
In the secondary school No. 24, in order to develop the program of Ruhani zharyru for the Nauryz holiday, a grandmother competition was held "Ana-әyel-Ruhani zhanyrudyң altyn arқauy"

Category: New
Date: 2018-03-18 21:56:26
In the secondary school No. 24, in order to develop the program of Ruhani zharyru for the Nauryz holiday, a grandmother competition was held
In the secondary school No. 24 in order to develop the program of Ruhani Zharyru for the holiday of Nauryz, a competition of grandmothers "Ana-әyel-Rukhani zharyrudyң altyn arқauy" was held. In the contest, consisting of 5 rounds, 7 families consisting of grandmothers, grandchildren and their parents participated. The most active were awarded in the nominations "Meirbban", &q...
Author: School №24

"Welcome, Nauryz!"

Category: New
Date: 2018-03-18 21:45:51
In KSU SNR No. 24, there was a celebration of "Osh KELDY", NAZURIZ !!!. Students and their parents from the 2nd to the 10th grade took part in the event, and the winners were determined and awarded at the end.
Author: School №24

Fire safety

Category: News
Date: 2018-03-17 16:15:29
Fire safety
      Events were held on the occasion of the Day of Security. The students took part in it. School children shared with their students the knowledge of safety and safety during the breaks and safety exercises, safety of computer work and fire safety. The students got good information.

«Наурыз- жыл басы»

Category: "Қош келдің - Наурыз!"
Date: 2018-03-17 12:01:55
«Наурыз- жыл басы»
       In secondary school №5 in grade 2 "B", on March 16, was held a lesson "Nauryz-the beginning of the year". The holiday was held under a single shanyrak, a united family and happy. The students shared their knowledge about Nauryz, they protected the project in three groups, entertained themselves playing national games. At the Nauryz Holiday, Kydyr At...
Author: School №5

«Наурыз жыл басы»

Category: "Қош келдің - Наурыз!"
Date: 2018-03-17 11:23:35
«Наурыз жыл басы»
       A class event was held outside Nauryz, held between 7 "Ә" and 9 "A" classes. The theme of the extra-curricular event was "Nauryzzhylbassy". During the extra-curricular activities, the students were informed of the customs and traditions of the country.  
Author: School №5

«Қош келдің, Наурыз!»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2018-03-16 17:10:48
«Қош келдің, Наурыз!»
On 16 March 2018y. at mini-centre«Таңшуақ»was a matinee «Қош келдің, Наурыз!»in elder group «Раушан»and middle group«Түймедақ». They demonstrated Kazakh national tradition «Тұсау кесер». Children with Аldarkose played different kazakh games, sang songs and danced.  


Category: News
Date: 2018-03-16 13:01:35
ЭРА НЕЗАВИСИМОСТИ   «Эта книга посвящена моему народу, который всегда меня поддерживал.  Народу, который уверенно идет в будущее своим собственным казахстанским путем» Н.А.Назарбаев   Книга Президента РК Н. Назарбаева «Эра независимости», написанная в жанре исторической публицистики, отражает авторский взгляд на новейшую историю страны и ее б...
Author: School №4

«Өмірге ИЯ деп айт!» республикалық ақпараттық науқанының қорытынды ақпары

Category: «Өмірге ИЯ деп айт!» республикалық ақпараттық науқанының қорытынды ақпары
Date: 2018-03-16 09:04:28
«Өмірге ИЯ деп айт!» республикалық ақпараттық науқанының қорытынды ақпары
      Мектебімізде 2018 жылғы 10 ақпан – 10 наурыз аралығында «Өмірге ИЯ деп айт!» республикалық ақпараттық науқанының жоспары бекітіліп, айлық іс –шара өткізілді.     Мақсаты: Баланы оның денсаулығына зиян келтіретін ақпараттың, насихат пен үгіттің теріс ықпалынан қорғауға қоғамның назарын аудару болып табылады. Жоспар бойынша ата-аналар...
Author: School №5

"With the first ray of spring comes the holiday"

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2018-03-15 20:55:07
Mornings dedicated to the International Women's Day were organized with the participation of their parents. Moms and dads rehearsed with pleasure, danced, responded very responsibly to the performance, actively participated in the games.

The project “Young tourist”

Category: Тәрбие
Date: 2018-03-15 17:05:16
The project “Young tourist”
As part of the Tugan Zher, a number of events are held in all regions of  he country. An unusual project designed for teenagers, students has been successfully implemented in Balkhash, at school 16. The purpose of this project is simply to make the student aware of the world around him and to make students more patriotic. The project “Young tourist” was held at school 16 headed...
Author: School №16

В гостях у сказки

Category: News
Date: 2018-03-15 16:12:18
В гостях у сказки
В гостях у сказки   В рамках областной акции «Один регион – одна книга» учащимся начальных  классов рекомендовано  познакомиться с  казахскими фольклорам. Ученики нашей школы тоже участвует в данной акции, с большим интересом прочитали такие сказки, как «Алдар косе и Шигайбай», «Ер Тостик», «Красавица Кункей»...
Author: School №4

Уроки безопасности

Category: News
Date: 2018-03-15 16:06:51
Уроки безопасности
Уроки безопасности   В нашей Республике, так же как и в других странах, каждый день происходят десятки чрезвычайных ситуаций, различных по масштабам, продолжительности и последствиям стихийные бедствия, катастрофы и аварии сопровождаются гибелью людей, нанесением им увечий, утратой материальных ценностей. Гражданское оборона является обязанностью не только государство, но и населения.&n...
Author: School №4

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