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The aunt "Ayauly anashym", held in the mini-center "Aybbek" KSU OSH # 24

Category: New
Date: 2018-03-05 11:08:45
The aunt
Among the pupils of the mini-center "Aybbek" KSU OSH No. 24 was the matinee "Ayauly anashym". In honor of the holiday on March 8, the students performed in front of parents and employees of the minicenter with poems, songs, dance numbers. The events took place at a very high level, and the compilation under the theme "Jean anam" allowed everyone present to feel thei...
Author: School №24

a parent meeting was held in secondary school No. 10. The following issues were considered

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-03-05 10:55:14
a parent meeting was held in secondary school  No. 10. The following issues were considered
On March 2, 2018, a parent meeting was held in secondary school  No. 10. The following issues were considered: 1. Prevention of religious extremism and terrorism; 2. Prevention of juvenile delinquency; 3. Prevention of infectious diseases. The teacher of religious studies Beisenbayeva B. S.  spoke on the first question. Inspector of GUP Gidzhevskaya M.P. told about the preventi...
Author: School №10

Согласно утвержденному плану, учащиеся 6-9 классов ОСШ№24 посетили день открытых дверей ТМПС «ЦМК» г.Балхаш.

Category: New
Date: 2018-03-05 10:48:19
Согласно утвержденному плану, учащиеся 6-9 классов ОСШ№24 посетили день открытых дверей ТМПС «ЦМК» г.Балхаш.
Согласно утвержденному плану, учащиеся 6-9 классов ОСШ№24 посетили день открытых дверей ТМПС «ЦМК» г.Балхаш. Сотрудниками данной организации была проведена профориентационная и практическая работа среди учащихся. Дети активно участвовали во всех видах работ, задавали интересующие их вопросы и получали на них ответы.  В рамках месячника, среди учащихся школы и их родителей была...
Author: School №24

«День гражданской обороны»

Category: New
Date: 2018-03-05 10:07:24
«День гражданской обороны»
В библиотеке ОСШ24 прошла книжная выставка «День гражданской обороны». Выставку посетили 5-7 классы. Дети активно читали книги, задавали вопросы, выражали свое мнение о работе.
Author: School №24

The contest "Healthy Family"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-03-05 10:03:43
The contest
Information about the event at KSU "The Lyceum No. 2 of Abaya Balykhash".   The program of the realization of the program "Orientation to the future: spiritual revival" was conducted by NG Ordabekova. and Physical trainings Satiev MA, Moldazhanova T., Akhmetov Z., Baikalalov SU In the 2nd classes, there were sporting events "Healthy Family".   CELL...
Author: Lyceum №2

Competition "Zhigit sultany" ...

Category: News
Date: 2018-03-04 20:28:04
      On March 2, in accordance with the plan of the decade of educational events in our school, the competition "Zhigit sultani" was held among the 8-9 grades. Purpose: to teach our guys to be courageous, to bring up oratory, resourcefulness, morality, comprehensively developed personalities. Educate confident in their future brave, honest sons who respect the custo...

A round table discussion was held on the topic "We have a sense of brotherhood"...

Category: News
Date: 2018-03-04 19:52:40
A round table discussion was held on the topic
     On March 2, at boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov within the framework of the action plan held within the framework of the "Day of Gratitude" among the 7-8 grades, a round table discussion was held on the topic "We have a sense of brotherhood", the main goal was to educate students in brotherhood, friendship, good communication.

Турнир по шахматам

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-03-04 16:22:39
Турнир по шахматам
С  целью  популяризации  игры в шахматы  и  определения  чемпионов  города  Балхаша  для  участия  в  чемпионатах  Карагандинской  области  и  Республики Казахстан, с 4 февраля  по  11 марта 2018 года  прошел   чемпионат  города Балхаша  по  классическим  шахматам....

КМҚК Оқушылар сарайында 1 наурыз - Алғыс айту күніне орай өткізілген іс-шараларға ақпарат

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-03-04 16:18:01
КМҚК  Оқушылар  сарайында 1 наурыз - Алғыс айту күніне  орай   өткізілген іс-шараларға  ақпарат
КМҚК  Оқушылар  сарайында 1 наурыз - Алғыс айту күніне  орай  өткізілген іс-шараларға  ақпарат              Алғыс айту күні – қазақстандық патриотизм­нің, достығымыз бен бірлігіміз­дің, мәдени саналуандығымыздың жарас­қан күні. Осы   орайда, 26.02.2018-02.03.2018 күндер аралығын...

City contest of information and propaganda groups "Zhaqa ғasır, Zhastar kozimen"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-03-04 16:14:13
City contest of information and propaganda groups
«Жаңа ғасыр жастар көзімен» ақпаратты – насихаттау топтар байқауы            Республикалық бірыңғай жастар мен балалардың «Жас ұлан» ұйымы оқушылардың өмірін қызықты әрі оқиғаға толы етеді.  2018жылдың 27 ақпаны күні Оқушылар сарайында  Рухани жаңғыру бағдарламасын жүзеге асыру аясында «Жаңа ғасыр жас...

Competition "Daughter and Mom"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-03-03 22:12:35
On March 2, 2018, a competition was held at the school called "Өнерлі қыз, өнегелі ана". Girls of 8,9 classes with mothers took part in the competition. As juries were: A.Tokeibekova, the school's director, T. Alcay, deputy director for the academic part, M. Zhumabaeva, the Kazakh language teacher. The contest consisted of four rounds. І tour-card, ІІ tour-monologue, ІІІ tour defil...
Author: School №8

Activities of KGU Ossh No. 5 in Balkhash town,devoted to the Day of gratitude from 01.03.2018 g

Category: Events dedicated to the celebration of March 1 - gratitude Day
Date: 2018-03-03 16:11:21
Activities of KGU Ossh No. 5 in Balkhash town,devoted to the Day of gratitude from 01.03.2018 g
    The day of gratitude was a bright holiday of mercy, friendship and love of all Kazakhstanis to each other.This day of school No. 5 was held the event was organized in the school library book exhibition on the theme: "Bizdin CMS Ben glenum-Kazakhstan halқynyң brighde", 1 to 11 classes held an open class hours on "letter of thanks AITA black!", "Tatulyk-Birli...
Author: School №5

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