмесі өтті.
Мақсаты: Қазақстан Республикасының Тұңғыш Президентінің өмір жолы, қадір қасиеті, тұлғалық тұғыры, ерен еңбегі туралы түсінік бере отырып, оқушыларды елжандылыққа, азаматтыққа, отансүйгіштікке тәрбиелеу. Көрмеде оқушылар Елбасы жайлы қысқаша мағлұмат алды және Елбасы жайлы жазылған кітаптар мен Елбасымыздың туындыларымен танысты.Оқушылар да өз білгендерімен бөлісіп, ойларын айтты.Сонымен қатар...
Author: School №24

"Ата -баба аңсаған Мәңгілік Ел " тақырыбында ашық тәрбие сағаты өтті.

Category: New
Date: 2017-12-04 15:50:56
24 орта мектебінде 1 желтоқсан- Қазақстан Республикасының Тұңғыш Президент күніне орай құрылған жоспарға сай 9 а сыныбында "Ата -баба аңсаған Мәңгілік Ел " тақырыбында ашық тәрбие сағаты өтті. 
Author: School №24

Weekend Club

Category: News
Date: 2017-12-04 15:48:44
Weekend Club
December 3, 2017 in the club " Day of rest" was held a culminating hour dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the composer, People's Artist of Kazakhstan, State Prize Laureate, Professor Zhubanova Gaziza Akhmetovna. At the lesson, the students got acquainted with the biography of Gaziz Akhmetovna, also with her work. Her works were listened to, and also video materials are shown. Sc...

«Заманауи педагогтің кәсіби өсуін дамыту» тақырыбында семинар – тренинг

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-12-04 10:39:50
«Заманауи педагогтің кәсіби өсуін дамыту» тақырыбында семинар – тренинг
On December 4, in our kindergarten, was held a training seminar for teachers and educators on the topic "Zamanaui pedagogtyn kasibi osuin damytu" in accordance with I Strategy. The goal is to develop effective and diverse forms of professional development of teacher

20.11.-30.11.2017 subject week naturally mathematical cycle

Category: "Elbasy-el-Teregi"
Date: 2017-12-04 05:13:13
20.11.-30.11.2017 subject week naturally mathematical cycle
      Тhe week of Association of natural disciplines passed at school.       Heard out the weekly open lesson of teachers of mathematics, chemistry, biology, geography, extracurricular work, creative lectures.       Modern technologies allow maximally widely to use information. "In the modern world young people need new knowledge, that corres...
Author: School №5

"Our President"

Category: "Our President"
Date: 2017-12-04 02:29:18
5 And class C. hands. Imangalieva J. M. held class hour on the theme "Our President" is dedicated to December 1 – Day of the First President. Objectives: to acquaint with the historical events of the development and establishment of our country the Republic of Kazakhstan; to reveal the important role of the President.. Nazarbayev in establishment of independent Kazakhstan; to nur...
Author: School №5

"President N.Nazarbayev, the founder of the independent republic of Kazakhstan."

Category: President N.Nazarbayev, the founder of the independent republic of Kazakhstan."
Date: 2017-12-04 02:14:31
 November 30 in 2b.class was an open class on the topic "President N.Nazarbayev, the founder of the independent republic of Kazakhstan." In the classroom, the president's life was mentioned, about his love for the Motherland, about his people and about the upbringing of his disciples. Domesticfeelings.
Author: School №5

Information on holding events dedicated to the Day of the First President of Kazakhstan

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-12-02 04:21:05
Information on holding events dedicated to the Day of the First President of Kazakhstan
     Since November, 2010 in the general secondary school, there have been planned events dedicated to the Day of the First President. December 1 - in view of the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a large-scale action plan was approved for secondary school No. 8.       The first president of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursult...
Author: School №8

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