
The action "One region - one book" ...

Category: News
Date: 2018-02-24 11:46:29
The action
     On February 23, within the framework of the project "One region - one book", were summed up the results of the contest of drawings and staging "Parade of Fairy Tales", which took place in grades 2-4. Gratitude for the drawings competition was given to 4 "A" class, the winners in the staging were also students of 4 "A" class.

Победа в интеллектуальной олимпиаде

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-02-23 17:55:38
Победа  в  интеллектуальной олимпиаде
        24 января 2018 года на базе ФАО «НЦПК «Өрлеу»»ИПК ПР по Костанайской области, в целях поддержки  и поощрения талантливых педагогов дополнительного образования,  выявления новых форм и методов работы с талантливыми и одаренными детьми проходила Республиканская интеллектуальная олимпиада для педагогов дополнительного образования «...

Educational hours on the topic "I choose life!"

Category: News
Date: 2018-02-23 16:58:45
Educational hours on the topic
    On February 22, at boarding school № 2 named after M.P. Rusakov was held  educational hourson the topic "I choose life!" in 2 "A" and in 3 "A" classes. The purpose of the educational hour in grade 2–is to promote understanding that life is a precious gift for a person who is given only once. Give a deeper knowledge about life values. To...

“Ауғанстан – жүректегі жара”

Category: Тәрбие
Date: 2018-02-23 15:32:23
“Ауғанстан – жүректегі жара”
 4В сыныбында “Ауғанстан – жүректегі жара” сынып сағаты өтті. Сынып сағатына Ауған соғысының ардагер – жауынгері Сакенов Берикхан Тукенович шақырылды. Кездесуде сынып оқушылары өнерлерін көрсетіп, ардагер жауынгерге  сұрақтар қойды.  
Author: School №16

School day KSU "School №17 named. VV Mayakovsky»

Date: 2018-02-23 12:43:00
School day KSU
Author: School №17

A sports event "The Generation Will Focused on the National Game"...

Category: News
Date: 2018-02-23 12:21:12
A sports event
     On February 22, was held a sports event between 5 "A" and 5 "Ә" classes. The theme of the competition is "The Generation Will Focused on the National Game" In the competition the classes took part as teams "Tulpar" and "Kyran". The goal: to improve the physical shape of children, improve athletic skills and abilities, usin...

Жбб№9 орта мектебінің «Қазақстан – мейрімділік мекені» акциясының ақпараты

Category: Republican children's initiative "Kazakhstan is a territory of kindness"
Date: 2018-02-23 11:39:46
Жбб№9 орта мектебінің «Қазақстан – мейрімділік мекені»  акциясының ақпараты
Мектебімізде «Қазақстан – мейрімділік мекені» атты республикалық бағдарламасына орай «Мектеп бөлмесіндегі»  гүлдерді күту   күнін 1-7 сыныптар арасында оқушылар әр сыныпта  ұйымдастырды.
Author: School №9

The promotion of the fight against religious extremism and terrorism

Category: School news
Date: 2018-02-23 11:15:11
The promotion of the fight against religious extremism and terrorism
In February 2018, according to the work plan, OSIOT to promote the fight against religious extremism and terrorism was held the following events:   13 Feb conversation for students in grades 1-4, "tolerance is the basis of harmonious relations", responsible Brovkina O. V. a primary school teacher. During the conversation, the children together with the teacher talked, talked a...

« The day of school 2018 » MPI« School – gymnasium №7 after S.Seifullin»

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2018-02-22 14:55:13
« The day of school 2018 » MPI«School – gymnasium №7 after S.Seifullin» I part « Behind the pages of the textbook» Purposes: the improvement of the activity of the school library and museum in the formation of civil and patriotic qualities, using potential of local lore, search engine,and researchperformance. Educational-methodological complex a...
Author: Department

Functionally literate teacher

Category: News
Date: 2018-02-22 13:04:57
Functionally literate teacher
     On the eve of the traditional school day on 20.02.2018 the teachers showed the lessons of "Art work" and lessons on the effective use of IWR. Lessons of "Artistic Labor": Grade 5 (boys group), theme: "Musical Instrument Making", Tleubekova M.K. - technology teacher; Grade 5 class (group of girls, theme: "Preparing the Product Decoration"...

School- gymnasium №7 organized the Day of School

Category: News
Date: 2018-02-22 11:37:15
School- gymnasium №7 organized the Day of School
       20.02.2018 at school-gymnasium №7 organized the Day of School. The teachers of the Russian language and literature SharipovaGulnurBaiymbetovna and the teacher of the English language ZhortarovaAzharKaidarkyzy showed fragments of lessons using digital educational resources. During the lesson the students showed their profoundand literate knowledge of the digital educati...

Training alarm in emergency cases

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-02-21 22:49:22
February 21, 2018 in the secondary school conducted training in the field of civil defense. By radio school, chlorine was released into the air. All the attendants of the educational institution quickly climbed to the top 4 floors of the school wearing safety masks.
Author: School №8

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