
Be careful, sect!

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-01-21 22:41:36
Be careful, sect!
   January 15, 2018 in the secondary school № 8 round table on the topic "Beware, sect!" Among 9-10 classes.Teachers of history G. Bakirov, Z. Zhakupov and V. Zhamkeev gave students the idea of the main goal of negative religious movements characterized by incorrect tendencies. Children were presented with videos about religious extremism and terrorism. The students were expl...
Author: School №8

«Жасыл ел балалар көзімен»

Category: «Жасыл ел балалар көзімен»
Date: 2018-01-21 22:19:04
«Жасыл ел балалар көзімен»
"Өркен" the small academy of sciences organized ІҮ open regional десткую competition-exhibition in that 31 participated students high educational school №5 in age from 7 11 to on a theme "Жасыл ate балалар көзімен".     On results the competition of all participants rewarded diplomas for participation.  And only 4 participants of school occupied a prize place...
Author: School №5

Influenza prevention, one of the main winter problems in the recovery of children and employees

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2018-01-21 22:07:57
Influenza prevention, one of the main winter problems in the recovery of children and employees
Very relevant in the middle of January was a lecture prepared by specialists of the Diagnostic Center for H5N1 influenza prevention. Teachers and technical staff actively took part in the dialogue, received exhaustive answers to all their questions.

Наши достижения: Второе место в республиканском творческом конкурсе "Золотая Осень"

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2018-01-21 21:54:08
Наши достижения: Второе место в республиканском творческом конкурсе
 Педагоги и дети старшей группы награждены дипломом II степени за подготовку Осеннего утренника..Награждение - это всегда радость и эмоции, мотивацуия к активному участию в конкурсах.

Regional seminar "Spiritual and moral development in" Spiritual revival "

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2018-01-21 21:41:54
Regional seminar
The family of our educator Balkhaeva Ismaila publicly defended the project in the competition "Doll in national costume" Doll in Ingush costume, made by parents, knowledge and observance of traditions, the Ingush language has succeeded the whole project.

Успешное развитие страны - адаптация в новом мире

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2018-01-21 21:30:07
Успешное развитие страны - адаптация в новом мире
10.января с сотрудниками  нашего коллектива было проведено разъяснение  Послания Президента РК «Новые возможности развития в условиях четвертой промышленной революции"  народу нашей страны. С большим пониманием члены коллектива  восприняли данный документ, в котором главную роль Президент отводит новой системе образования, которая должна отвечать современным потреб...

Новый год в Простоквашино

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2018-01-21 20:49:13
Новый год  в Простоквашино
В гости к малышам пришли Кот Матроскин и пес Шарик, дети старшей группы.Они нашли на утреннике своих друзей: щенков и котят. Дети младшей группы активно участвовали в танцах, играх, что даже не  пытались узнать своих родителей, которым предложили переодеться в карнавальные костюмы.

Round table with parents on the topic "Conflict situations between parents and adolescents, ways to solve them"...

Category: News
Date: 2018-01-20 20:07:50
Round table with parents on the topic
      On January 18, held a round table with parents on the topic "Conflict situations between parents and adolescents, ways to solve them". Objective: To raise the level of parents' psychological and pedagogical competence in relation to the relationship between parents and children. 21 parents and 9th grade students took part in the round table. To determine...

Meet the parents

Category: News
Date: 2018-01-20 17:47:53
Meet the parents
       Parents' meeting was held in school-gymnasium № 7 named after S.Seifullin and theMessage of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan NursultanNazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan "New opportunities for development in the context of the fourth industrial revolution" was discussed.  

Discussion of the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the round table

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-01-20 12:49:36
 Discussion of the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the round table
           On the discussion and explanation of the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev "New Development Opportunities in the Conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution" in the Palace of Schoolchildren on January 20, 2018, a meeting of deputies of the Children's  Maslikhat took place, where the deputies took an...

"Adami kapitalyn zhana sapasy"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-01-20 10:43:23
01/16/2018 Mathematics teacher of KSU "Lyceum № 2 named after Abay of Balkhash town" Elzhan B.T. took part in the City Asset at the Akimat with a speech on the Message of the Head of State N.A. Nazarbayev on the topic: "Adami kapitalyn zhana sapasy". In her speech, she explained in detail the program of teaching a new format of mathematics and natural sciences, on in-depth st...
Author: Lyceum №2

Training in emergency

Category: School news
Date: 2018-01-20 08:08:23
Training in emergency
Report   on the conduct of training on emergency situations           15.01.2018 G.   On the basis of a schedule of exercises and training in OSIOT Balkhash conducted training on emergency situations on the topic: "the actions of the permanent staff and students in case of accidents on the neighboring chemically hazardous objects, used...

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