
A talented teacher to gifted children!

Date: 2018-04-05 09:43:04
A talented teacher to gifted children!
Our children took the 2nd place in the regional tour of the Republican Pedagogical Olympiad Talented teacher to gifted children! Congratulations !!!
Author: School №17

On the 19th of March at the school went to a celebratory concert "Kosh keldin merekeli, berekeli az Nauryz!"

Category: "Қош келдің - Наурыз!"
Date: 2018-04-05 09:30:24
On the 19th of March at the school went to a celebratory concert
        March 19 at our school in the framework of the revival of the spiritual - traditional "Kosh keldin merekeli, berekeli az Nauryz!"celebration. The purpose of the presentation to the children about traditions of the Kazakh people Nauryz line, respecting the language and educate him.        The line, organized by the pupils of the 10th c...
Author: School №5

Republican Olympiad in the German language

Category: Olimp
Date: 2018-04-05 09:03:37
Republican Olympiad in the German language
In this academic year, three pupils took the subject Olympiad at the Republican level. A pupil of the 10th grade of Sovetov Eldan took part in the Olympiad in German and took the honorable 4th place. Eldana is learning German from the 11th grade program. For the III place she did not have 0.5 points. In the team competition held in Karaganda Eldana took, also active participation, due to which...
Author: Lyceum №2

Results of the Republican online Olympiad "British Bulldog"

Category: Olimp
Date: 2018-04-05 08:55:08
26 students took part in this online competition, among them 7 pupils won 30% of the prize. They: Іplace - 3 pupils (Sovetova Eldana-10 class, Razbekova Aniya-10, Eydyrsov Kadirbek-10) ІІplace- 2 pupils (Samatova Diana - 8А, Murzakarimov Birzhan-8B) ІІІplace- 2 pupils (Ruslanova Elmiar-11, Kemelbekova Amina-8B). Congratulations !!!
Author: Lyceum №2

"Bright Future"

Category: Olimp
Date: 2018-04-05 08:49:00
The pupils of our lyceum took part in the 10th Republican subject Olympiad in the Kazakh language "Zharzhyn Bolash". Muratbekova ЖІplace, Zarubek Zarina ІІplace, Bagdaulet Aigerim ІІplace, Popova Dinara ІІplace. The team was prepared by the following teachers: AmirbaevaG.M., Imukhametova SS, Kuanyshbekova GK, Baltabay AS, Yerkinova Zh.E. The City Department of Education presented t...
Author: Lyceum №2

"VI Mathematical Competition"

Category: Olimp
Date: 2018-04-05 08:45:48
On March 29, 2013, the VI Mathematical Competition named after T.G. Mustafina. In this competition 4 pupils of our lyceum took part. All in all in Karaganda region 23 teams accepted. The team of the lyceum "Bolashak" took the honorary ІІplace. Congratulations !!! Participants: becoming teams Class Teacher  ...
Author: Lyceum №2

On April 4, in the boarding school № 2 was held the second stage of the traditional "School Day"…

Category: News
Date: 2018-04-04 17:37:04
On April 4, in the boarding school № 2 was held the second stage of the traditional
     On April 4, in the boarding school № 2 was held the second stage of the traditional "School Day". The program of the school day included 3 main stages and the exhibition "Astana - 20 Years of Prosperity and Creation", dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Astana. In the 1st block - "I am a patriot of my homeland" for the implementation...


Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-04-04 17:35:20
   Teacher of the secondary school № 8 Yerimbetov Talgat Egizbaevich took the 1 st place in the regional quadruple among the teachers-organizers of the NVP when performing test tasks. Congratulations!
Author: School №8

Победа на Международной арене!

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-04-04 16:27:25
Победа на Международной арене!
  Победа на Международной арене!   Воспользоваться уникальнойвозможностьюпринять участие в Международном Фестивале-Конкурсе без выезда в Европу, воспользовался воспитанницы КГКП «Дворец школьников» - ансамбль современного танца «CityDance» под руководством Солодовниковой Ольги Александровны.  С 21.03.18 по 24.03.18 в городе Алматы на сцене Казахконцер...

Весенние каникулы-интересно, весело и познавательно!

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-04-04 16:25:42
Весенние каникулы-интересно, весело и познавательно!
                   Весенние каникулы – интересно, весело и познавательно!          Каникулы, каникулы! Весёлая пора! Уже традиция в нашем Дворце школьников города Балхашпроводить каникулы с пользой, весело и интересно. В дни школьных каникул у нас проводятся...

День Дворца - 2018

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-04-04 16:22:08
День Дворца - 2018
День Дворца - 2018 2 апреля  2018 года во Дворце школьников состоялся праздник творчества и добра. Традиционно проходит этот праздник,  на котором воспитанники Дворца школьников демонстрируют свои знания, умения и навыки.В вестибюле прошла презентация проекта по созданию Детского технопарка. На вернисаже  «Рухани жаңғырудың жарқын жолы – ұлттық қолөнер» &n...

24 орта мектебінің 8-9 сынып оқушылары кәсіптік бағдар беру мақсатында Балқаш гуманитарлық техникалық колледжіне кәсіптік сынамаға барды.

Category: New
Date: 2018-04-04 15:09:08
24 орта мектебінің 8-9 сынып оқушылары кәсіптік бағдар беру мақсатында Балқаш гуманитарлық техникалық колледжіне кәсіптік сынамаға барды.
24 орта мектебінің 8-9 сынып оқушылары кәсіптік бағдар беру мақсатында Балқаш гуманитарлық техникалық колледжіне кәсіптік сынамаға барды.
Author: School №24

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