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Жолдау - 2018

Category: Жолдау - 2018
Date: 2018-01-22 17:39:03
Жолдау - 2018
On 10 January, 2018 meeting of school stuff dedicated to positions of President’s Message of the Republic of Kazakhstan – N.A.Nazarbayev “New opportunities for development in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution”. We support the President’s Message.      
Author: School №16

N.А.Nazarbayev "new possibilities of development in the context of the Fourth industrial revolution" to explain the President's address 10 -11class.

Category: "New possibilities of development in the context of the Fourth industrial revolution"
Date: 2018-01-22 16:56:58
   "Secondary school №5", KSU N.А.Nazarbayev "new possibilities of development in the context of the Fourth industrial revolution" to explain the President's address 10 -11class. 
Author: School №5

«Winners of the scientific project»

Category: «Winners of the scientific project»
Date: 2018-01-22 15:39:14
«Winners of the scientific project»
     Purpose:To define and develop talents of each student according to their age, abilities, and to combine with creativity and research activity. On January 15-16, Karaganda hosted a contest of educational and research works within the 48th scientific-practical conference. Grade 5 students Sultan Murat and Adambek Zhumatai, Grade 7 students Sagynyshyzy Aiyshagul and Bolatbe...
Author: School №5

In 2018 of January, 19 from 23.00 hours to 00.00 hours yesterday jointly with the inspectors of school a nightly raid was conducted.

Category: In 2018 of January, 19 from 23.00 hours to 00.00 hours yesterday jointly with the inspectors of school a nightly raid was conducted.
Date: 2018-01-22 15:23:41
In 2018 of January, 19 from 23.00 hours to 00.00 hours yesterday jointly with the inspectors of school a nightly raid was conducted.
Report on a nightly raid passing   2017-2018 school year  in KGU «General middle school №5 cities Balkhash»      In 2018 of January, 19 from 23.00 hours to 00.00 hours yesterday together with the inspectors of school a night raid was conducted. On a night raid a cafe, shops, playing clubs, were visited and such streets as 1,2,3,17,21 microregions, stree...
Author: School №5

Collection was conducted in a pedagogical collective with the purpose of elucidation of Message of President of Republic Kazakhstan Nursultana Abishevicha Nazarbaeva about «New possibilities of development of industry in the conditions of Fourth revolutio

Category: "New possibilities of development in the context of the Fourth industrial revolution"
Date: 2018-01-22 15:13:06
Collection was conducted in a pedagogical collective with the purpose of elucidation of Message of President of Republic Kazakhstan Nursultana Abishevicha Nazarbaeva about «New possibilities of development of industry in the conditions of Fourth revolutio
   At middle school №5 on collection was January, 5 12, 2018 conducted in a pedagogical collective with the purpose of elucidation of Message of President of Republic Kazakhstan Nursultana Abishevicha Nazarbaeva about «New possibilities of development of industry in the conditions of Fourth revolution».
Author: School №5

20 января 2018 года на базе специализированной школы - интерната "Зияткер" состоялся городской семинар

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2018-01-22 14:38:36
20 января 2018 года на базе специализированной школы - интерната "Зияткер" состоялся городской семинар для заместителей директоров школ по информатике и библиотекарей школ города. Цель семинара - научить присутствующих алгоритму создания QR -код на книги. Как известно, среди читателей все большую популярность приобретают электронные версии книг. Но не всегда читатели располагают вре...
Author: Department

Ы.Алтынсарин атындағы ЖББ №25 орта мектебінің ұжымына Мемлекет басшысы Н. Ә. Назарбаевтың«Төртінші өнеркәсіптік революция жағдайындағы дамудың жаңа мүмкіндіктері» атты жолдауын таныстыру туралы ақпарат

Category: Новости
Date: 2018-01-22 12:31:44
Ы.Алтынсарин атындағы ЖББ №25 орта  мектебінің  кәсіподақ  төрайымы Қ.Қ.Ныгыметжанова ұжыммен «Төртінші өнеркәсіптік революция жағдайындағы дамудың жаңа мүмкіндіктері» туралы жиналыс өткізді.   Бұл Жолдау жаңа әлемге,яғни «Төртінші өнеркәсіптік революция әлеміне бейімделу мен жетістікке жету» жолын табу үшін не істеу қажеттігін айқындады.2017 жылы бі...
Author: School №25

At the KSU "SSSh No. 24" a meeting was held within the framework of the discussion of the Address of the Head of State N.Nazarbayev "New Development Opportunities in the Conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution"

Category: New
Date: 2018-01-22 12:21:55
At the KSU
A meeting was held with the staff of KSU "OShS number 24" in the framework of the discussion of the Address of the Head of State N.Nazarbayev "New Development Opportunities in the Conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution"
Author: School №24

Қыс қызықтары

Category: Іс-шара
Date: 2018-01-22 11:53:03
Қыс қызықтары
Мектебімізде «Қыс қызықтары» тақырыбы бойынша мектеп  оқушыларының демалысы ұйымдастырылды. Оқушылар үшін қысқы демалыс қызықты өтті.   «Ертегілер елінде» сахналық қойылым      «Ойнайық та, ойлайық!» танымдық ойын 1 сыныптар       «Жаңа жылым жарқыра»       Тәу...
Author: School №16

Разъяснение и обсуждение ежегодного Послания Президента РК

Date: 2018-01-22 09:22:24
Разъяснение и обсуждение ежегодного Послания Президента РК
В детском саду «Балақай»состоялось собрание коллектива с целью разъяснения и обсуждения Послания Президента РК «Новые возможности развития в условиях четвёртой промышленной революции»  Сегодня мир вступает в эпоху четвертой промышленной революции, эру глубоких и стремительных изменений: технологических, экономических и социальных. Для этого нужно сконцентрировать...

President's Message

Category: «Казахстанские родители ХХІ-века»
Date: 2018-01-22 06:38:37
President's Message
“To meet the new times, we have to unite into a single nation-nation, which is on the verge of a historical ascent in the conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution,” the words of our president.


Category: Новости сада
Date: 2018-01-22 06:00:19
Purpose: Formation of a culture of healthy lifestyle with teachers in the kindergarten. Co-operative work with children and the family. Business activities with the teachers: "Cocktail", "Soccer", "Dewa production of toxic substances in the body by means of breathing exercises", "Anthropologist's Respiratory Exercises"

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